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Me: Guys guys guys!

Jeff: What?

Kurai: What?

Karma: *still chasing Toby* What?

Toby: *run away from Karma* Stop chasing *tick* me and what is *tick* it, Sam?

Me: My friend Abby is gonna come here to give us her dares.

Jeff: It better not be as bad as Kurai's dare.

Kurai: Hey! My dare isn't that bad, is it Sam?

Me: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.....

Tiff: So when will she be here?

*Knock Knock*

Me: About now *walk to the door and open it but then got tackle and hugged by Abby*

Goldenmermaid48 : Hey Sam it's been a while! *look at me* Huh? You're not Sam....ahh I'm sorry I thought you were Sam! *stand up and look down*

Me: *stand up and pat her head* It's ok Abby and I'm Sam.

Abby: *look up and look at me* Sam? Is that really you?

Me: Yeah it's me, who did you think I was?

Abby: I thought you were someone else because you are wearing a boy cloths and your hair is like a boy.

Me: Make sense.

Abby: So can I come in?

Me: Sure *step aside for her to come in* come on in, Miss Mermaid.

Abby: Why thank you, sir Sam.

Me and Abby: *laugh*

Me: Ok enough playing around let's go and introduce yourself to the other- *got bumped by someone and fall down on the floor together*

Toby: Sam! You gotta help me!

Me: With what?

Toby: Karma! He is still *twitch* chasing after *twitch* me because I *twitch* kissed his sister!

Me: Kurai?

Toby: Yes!

Me: But it was just a dare that Ellie gave us.

Toby: That's *twitch* what I told *twitch* him but he's still *twitch*chasing after me!

Abby: Um Sam are you ok?

Me: Yeah I'm fine but Toby can you get off me?

Toby: If you agree *twitch* to help me.

Me: And if I refuse to help you?

Toby: I will keep *twitch* begging you until *twitch* you agree.

Me: ........fine.

Toby: *gets up*

Karma: Toby where are ya?! Come show yourself!

Toby: *hide behind me*

Me: Abby this is Toby. Toby this is Abby.

Abby: *smile* Hello.

Toby: Hi.

Me: Alright enough of this *take a knife out of my pocket and throw it at Karma*

Karma: Huh? *look at my direction and saw a knife*

Kurai: *block the knife with a book* Sam don't throw a knife at people.

Me: Sorry geez.

Tiff: Hey Abby.

Me: This is Tiff.

Abby: Hello Tiff.

Kurai: Oh hello there Abby.

Abby: Hello.

Karma: *look at Abby* Woah....

Jeff: Something wrong, Karma?

Karma: Uh no nothing is wrong...um hi Abby.

Abby: Hi.

Me: Abby this is Karma, Kurai and Jeff. Karma and Kurai are siblings.

Abby: Oh.

Jane: *comes in the living room* Is that Abby?

Me: Yeah.

Abby: *look at Jane* Hello.....Jane.

EJ: *whisper to me* Why is she saying Jane's name like that?

Me: Because she hates Jane.

Jeff: She hates Jane? Yes I found a friend who hates Jane!

Jane: Jeff shut up if you want to live.

Jeff: And what if I don't, woman.

Jane: Oh you're asking for it, Jeffery! *attack him with a knife* Go to sleep!

Jeff: *dodge her attack* Hey that's my line, you line stealer!

Me: Forget them, Abby. Now you said that you have a dare, right?

Abby: Yup.

Me: Well then fire away.

Abby: I dare Jane to shut up for a whole day.

Jane: What?!

Abby: And Ben have to call Slenderman, Slenderp.

Jeff and Tiff: Slenderp? *look at each other and then laugh*

Abby: Also.... *whisper something in my ear*

Me: *laugh*

Ellie: *walks in* What's going on here?

Me: This here is Ellie. Ellie this is Abby.

Abby: Hello Ellie.

Ellie: Hello Abby. By the way I heard Abby's dare and what were you whispering to Sam about, Abby?

Abby: Oh nothing *smile innocently*

Ellie: Ok?

Me: So Jane do you have anything to say before you'll stay quiet?

Jane: Yeah. I want to say I hate Abby and I hate this dare!

Abby: Love you too....not!

Me: Ok that is Jane's last word.

Ben: So I can start now?

Kurai: Yup.

Me: Hey Slender!

Slender: Yes, Sam? You need something?

Me: You might be annoyed and might not like this but-

Jeff: Ben have to call you Slenderp for a day.

Me: What he said.

Slender: ......What?

Kurai: You heard what they said.

Me: Also come closer.

