You meet again/Become friends

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Ever since that faithful night you have been wanting to see Jane again. You changed into your jamies ((I call them jamies so why not?)) and got into bed.

You plugged your phone in the charger and turned off the lamp on your bedside table. 'Ugh..she probably won't come.' You thought, closing your eyes.


"Hello ___." Jane greeted, sitting down on the edge of your bed. "Did you break my window again?" You asked, sitting up and flicking on the light. "Yes."

You sighed. "I just fixed it." You whined, face palming. Jane set her knife down, slipping her heels off. "You mind if I crash here?" Jane asked, grabbing your shoulders and lighlty shaking you.

"Fine..." You mumbled, yawning. She squealed, hugging you. You lightly blushed, hugging back.
She pulled away, tapping her cheek. "Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow?" She asked. You nodded, walking over to your dresser and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a (f/c) t-shirt.

"Thanks, friend." She said, heading to the bathroom to get changed.

'Friend...I like it.' You thought, smiling. Jane came back out, flopping on your bed. Jane shifted a little before settling. You giggled, watching her wiggle around.

"Comfy?" You asked.
"Yes." She hummed. You smiled and tossed her a pillow. You got settled and dozed off, completely forgetting about the broken window.


You waited in the bench to see if clockwork was coming. You got your sketch book out of your bag and some pencils. You absentmindedly started drawing, taking brief glances around the street.

"Not as gory this time." Clockwork spoke, placing her hands on your shoulders. "Oh, hey." You greeted, taking a look at the picture you drew. It ended up being a clock laying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. "Although, I like the blood you added." She praised, sitting down on the bench. You thanked her and set the pencil down, turning to her.

"Is there a reason you keep coming to see me?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers. Clockwork nodded, smiling a little. "Cause you're my friend now." She spoke with confidence.

You raised your eyebrow in a questioning manner. "What made you decide that?" You asked, smiling a little. She placed her hand on her chest in a offensive manner. "Can't I be friends with people?" She asked, playfully huffing.

You giggled. "It's not that, it's just because you don't seem to be one to socialize." You said, twirling the pencil around in your hand. Clockwork smiled. "I guess you're right." She said. "So, why do you come here every night?" Clockwork asked. She suddenly gasped. "Do you come back for little ol' me?!" She asked excitedly, placing her pointer finger on her cheek and batting her eye.

You lightly laughed, shaking your head. "It's because it's the only place I can draw in peace." You answered, looking up at the stars. Clockwork nodded, joining in on the star gazing.

"I here ya. Where I live, we never have a moment of peace." Clockwork said, yawning slightly, stretching her arms. "Tired?" You asked her, looking over at her. "Only a little." She responded, smiling.

"You can crash at my place if you want." You shrugged. "I'd rather crash here." Clockwork spoke, flopping down in your lap.

"What if I want to move?" You asked, poking her shoulder.




You sat on the swings again, feeling the crisp night air hit your skin. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in and out.

"Hi!" You heard a female voice chirp. You opened your eyes, (e/c) meeting glowing emerald eyes. You smiled. "Hey Sally!" You greeted. Sally pulled a basket behind her back. "Tea party?" She asked eagerly.

You nodded, hopping off the swing and standing next to her. "Alrighty then!" She smiled, skipping over to a patch of grass. She laid down the blanket that was resting on the basket, sitting down and patting the spot next to her.

You sat down next to Sally, flashing her a smile. "I brought Charlie here too!" She chirped, thrusting a stuffed bear in you face. You smiled, patting the teddy bear's head. Sally smiled, setting Charlie down and taking out a plastic tea cup. She set the cup down, pulling out a bottle of tea and pouring it into a cup, handing it to me. Sally poured her own cup, taking a sip. I took a drink, setting the cup down when I was done. "It tastes wonderful~" I complimented.

Sally lightly blushed, giggling. "Thank you. I made it myself!" She spoke triumphantly. Sally reached into the basket, pulling out a cookie and handed it to me. "Thank you, Sally." I spoke, taking a bite out of the cookie. "Anything for my friend!" She hummed, taking a cookie from the basket. "..Friend..?" You asked. You had never had a friend before.

Sally nodded. "Yeah, friend!" She responded, eating the rest of the cookie. You smiled, continuing the tea party.

Laughing jill

You smiled happily as you saw Jill in the candy place. You raced over, knocking over a small child in the process. Jill looked over, eyes widening as she saw your running form. Jill yelped as you collided with her, knocking her on the ground. You jumped up, running over to the candy counter and slamming a penny on it.

"Gimmie the candy, lady!" You ordered, pointing a finger at the cashier lady. She sighed, face palming. Jill got up, lightly laughing and pulling you back. "We'll just take what we had last time." Jill smiled, placing a couple dollar bills on the counter.

You smiled happily as you ate your (insert favorite candy here). "thanks Jill!" You chirped, walking over to the ferris wheel with her. "You're welcome! Anything for a friend!" She responded. You both made it to the line of people, waiting for your turn.

You smiled, saving the rest of your candy for later. Jill smiled as a turn opened up on the ride and gestured you to follow her. You sat down, settling in your seat as Jill sat down.

The ride started, jerking a little before rising up.

Maybe this is the start of a beautiful friendship or maybe something more.

Hi! I hope you liked this one! I can add more characters too!
That's all for now my spooky cupcakes!

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