A Bath and a Story

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Slender asked me to take care of Sally today and I went to her room and saw her senting up a tea party "Voicey there you are!" she said in a cute tone and grabbed my sleeve and pulled. She led me to her closet and got a little crown out and gave it to me "Hey you go, try it on" she said excitedly.

* You put on the crown and saw Sally's smile became wider and brighter

"It looks cute on you like a princess, Oh can you help me put on my costume?" she asked and I nodded as she got the costum out and unchanged. I saw the bloody cuts and brused on her I put out my finger to tell her to wait.
I quickly got a small wet towel and went back to Sally's room. I saw her sitting down on the ground waiting for me and when she heard my foot steps she looked at me confused. I got close to her and made her turn around. I put on the now wet towel slowly to her back, trying to not hurt her. Arched her back in pain clutching the ground.

* Seeing Sally in pain makes you want hold her tightly and say everything will be okay...
But you know you can't exactly speak, cause you know what will happen. So you decided help her by hugging her

She looked very confused and looked at me. I decided to do something else. I lead her to the bath and started to make a bubble bath. Sally got the idea and after the bath was full she jumped in. She splashed around a little as I scrubbed her hair with shampoo getting her to relax.
"Voicey?" I looked at her "Are you the Fallen Angel that Slendy talks about at times?" Sally asked.

* In shock about what she said you asked what this 'Fallen Angel' is that Slender said

"Oh I forgot to tell you. The Fallen Angel is a story Slendy tells us at times. It's about a person that rises from the ashes and becoming a part of our family. Then when the day comes the person saves our lifes by making Zalgo go away forever. And the best part is thay the person lives in the end, but something changes in them"

* You start to wonder as you start to rence her hair and dry her off

"Come on Voicey I want to have that tea party now" Sally said after getting dressed in a princess dress. So I fallowed her wondering about the story.

* Seeing Sally happy and clean, enjoying her tea fills you with DETERMINATION

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