I'm lost, please help me (lost silver)

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Me and my best friend Alec were playing video games, the night after our graduation. Most people go to their graduations to mingle with friends or teachers that they will only see one more time, not us. We went to make an ass out of the teachers and student we wish we had never met.

"Alec, will you get off the game boy. Come play with me." He smirked when I said that. What did I say?

"Um, Carrie do you know what you just said?"

"No! Why? What did I say?" He smiled put his open game-boy down, and walked over to me. He kneeled down next to me and bit my earlobe lightly.

" You said play with me, and play I will." I shoved him off of me.

"No you will not. I meant in a video game context. I don't appreciate your sluty attitude." I meant what I said but my body didn't agree. When he came back up to me, and nibbled my neck, I arched against him. He smirked his dare devil smirk and kissed from my ear to my collarbone. The whole time with me rubbing up against him. The things Alec can do to a girl would put any gigolo in his place. I know this because we got drunk at a party like two months ago.

"Alec stop. You are my friend, relationships ruin friends. So yeah, just stop okay."

He frowned a bit but stopped. After a bit of pouting on his part he finally picked up the controller.
"Fine, hot stuff I'll play. What game you got?" There he goes again. Back to his normal flirtatious self. Right now I can't deal with him.

"Door and foot" He scratched his head in contemplation. "That door plus your foot. No thanks but you could get up against that door and put myself in your ass." Oh my lord will he ever quit. He is so corny.
"Go home Alec, you make everything weird." He sighed but did what I said for once. "Carrie I'll come back tomorrow as you already know." I waved good bye and he left, for once. Leaning over i turned off my Game-cube, and picked up his game boy. He was playing Pokemon emerald, one of my favorites. I picked it up and walked around. Hopefully his Pokemon aren't dead.

I was walking in sky piller at random, hoping to run into a another Mawile, when a boy in silver walked up to me challenging me to a fight. I accepted and things were going well. I had two of his Pokemon passed out, with only one casualty of my own. Suddenly his Gardevoir began to wilt, its beautiful white gown turn grey. Its lovely white face started to crack. My Mega Banette backed away and hid behind me. The creepy ghost Pokemon was scared, that's a first. The game doesn't even have this screen, it never shows images like this. is the cartridge broken or something. the Garevoir fell to the ground holding her hands in front of her face weeping. The whole thing made me want to cry. I love Pokemon, and think of them as living things with feelings. Gardevoirs look so human anyone would. All the fairy Pokemon are naturally gorgeous but this one most of all ,for the game to twist it to this state of morbid Beauty something is seriously fucked up.

I snapped the screen shut and put it down, but not before the system began to shake violently. The screen glowed a vibrant white and opened back up. In this second of fear i became a child. I ran to my closet, and locked the door. The shelf above my head had my old tattered comforter, and a pink pillow. On the ground was my old teddy bear, that was still half my height. I pulled down the comforter and pillow, then i curled up on the ground with my teddy bear. This whole thing reminded me of my childhood, whenever i got scared i would come in my closet and curl up. I guess nothing has changed.

I herd a thump and something scurry to stand upright. It walked around looking for something, most likely me. Soon it stopped in front of the closet.

" I know you're in there. Come on out." I didn't move maybe it didn't really know, maybe it was just playing around. Yeah that's it, it has no idea where i am, and its grasping at straws. It knocked on the door.

"if you open the door you won't suffer." I could now identify it as a boy. He didn't sound older then 18. "no." my voice was shaky. He tapped on the door, and sighed.

"Okay fine i wont kill you, or hurt you. But only if you come out right now." This is the best chance, let us hope he keeps his word.

"Promise, promise me that you wont hurt me at all."

He sighed. "I promise!"

Slowly i pushed open the door and scuffled out. The boy i saw had white skin, was in a grey outfit and had mostly transparent arms. I spoke the first thing that came to mind. "Can you use those?" he nodded and taped my shoulder with his finger. "well why are you here? Why did you try to kill me?" He put his head down and started walking to the gameboy.

"HEY wait!" i grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. In the attempt i tripped and fell forward. He tried to catch me, but I still fell into him. We ended up in a rather awkward position. He was on the floor, and i ended up sitting on his lap leaning over him.

"uhhhh" his white skin flashed red. It was pretty funny.

After we were standing again and the flush from our faces was diminished. He walked over to the game boy. "I'll be back later." Before he left he kissed my cheek in silent promise.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERARD WAY!!!!!!! April 9th, 2015

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