A Fire in the Dark (Dark Link)

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Hyrule is such a beautiful place, full of kind people. But every place no matter how seemingly perfect has its secrets.

I live in skull woods just about the creepiest place in all of Hyrule, crows yack day in and day out. There are deep pools of green stagnate water, covered in thick layers of allege. My house is deep inside the forest it's a half days journey in our out, and then another half day to return or leave again.

I'm secluded and to my own dismay have taken up the trade of potions making, that's right I'm a witch. I use spells too, they were undoubtedly more difficult get the hang of.

Mix a few things together and you can create a potion to make someone invincible for a time, or maybe one to replenish your health. Then I have the potions I give to no one, the ones that could kill a cat with a single drop, so powerful that if I were to let the bottle fall from my hand the forest would surely die. I call it the belladonna brew. Named after deadly nightshade belladonna an extremely poisonous plant.

As all people should know a poison can be ingested, absorbed, or inhaled. Where as a venom must be injected into your body.

I was making a quick paralysis brew I've deemed stiff soup, when the bell above my door rang. I turned with a pleasant buy false smile plastered on my boney face.

No one was there.

I walked over and looked at the door, it was cracked slightly, as if the wind alone had blown it open. I stole a glance at the trees outside, not a leaf was moving. Stanger than if the wind would have been blasting into everything at top speed. Nothing is ever this quite. Not one bird cawed,not one tweeted, not one bug felt it safe to utter a sound. It was dead outside.

I myself felt a strictly ominous presence looming about. I closed and locked the door, pouring a magic dust in front of it and every window.

Safety in a forest of magical creatures can't be over looked.

Seeing as how I finished all my work early I prepared my orders for their final destination to the homes of Hyrule. Its been a week since i last made it to town and I was due for deliveries.

I sat at my desk with a harmonica in hand and played a rather pleasant tune. (Here comes the sun-The Beatles)

As I was finishing the last verse a creak from the closest caught my attention.

Could a cat have gotten in?

Its certainly happened before, random animals wondering in. Curious I got up to check. I flung open the door and to my shock i was shoved to the ground and sat on. Yes, SAT ON! I looked up at the white haired boy wearing a gray tunic in stunned silence for a solid minute before regaining my composer.

"Hello sir, I would offer you a place to sit and a record of what I sell of only you would be kind enough to remove yourself from me." I gently pushed him off and stood, brushing off the dust. "My name is Octavia. What can I do you for sir. Oh and for future events I must insist you remain in this main room."

He chuckled, a slightly terrifying sound dulled by a sense of mystery. "I'm not here for your service. I want that poison you made." A distinctly German accent grazed my ears from his smirking lips.

"Absolutely not. I would never give it to someone as seemingly childish as you."

He looked flabbergasted. "Childish? Me? How do you figure?" I rolled my eyes, setting my hands on the table in front of my and slid pouch of pepper beneath my palm. "Let's see shall we? You hid in my closet, you pounced on me and you demanded my strongest potion."

He nodded as if considering the information I had presented.

"What could I do to get you to give it to me."

"Anything short of staying with me for a year and proving you aren't a child wont do."

Again he nodded, as if accepting my sarcastic remarks as a challenge.

"Hmmm I agree to the terms."

Happy Valentine's day everyone.

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