The Viper (Slendy 3)

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The day had come, Jane was coming within the hour. The whole house was covered in a blanket of dispare and misery.

Sally and I were in slender's study, going through his historical books about mid evil royal families. Somewhere in the room music was playing. I smiled realizing that the smooth lulling tune belonged to something by the Beatles. He would have had to take my record.

"Sally? Did you tell Slendy where I keep my vinyls?" She nodded, brown hair bouncing with the movement.

"He said it would make you feel better about this whole thing. Jane coming and you being sent away for it."

I closed our book and slid it back on the shelf. "Sally I'm not sad. I'm pissed. His kind gesture while appreciated isn't enough. "

I better get twenty kisses, sixty kind words and three mind blowing orgasms after this endeavor is over. That will be far more than enough.

I stood and walked away from the girl, running my finger over a few of the leather bound books upon the shelf. 

We sat in the study for who knows how long before, to my complete and utter shock, Jane marched in.

Her small body sped towards me, hips sashaying with each furious step. As I stood from the rocking chair tucked in the corner her hand closed around my throat and a knife poked me just bellow my ribs.

"Sally!" She spat in a thick southern accent that almost made her seem classy. "Leave, and speak not a word of this." Sally nodded not batting an eye and walked off with Charlie in hand.

When Jane was sure Sally had exited the room she threw me into the desk. "Listen here bitch. Your a sorry excuse for a woman if I have ever seen one. This is why i can't for the life of me figure out why he loves you."

My head had hit the corner of the desk and I could feel the thin, warm blood slide down my neck.

"I had him before you came, then he saw you, a small fragile child who needed taken care of and he couldn't help himself. Your nothing but a new project to him. With that little head wound, I just bought you another week with him. When hes done he'll tear you limb from limb and fall back into my arms like he always does."

I blinked, trying to think of a response in a quick and timely manner. "If he'll kill me in but a week, why did you feel it necessary to warn me in advance, to buy me more time even?"

She smirked and knelt before me, her tight black dress climbing her leg. Her thin seemingly weak arm lifted from her side and pressed the knife to my throat.  A squish sounded in my ear and I looked down to view a black heel sinking into a now red carpet.

Someone should clean that.

"Because dear, I dont like seeing helpless pigs to the slaughter without first giving them a chance."

Her cold chuckle rang in my head as my fading vision turned black. However I managed to see the door open and felt a searing pain in my throat as Jane whipped around to look.

As I fell asleep I found my self correcting her.

Is it not, seeing helpless lambs to the slaughter?

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