Jeff's Crying Night

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It was late at night with storms and wind hitting the window, and it was very annoying so I decided to get water. I walked out the door and saw some of the female pastas still awake so I used my short-cut and sneaked to the water. I heared one of them walk with way shouting to one of there friends so I ran back to the hall I am in and I heard a  strugle in one of the rooms.
Jeff's room...
I quickly went to his door and slammed it open and saw Nina and Jane on Jeff, and he's got tied up... with ducktape on his mouths. I ran towards Jane and slammed the glass water into Jane's head and she hit my stomach and I backed up a little and jumped her. I slammed my fits on her head and I felt her jaw brake. I finally stopped, picked her up, and throw her at Nina.

Nina ran out of the room with Jane and left both me and Jeff. I sighed and walked to Jeff, took my knife out, and cut him free. After cutting him free he took off the tape and curled up in his bed and weeped. I got on his bed and pulled his head to my lap and petted him in comfort. "Why do those girls do this to me?" he cried into my shirt.

* You couldn't bear to see him like this so you told him to pick a movie as you got him a warm drink

"Okay, but why?" he asked.

* You told him so he can relax and also you said that you'll sleep with him for the night

"Alright Voice, thanks" and he went to his TV and began to look for a movie, as I went to the kitchen to make his drink.

* There's 3 types of drinks that you can give him
Hot coco, Soda, and some type of whisky.
You chose Hot Coco

As I made the drink I saw Nina wrapping up Jane's injurys and she gave me a death stare, so I pulled open a drawer and throw a knife at her and she ran. 'Coward' I thought and took the coco to Jeff's room.

I saw him already in bed with the movie already in. I gave him the drink, wrapped my arm around him, and started the movie. "Voice why are you so nice to us?" he asked.

* You didn't answer him with a straight answer but you did say that it's because all of the pastas remind you of a person you once known and that you made a promise to that someone a long time ago

"Who that the- " I hushed him and pointed to the movie and watched. After half of the movie was done he was already asleep. I tucked him in and lifted my mask up a little and kissed his forehead and I decided to bearly speek the word 'Good night'
I got a chair and watch him for the rest of the night.

* Knowing that Jeff will have a good sleep fill you with DETERMINATION

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