Chapter 3

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They woke up, their body's aching when they had tried moving. The mourning sun was only just rising, the fire had been being smothered out.

"O-ow..." Andy groaned. "Everything hurts.."

"Most likely from the transformation process.." River responds,his legs aching.


"I'm fine." Hoodie says.

"YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED!!!!!" Andy shouts bitterly.

"The only ones who probably aren't hurting are Jeff, Liu, Jason, Maybe Masky and Jack, Hoodie." River says.

"I feel like I'm have growing pains again..just the growing pains are breaking my legs.." midnight shouts stumbling to her feet.

"We should probably take it easy today." Masky says,cracking his neck. "River let's get moving so we can get to that town."

"O-Okay.." River says,stumbling.

"Got ya!" Jason says, Grabs Rivers shoulder.

"Me legs are in pain!" River shouts,wrapping his cloak around his shoulders.

"No dur! Your knees are bent backwards!" Andy shouts.

"Lose the attitude." River scowls.


"C'mon let's get moving," Jack says. "We got a long trip a head."

They all get up and mount their horses. They never Really got to look at the horses when they were running, but now they could examine them more carefully. They had all been Clydesdales,known for being large and beautiful.

They ride off, the horses being at an easy paste. River pulls out the correct maps after look through. He opens the map, putting the wrong ones back into the holster.

"We have to go straight for awhile," River says. "So we got a while."

"Uhh, guys where's Spaget?" Andy Asks, a panicky tone in her voice. "I said he'd be in the game when that person asked the D&D question!"

"Calm down Andy, we'll find spaget..." Liu says.

"I swear if anyone touches my baby boy I will start slaughtering." Andy says.

"Hey! Hey Masky! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey Masky!" Toby says, poking Masky while riding next to him.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Jeff shouts.

"Temper much?" Midnight asks.

"Shut up midnight!" Jeff shouts.

"Watch your tone there sparky.." Jason says with a threatening tone.

"Yeah whatever." Jeff says.

"This is gonna be a long ride.." Jack mumbles.

"Agreed.." Andy says.

"Y'know you are a lot more annoying than Toby." Jeff says. "Maybe I should try it."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey freak! Hey hey hey! He-"

"HEY BLEACH BOY!!! HEY HEY HEY!!" Andy snaps.

"Oooo.." Ben says, covering his mouth.

"Haha!" River laughs along with the others

"Excuse me!" Jeff sneers.

"Your excused." Andy says, flipping her hair.


"Salty Jeff Do do do Salty Jeff do do do~" midnight chants.

"I-I'll m-make s-sure to get some I-ice when w-we a-are In t-town." Toby says, high fiving Andy.

"Okay how much farther?" Midnight asks.

"Uhh, the path is up here, just turn right at uh... turn right passed this..I think that rock." River says.

"Mkay." Midnight says, turning the horse right. "What ever you say.."

As they continued down the path, following the directions given by river they had made it to the town by mid afternoon. River through his hood over his head just to be careful. They look around for some goods, making sure to stay together and not to loose each other.

"River..Toby..Stay close.." Jack mumbles.

"Wh-whatever.." Toby stutters.

"I'll make sure to keep River close, I may get lucky." Ben says with a wink.

"H-hey you know it my job to be the flirt!" River shouts, his face rather red.

"Aw, he get so flustered so easily." Jason teases.

"Maybe when we get and the effects last long enough we could take a picture." Hoodie says joining the parade.

"The closet...." Andy mumbles.

River makes a line from his forehead to his bellybutton to his left shoulder then to his right making a cross.

"Hahahahaha!" Midnight laughs. "You've scared him Andy!"

"Y-your not really gonna put me in the cl-closet right?" River stutters.

"Nah, I was joking bro." Andy says, her fingers crossed behind her back.

"Hmph~" Masky and Hoodie snort.

"This will be a very interesting game." Jeff says with a smug look.

"Let's get a move on." Jason says.

Masky look over to a shop that has ropes.

"Might be handy.." He thinks.

"Can we stop there?" He Asks.

"Why?" Jack Asks.

Masky just gives jack a look.

"Um, okay.." Liu says, holding maple.

They walk over the shop and go up to the merchant who had a very..shady look to himself.

"Welcome! Welcome! What type shall I get you!" He Asks. "A thick 15 tied roped used for wolves? Or climbing ropes?"

"We'll take a few of each." Masky says.

"Ooo, very well." He says grabbing them. "You like adventure I see. It will be 19 silver bits."

River digs through the pouch and collects 19 silver coins and hands them to the merchant. They give him thanks and leave.

"Toby," Masky says.

"Wh-What.." Toby stutters with a violent tick.

"Come with me." Masky says.

"O-Okay..." Toby says.

They watch as they leave the town quickly.

"Nuuu...not ticcmask.." Andy mumbles with a very red voice. "Masky and Hoodie must be the dads...Toby is the son.."

"Why must you be like this." Liu says Judging Andy.

"I actually do kinda think of Toby as a son." Hoodie says.

After an hour Masky comes back with a wolf on the end of a rope. The wolf had a large build, its back being up to Maskys shoulder. It had a deep brown fur color and was quite a gorgeous creature, even though a small side of its mouth had been missing, it gums and teeth showing.

"I'm sorry," Jeff says. "What?!"

"It's Toby," Masky says. "I didn't want him running off. Best way to keep track of him."

"Toby.."Liu says, a laugh trailing his voice. "I'm so sorry!!"

At second look, the wolf had been twitching and did share resemblance with Toby, so it wasn't hard to believe.

"Um, let's get moving.." Jason says.

They all start walking and going to stores. They bought a few backpacks, some weapons, horse feed, regular food and water, armor, and some spare clothing. All of this had taken most of the day away from them, so to relax they decided to look around.

Andy continued to bother them saying how her spaget could be being taken advantaged and not being loved enough, so just to make her be quiet they looked around until they came upon a large creature in a cage.

The creature had a very reptilian like body, green scales lacing it's body,a red crow on its brow. It had been laying down asleep, it's tongue sticking out beneath its mouth.

"MEH SPAGET!!" Andy shouts running over.

"How?" Liu And Midnight say in sync.

"She knows a spaget when she sees one." River exclaims.

The others chase after.

"Listen here! Here we have a very rare creature know as a snargon. I'm willing to sell for whoever bids the highest." The auctioneer says.

"Like hell you're selling me spaget," Andy shouts. "Hand over my baby!"

"Ma'am you have no proof the snargon was your pet, and it was found in the wild!" The auctioneer exclaims.

"Oh really?" Andy says, placing her hands on her hips.

"This should be interesting." Ben says.


The creature immediately wakes up and sticks up its head. Its eyes scans the head until it comes eye to eye with Andy.

"HIIISSS~" It screeches.

It stands up and starts head butting the cage, breaking it to pieces. It darts with horrifying speeds at Andy. Andy simply grabs it face and dug her feet into the ground stopping them.

"...Y'know..this plot does not make since." Midnight says.

"Agreed." River replies.

"My baby!! You're so big and scary!" Andy says.

"Very well." The auctioneer says running off.

"Wanna go find a tavern?" Liu Asks.

"Yeah." They all say.

They all go and find a Tavern and they pay for the room. Toby turned back to a human while spaget had to sleep outside.

"Hey, I think I found a bar coming in," Andy says. "Midnight, Wanna go check it out later?"

"Sure, we cant ask everyone and have some fun once we unpack," midnight says. "I'm still in serious pain though..."

(Sorry for this being so late)

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