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 FILE NAME:help_1

DATE OF CREATION:27.4.2006 (7 PM Eastern Time)




BONUS INFORMATION:The document file was heavily edited by the owner. It seemingly was a virtual diary but it quickly got turned into summary of paranormal events.


You know I'm a simple man. A sImple man close to my mid 20's to be exact. I like to party,I like to dance. I date,I reject. I dance a little,I then leave the party. I see someone needing help,I ignore. However what happened  over the past few three days or so made me regret my every life choice.

DAY 1(25.4.2006)

Dear Diary

 It was a sunny morning. I had few text messages from my ex saying how bad and terrible person I was. Honestly back then I didn't care,I never cared. I dated so many people,that I just can't count them all on my fingers.

 The day went quick. I went to work,danced in the local club with my buddies,drinked a lot of carbonated juices that were at the table and went back home. No anomalies there. Again I recieved messages from my also other ex, Jessica, but I just ghosted these messages. I just simply never cared about the consequences in my life. I always thought "It doesn't matter if you do wrong or right,if the only result you'll get will be failure". I'm the type of person that squeezes all the pleasureness in life and doesn't share it with anyone else. I never thought not sharing it with anybody will lead me here.

 So it was around 2 AM. "Late,as always" I whispered unto myself. Went to my bathroom. Quickly showered myself(Not to brag but I'm really fast. Always 1st place when it came to "speed-related" athlete contests on PE lessons),changed my clothes from suit to pajamas and I went to bed. I don't remember what I was dreaming,but I know it was very pleasant. However that didn't last for long. My dream quickly came into an nightmare. It was corrupted. I heard loud noises and images that looked like shredded red and black material. It was really weird. Then my eyes opened up. I remember that feeling. That feeling of being immobile,not being able to move. Whatever it was,it wasn't sleep paralysis caused by natural means. I actually felt a unkown force holding me back from moving even an inch of an muscle. I tried to get up,but I couldn't. I just couldn't move. Felt weird sensation down my spine. As if someone was pinching me with crooked and rotten nails. Then suddenly the first thing I hear are footsteps. I immediately went  into a panic mode. Me,wanting to scream,to move,to escape,but sadly that "Me" wasn't feeling like myself at all. The footsteps were approaching me once again. All that could be heard were sounds of leather material touching creaky floor. The tensions was rising. It was a nightmare. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I saw a dark blur of seemingly unkown entity. As it approached I finally saw it's "face". It wasn't a face. It was a person dressed as a ninja? No joke. All I could've seen was torso of a person wearing these dark ninja-styled clothes. I thought it's some robber of some kind. But even then it couldn't be. I knew something was cooking and it wasn't my grandma's traditional beef soup. He had those white,flashing eyes that were really far into his skull,but at the same time were visible.  Suddenly an deep and otherwordly "echo-ey" voice came out of his not-visible mouth.

 "So,you're the one they keep bragging about in the 15 dimension. That's pathetic and I hope they hear it."

 I suddenly could move,but this time I could shake my head a little. I was terrified. I had chills flowing down my neck and my entire body. Then I heard his voice again.

 "Fine mere mortal,I'll let you move,but don't you even dare run"

 Finally I could feel control over my body once again. Seemed like a soul returned into flesh-self once again. I did what most people would do,run. I got out of my bed and I started screaming. I tried to run to my door,but then I was stopped. I fell down to the floor,breaking my nose in the process,and I became immobile once again. Out of nowhere I feel like something's moving me. As if air was touching my limbs. Before I could blink(I couldn't move the rest of my body but I could blink when I fell to the floor) I was on my two feets again. I were face to face with the stranger that appeared in my house. He was holding his hand,seemingly using some kind of telekinesis power to get me up,but then he stopped. I don't remember what he said but it was definitely something among the lines:

"I want to talk with you,pathetic creature. You will be frozen and quiet,as all of you humans should be and I will be the one to talk"

 I admit I was still terrified,but then that fear became feeling of being intrigued. The entity then exclaimed:

"Yes,I know,you may be wondering why my body looks like a ninja suit. All will be explained. I can read your mind,so don't think anything dumb."

