Hating these types of Girl

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"FORGOTTEN FREAK" Jane shouted at me and I only kept reading ' Series of Unfortunate Events' until she slapped it out of my hands and grabbed me and pulled me to the hall. "Lesson Freak I want you to fucking STOP talking to Jeffy" she said.

* You shake and say that you thought she wanted revenge on Jeff for what he did

"I don't care of what you think and also some people that think the same way" she said with a sickening smirk. That's went Clockworth walked up too me and pushed me to the ground "It's true Voice, I want you to stay away from Toby" then Nina came in "Ya I want you too stay away from all the boys you- you BOY STEALER" she shouted at me.
Then they all started to kick me, yelling at me horrible names I've known to well, the Nina started to cut me.
I cryed under mask but not making a sound.

* You have too get out quickly before they do something worst

Quickly I used my legs to swipe them all down and run for dear life to Slender's room. "Hey get BACK her you F*****" June yelled.

(I will not say that word)

I looked behind me and saw them on my tail so I decided to throw my knife at them and they dogged but it slowed them down. I finally got to Slenders office and slimmed the door on them and locked it. When I finally looked behind me Slender wasn't there. So I went under the desk and took out my phone too see that he put his number in it.

I sighed with relief as I hid under the desk, I lifted my mask a little to see my tears run down from the inside of my mask. I didn't want to be here alone with those crazys outside so I called Slender.
"Oh hello child what do you need?" he asked and I beleve he heard me sniff or breath heavily. "Child are you alright, are you hurt!?" he sounded paniced.

* You shattered that you're in his office hidding from some girls

"Alright child all be these in a moment just stay there" he said and hung up and I waited for a minute and then he was here, but I didn't make a sound. "Child where are you?" he said in a whispers so I decided to knock agent the wooden floor.
I heard him walk to me and saw me. He got his tendrils out and picked me up too see my bruises and cuts, but he serperised me when he pilles my mask off a little to see a little bit of blood to the side of my mouth.
"W H O  D I D  T H I S  T O  Y O U..." he said in a threaten way.

* You tell him June, Nina, and Clockworth did

That's went he started to calm down and took me too my room wrapping up my cuts on my arms. "There you go this will help you heal better, now rest and I'll deal with the girls okay?" I nodded and he left.

Later I heard a knock on my door.

* You said come in and there you saw Toby

"H-h-hey V-Voice" he said I waved to him. "Heard y-ou go-t hurt b-y someo-ne" he said and I showes my arms "Man w-w-who ever d-did this g-onna pay" he said smiling. "Okay j-just checking out o-n you" he said and left.

* Knowing that Slender is going to deal with the girls that hate you, seeing Toby,  and remembering too get your friends number later fills you with DETERMINATION

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