Thomas's Backstory

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Let's just say that my backstory is the same as my sister's. I mean, how I'm earth can we possibly have different backgrounds when we're related? Oh silly must be forgetting one major thing... POINT OF VIEW! My point of view must be important since I was actually acting different like I should when  Luna told the story. Now, I'm not about to repeat what Luna said before. I'll just explain what happened to me and who I was talking to at the construction site. Let's just say that it wasn't me who made all those decisions, it was him...

So let's just start a couple of days before we went into the construction site. It was about 1:00 in the Morning at this time. I was out going to the backwoods where our old tree house was. It looked a little unstable since we haven't used it fixed it in years, but I needed to do something that'll probably kill me, but if it's gonna make my sister the happiest person in the world, I don't care if I die. I climbed up the ladder and entered the house. Board games were scattered everywhere on the floor along with Luna's old stuffed animals. Our dad knew what he was doing when building this masterpiece.

I looked around in our chest where we stored our toys. I know it should be here! Ahh there it is! I took it out and placed it on the table in the middle of the room. This should at least bring Dad's soul to the living world.

The Ouija board...

I cracked my hands and reached into my pockets, taking out a humans tongue. Let's just say when I go out, I don't always go out for volunteer work. Don't tell Luna though! She still doesn't know hehe! Anyway, I placed the tongue on the table next to the board and proceeded to do what was instructed to do. One of my friends had a Ouija board and told me how to use one to get souls from the Other World. I'm sure I did it right since I felt a breeze swift past my face, even though their was no wind at all tonight.

Then something else happened that I believe wasn't supposed to happen. The ground started to shake and the wind felt like it was surrounding me. Everything went all crazy like until I got to dizzy and fell down, the ground breaking below me. As I was falling however, out of the corner of my eye I saw some black smoke going below me. It catch me before I could hit the ground. It then placed me down gently on the ground and flew in front of me.

I was about to question who the demon was, but before I can open my mouth it took in a form of a male. He was a bit taller than me with long black hair and dark red eyes. He dressed like he was going to some formal meeting. Black tuxedo jacket with a white shirt underneath, also having some nice black pants to go along with the attire. I could mistake him for a anime character...but I was going to go to any conclusions.

The demon flew around and and checked me out, holding my arm out and poking my cheek. I just stand still so he wouldn't kill me with a snap. I didn't know demons looked like this. I thought they were going to be ugly, but this guy was hot! No homo...

The demon dude finally backed away and looked at me with his blood red eyes. "Why have you summoned me mortal? This better be some good reason or I'm just wasting my time. Also, do you have any food or is that what the tongue is for? If so I'll totally eat it. I love myself some good mortals."

I blinked in confusion and scratched my head. "Well demon dude...I wasn't supposed to summon you. I was trying to summon my father's soul to make my sister happy. He died some time ago.."

The demon dude sighed and shook his head in shame. "Of course you did. Everyone always uses the board just for their stupid games and whatnot. Anyway, answer my second question please..."

I nodded my head and motioned him to eat the tongue I brought. The demon dude smirked and started to it like it was a normal routine. I almost threw up seeing him eat a human tongue. He chuckled and offered me a little piece of it. I backed away quickly and shook my head. Hell nah ain't eating that!!

"Aww come on it's great!'ll soon be eating it soon and enjoying it just as much as I am. The name is Kage by the way. What about you mortal?"

Man why can't I have a cool name like Kage!? Even Luna has a unique name! Gah whatever! "I'm Thomas demon dude. Also what do you mean I'LL be enjoying it soon?"

Kage looked at me like I was stupid. Its not my fault I don't have a history of researching demons! He rolled his eyes and flew closer to me, putting his cold hands on my shoulders. His eyes started to glow as he looked straight into my eyes. I started to feel dizzy once again like I was going into a trance. This wasn't good...

"I need somewhere to go don't I mortal? I'm defiantly not going back to treat stupid world with the others. I'm gonna take over your body, but not completely. I don't want to be a stupid teenager forever you know. I'll be in your mind talking to you and making you behave the way I want you too. You'll be the only one to see me. I'll make myself be seen by your sister when I feel like it's time. For now, you're gonna have control over me somewhat. I can't do hungry you know or I'll eat your insides. You'll be in charge of feeding me. You'll kill for me and eat the tongues of humans to help fuel my power. If you don't kill, there will be severe consequences and possibly your death. Now, I'm gonna enter your mind and you'll do exactly what I tell you! Your life depends on it Thomas..."


So yeah! I have a demon inside of me! He was the one who made Luna a killer. He made me a killer. He made us eat the insides of humans just for his enjoyment and food. Now I don't know if he's gonna do anything once he gets all his power back, but if he needs me to do it there's no way I'm allowing that. Kage can be very controlling sometimes and even annoying. He tends to ruin a lot of thing between me and my sister and I can't accept that. She's the only family I got right now and if he does anything to her, I don't care if he's a demon, I'll find some way to kill him or at least send him back where he came from!

As I said before, Luna doesn't know about Kage or about that night. I plan on keeping the a secret until Kage finally wants to reveal himself. I don't know what Luna will think when she sees him, but I gotta say she might be a bit angry at me for not saying anything for this long. Kage is a pretty good looking dude though so she might be somewhat calm with me since I let him inside. I guess you can say he's part of the family now! Then again, he isn't related to us so that'll be weird to say. Let's just say we're kinda friends. That sounds better!

Everything else in Luna's point of view goes on the same way so I'm not gonna touch on it. Just now that Kage was there during those times. He was me really making those decisions. I didn't want to have Luna get hurt that badly, but Kage said that he didn't want us to be separated or else that'll cause another problem for me. I guess he does have some heart and feelings towards her. Aww that is so cute! He seems to be between our age so really it should be fine. I never did ask him what was his age. I'll do it later!

Also you might be wondering how I can speak to Kage. I talk to him in my mind! Most of the time at least. When Luna is around we talk in my mind so she wouldn't become suspicious. We usually talk about what we're gonna do once we go out hunting and other things like that. He always brings up my sister, saying things like "What about the beautiful girl over there in front of you?" And "Is she single?' I'm telling you he has something to her! I wouldn't mind, but if he starts doing some nasty thing I swear he's dead! I'm overprotective OK....

Anyway I guess that should be enough explaining to do. Kage tells me that he'll want to have a page to himself and a drawing. He just jealous that's all. I'll see what I can do really. It's not really my decision to be honest. Now that the explaining has been done, I need to go get Luna so we can go kill together! Kage is excited now. He's adorable! I'll probably get a migraine now....but whatever! Take that Demon Dude! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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