 Their appearence was clearer now. I could see that they had those leather "Jika-tabis" aka two-toe footwear. You could've seen that he had typical ninja outfit. It was black from ankles to head. Their body was more typically feminine than anything. The only thing that looked out of touch with their ninja outfit was their long fingers,which looked very "alien-like" and seemed like grey-colored spoons. However in the "hole" where you can see ninja's eyes,eyebrows and portion of the nose on his mask,their face was distorted. As I mentioned,they had those deep soaked into the skull glowing eyes,but I could also see large collection of veins around their eyebrows. Once again I could hear my new "friend's" voice.

 "Your next future days will be pure nightmare fuel. For the first day your punishment is broken nose. The second punishment will be suprise from the leg-side. The third punishment will be based on how your head will be treated."

 These words didn't made sense to me,yet I still was scared. It's no laughing matter if a person cosplaying a ninja appears in your own house y'know? However I was left with one final message:

 "I came here to punish you, all these exes that you cheated on, all those old people that you didn't give a dime to. I don't care what you did,but you angered one of those who I serve for. This mortal body is unusual. However I learned that you,people of the civilizations known as humanity,adore these types of warriors known as "ninja". One thing you need to know of my 3-dimensional body is that,Kunai's on your back can appear really soon,if a human rebel against the worthy ones."

 Excuse me,that sounded ridiculous. I'm suprised I even remember these words. I think this entity implanted them in my memory or something. I just feel it.

 All I could see was him dissapearing into nothingness. Suddenly I passed out. That's what happened on that night.

DAY 2[26.4.2006]

Dear Diary

 I woke up to my alarm. I screamed on the top of my lungs. Seconds later I came back to my senses. I touched my nose. It wasn't broken nor was it bleeding. It was ok. As if it suddenly magically regenerated last night. My muscles were ok and my bones were intact. I felt really healthy on that day. Suddenly I heard knocking on my door. It was my grumpy neighbour. He was talking about why was  i screaming and why were there noises in my apartament last night. I told him that I felt great pain in my neck. Then he mumbled some words like most grumpy old people do and left. I was confused. Did he just say "noises in my apartament last night".  I thought that either something is wrong with his hearing and someone else was loud or something really happened in my apartament last night(It is the second one but I'll explain it later). I thought it was the first option since my nose was okay and that was probably a nightmare.  Nothing more.

 Either way that day I felt really anxious. I didn't know if it was me or it was something else,but I felt really not good on that day. But as always I went to the job,went to the local club,danced and flirted with some participants in the party and went home. I don't know what time was it(didn't look at my watch),but I was passing the streets. It wouldn't be so suprising if not the fact I had to go to the other road in the enormous city. Never went that sidewalk before and it was kinda creepy with the trees looking  like monsters with enormous limbs or the sky being deep ocean blue that night. Suddenly out of nowhere I see a flashing white beam of light. It wasn't ninja nor his eyes. It was a fast car driving straight at me. Before I could react I was hit by it. I didn't see the driver but it looked like one of my exes,April. I didn't see all of her facial features. However I did saw her blond hair and the distinctive scar she had on her left cheek. The only diffrence between the April I knew and the "April" that was driving the car is the fact,that she looked like the undead. She had grey eyes,pinkish skin and yellow teeth. I didn't see all the things on her face tho since it was so fast and it all was a simple blur. However I wasn't fast enough to move out of the way. So sadly I was hit by the car and I was sent flying far away.

 I woke up in hospital. One of the medics of the hospital near the sidewalk saw my body. It somehow wasn't in a fatal condition,but it was damaged,from what he can recall. He told me about how he found my body. While I was listening to him I thought of mentioning my ex in the car and the whole ninja incident. But let's be honest. Who would believe such a thing? They would probably think I'm crazy or worse. Anyways when he asked what happened I made up a story of some four man beating me up till I'm unconscious. "That should trick them" I thought in my mind. Aside from a scar near my nose or broken leg, I was okay. The next day I could go into my house. I contacted my boss that I won't be in the job tommorow due to accident I had. Oddly enough one of my friends I phoned came into the hospital and drove me to home. Me and my pal,Dan never had ''Best Buddies'' type of relationship,but we were good friends.

