Chapter 2 Toby's weirdness

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Ticci Toby's P.O.V

Its Halloween tomorrow and Slendy wants us to go to the human realm to kill. I'm gonna kill but I still want some CANDY. I am twitching ten times in about three seconds. I grab my axe/hatchet and walk through the dark forest. When I get to city I sneak into someone's house and take their pillowcase. I walk around and say "trick or treat" . I get my candy. After getting a bag full of candy I go up to a white house with a redish colored rooftop. I climb in the window and hold my hatchet tightly. Dang it there still trick or treating. Eh I'll have some of my candy while I wait. I open a crunch bar and eat that. About ten pieces of candy later I decide to stop eating candy as the person pulls in the driveway. My body was shaking with excitement. A girl only my age walks in, I put my hand over her mouth.  "I'm impressed you didn't try to scream" I say. Her eyes were already closed for some reason and her body was cold. I gasp and drop her body. Reality comes crashing back into me. I drop the girl, my hatchets and back into the wall. I start crying and I run to the woods as the police come. I sit there crying till EJ walks up to me."Why are you crying Toby" EJ asks. I say still crying "I tryed to killed someone". EJ makes a noise and says "yea you do it all the time". I look up and cry.

EJ's P.O.V

  Toby looks at me as he cries. His brown eyes are normal they don't have a mad look to them. Someone broke him, but how. I never expected him to brake down before.  "What happened" I decide to ask. Toby replies "I was about to kills some girl and she didn't scream. I looked at her throat to see a knife inaide of it. I didn't do it and I...I felt sorry, scared, and depressed.  She made me realize that I've gone mad. I don't want to kill. I want to kill myself because the things I did they were terrible.  I feel so bad for them and I killed my own father because I was upset. Whyyyy did it have to be like this". I wrap my arms around Toby to stop his crying. "Listen as soon as we get home go straight to your room I'll have Slendy sort this out" I say. Toby looks at my his sad eyes sparkling with fear. "He is going to kill me isn't he. If he kills me it's pointless because the other proxies are still alive" Toby says.

Toby's P.O.V

     I am accepting the death that awaits me at home. I just hope someone kills the other proxies for the killings they started. When we get back I go to my room and ten minutes later Slendy comes in. He slaps me and I felt a familiar rush come over me. Now I'm back to killing.  Was it the candy that made me delusional like that? I guess I'll never know.

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