a childs love

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I was scared and alone wondering through the woods after killing my aunt. It was my 8th birthday today and everyone kept calling me names. I got sick of it, its all they ever did make fun of me and beat me up.

I was so deep in thought I didn't notice a little girl walking next to me. I was going to scream but she put her hand over my mouth.

"Hey, listen you killed someone. So you're one of us now. If you don't want to be I could just play with you. I'm Sally by the way." I nodded and she moved her hand.

"I-I don't want to die. I'll follow you I guess. I'm Erica/ Eric."

(all depending on weather or not you want the character to be a boy or girl)

With out paying much attention I grabbed her sleave, as she walked in-between the trees.

"Here we are! Let's go see daddy."

"Daddy?" I looked up to see we stopped in front of a really big house. She tugged on my hand and pulled me inside. The first person I noticed was a tall and skinny man with no face. He spoke but no mouth appeared.

"You must be the new one. Come upstairs please." Sally nodded and she followed behind the tallman and I. The tall guy stopped in front of a light pink door.

Sally tugged on his sleeve. "Daddy that's my door."

He nodded."yes I know but we're a little short on space. I thought since you two are the same age you wouldn't mind sharing. Am I wrong?"
She shook her head.

"No your right. Come on let's play castle!" She pulled me into the room still covered in blood.

-10 years later-

Sally and I have become inseparable over the years. At the moment we were on her bed. We never did stop sharing a room. Last week, we were playing seven minutes in heaven and I asked her out. I was compleatly baffled when she said yes.

"Hey Sally wanna watch a horror movie?" She smiled and rolled off the bed crawling under it. It's where we keep our movie collection, more like its the only place we can make sure no one takes them.

"Which one?"

"saw. All of them!"

"Oki doki."
She popped her head out and put the movie in the DVD player. We ended up falling asleep together on her bed. Her chest was pressed into my face and her leg was over my stomach. And my arms were wrapped around her waist.

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