DAY 3[27.4.2006]

 I thanked Dan for helping me,I went to the stairs and tried to open the door to my apartament. To my suprise the door was open. "Thief!" I thought. I quickly went to my apartament and grabbed a fork near my kitchen,so I won't be helpless when in battle. To my suprise there was no thief. No robbery,no things stolen. Only the door was open. I was so angry due to the fact what happened in my life. First I get some sleep paralysis from a spooky ninja,then I somehow survive,I repeat survive a car crash from monstrous version of one of my exes and now the door to my apartament is open. "I keep getting questions,yet zero answers." I thought. Suddenly a familliar voice responded.

"Maybe,cause you aren't worth giving answers to begin with."

 I turn around. I see the same ninja I saw two days ago. I instantly scream. I try to stab him with a fork. He lifts my left arm and twists it. I try to scream once again,but suddenly my mouth is shut. I feel pain getting higher and higher with each second. I cry and then drop my fork. Once again,a man lying on the ground,this time crying,with his mouth unable to speak and a twisted arm. "This can't get any worse,can it?" I think. Ninja exclaims:

 "Oh it can. Listen here you worm. I was sent here by 15 dimensional beings that protect the multiverse from any evil that is in existance. I was created by them,although I never wanted to and I never liked to, I was given a order to make mortal lifes like you a living nightmare. You are pathetic. I hate all humans. I hate you all. I want you all to suffer like me,who is forced to do his job. I feel pain having to carry the weight of someone's wrong doings. That is my curse. To remove this curse off my back,I took form of 3-dimensional being dressed in outfit known to be worn by ninjas,also known as shinobis. The more mortal lifes I ruin the lesser the pain on me is. I feel my patience going down with each victim I get. Don't let me be impatient .The reason I chose this appearence was to show you humans that things you adore,can turn against you. And what turns those things against you? Me."

After hearing the entity's words I grabbed my fork with my other hand and stabbed him in the foot. He screamed and then exclaimed:

 "I can't believe you,meatbag squirm is fighting back. I still feel pain in my 3-dimensional avatar. In fact I can have form from 1-dimensional up to my final 11-dimensional. Sadly I can't activate my 4-dimensional state since that would break the universe and I could be sent into the void,the only place that I actually fear my Masters shall sent me."

Once again he said couple of non sense. "Why are you doing this?! How did you get my ex here to help you?! Why?!" I said in my mind. He then exclaimed:

 "I said my words on who I am,and I shall not repeat to a peasant like you. Maggots who cheat on their beloveds shall suffer according to my Masters. I healed your nose. I gave you excellent memory to remember the lessons I teach you. Yet you still resist to give up. You don't respect your life. Always partying and nothing else. And your ex-soulmate? She died long ago. Don't you remember you're the one that worsened her mental health. She had a problem with severe sickness. She died few months ago. All because you stressed her out. I brought her soul here to make her my puppet. To play with your mind. You're one of my most annoying victims yet,have I told you? Nevermind. Remember the part of my speechh where I exclaimed I can turn everything against you? Well have fun with Jessica,mere mortal!"

 After this speech I suddenly gained control over my body. I could talk,my scar was gone,my leg was healed and functioning properly,so did my twisted arm. Everything was fine. I got up with a fork in my hand. I felt the anxiety in my mind and the blood in my veins. Suddenly I hear banging on my door. Not a normal knocking but a loud banging on my door. I looked in my door's peekhole. It was Jessica. The crazy paranormal shinobi dude was right.


 Those were the words of Jessica. However it wasn't Jessica I used to know. She had a smile from ear to ear and scary eyeballs that looked like they were about to pop out. After seeing my ex's terrible "horror makeover" she had,I quickly went to bathroom and locked myself there. I then saw there's a laptop that belongs to me. So I've decided to rewrite this "diary".


BONUS INFO NR2:During further investigation,the owner of this file is presumed missing. As for "Ninja-like creature" there is no mention of him in any myth or legend,so he must be paranormal.


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