Slender: *walk toward me and bend down*

Me: *whisper something in his 'ear' *

Slender: *stand up quickly* No I'm not gonna do that! I wear it like two times and I'm gonna wear it again?! Nope I'm not going to wear it!

Ben: Hey Slenderp! You have to do it whatever Sam whisper to you.

Abby: *whisper to Ben* Slender or should o say Slenderp need to wear a dress and go to Offender place and see what will happen.

Ben: *burst out laughing*

Kurai, Karma, Jeff, Ellie, Tiff and Toby: Seriously?! XD

Abby: *see them behind her and Ben* Yup!

Jeff: Best dare ever!

Slender: I really hate you.

Abby: Love ya too.

Sally: I heard Slendy need to wear a dress so I bought this one! *show the dress*

The girls except Me, Kurai and Jane(cuz she can't talk now): Wow it's so beautiful!

Sally: I know.

Me and Kurai: Not bad.

Ben: Hey Slenderp, when will supper be ready? I'm hungry.

Slender: *take the dress and went to the bathroom to get change*

~ After changing ~

Slender: *come out of the bathroom and went to the living room*

Ben: Wow Slenderp, you look so ugly because you don't have a face!

Sally: We can fix that! *bring out a wig and other make up material*

Slender: Oh no please no, not that!

Me, Jeff, Ben, Toby and Karma: *jump on top of Slender and hold him down* You gonna do it whether you like it or not!

Slender: No! *struggle to get out of here*

Me: Kurai now!

Kurai: On it! *tie Slender with a rope and a chain tightly*

Slender: No!

The girls except me and Kurai: Let's get this started! *start doing Slender face*

Me, Kurai, Karma, Jeff, Ben and Toby: *just stare at them*

Me: Want to grab some food?

Kurai, Karma, Jeff, Ben and Toby: Sure *walk out of the mansion with Me*

SpongeBob: 2 hours later.

Me, Kurai, Karma, Jeff, Ben and Toby: *come back inside the mansion and saw Slender*

Slenderp: *have makeup and have a wig* Ugh...

The girls: We're done!

Me, Kurai, Karma, Jeff, Ben and Toby: What's with Slenderp's face? -_-

Clockwork: Hey his face is hard to draw so we just put some makeup to make him look like a girl.

Jeff: But he doesn't have any eyes or nose or ears of mouth, just a blank face with makeup.

Tiff: Well do you know anyone that knows how to draw someone face into a real person? (Slenderp)

Me: Painter knows how *take a sip of the Coke*

Ellie: Painter? Bloody Painter?

Me: Yeah.

Kurai: Yeah Painter knows how.

Ben: Wait but where is he?

Jeff: Probably he's been kidnapped by Puppeteer and they are having a picnic now.....

The other: .......

~ With Painter and Puppeteer ~

Puppeteer: Isn't this peaceful, Painter? *look at Painter*

Painter: *all tied up and is sitting next to Puppeteer* Well yes and let me go now.

Puppeteer: *pinch his cheek* Aw come on don't be like that, Painty and let's have a fun picnic time together.

Painter: Don't call me that.

~ Back at the mansion ~

Everyone: Nah.

Me: Well I guess we can't help it *bring out drawing material* let's draw on his face.

Slender: Gah!!!

~ 5 hours later ~

Me: Finally *sigh and lay on the couch exhausted*

Kurai: Took us for 5 hours to just draw a realistic face on his faceless face.

Clockwork: Yeah because he keeps moving a lot.

Ben: *bring out a camera* Lets get this start shall we, Slenderp?

Slender: Come on!

~ At Offender's place ~

The boys: *in front of the door and have Slender all tied up*

Jeff: This is gonna be epic.

Ben: Remember this Slenderp, I'm gonna record ALL of it hahah.

Slender: Grr...

Karma: *ring the door bell and untie Slender and pull Jeff, Ben and Toby in the bushes*

Offender: *open the door and saw a woman* Well hello~ what can I help you with?

Slender: *have goosebumps* Uh...I... *heard a woman voice in the bushes*

Ben: *holding a tape*

Tape: I'm here to hang out and have fun with you if you know what I mean.

Jeff, Karma and Toby: *try not to laugh*

Offender: Oh~ well then come on in, my pretty~

Slender: *mutter something under his breath* I'm gonna kill them after this.

Offender: What was that?

Slender: I...

Tape: Nothing, I was just saying how handsome you are.

Offender: Well thank you.

Slender: *walk inside*

Offender: *close the door*

Karma, Jeff, Ben and Toby: *pop their head out of the bushes*

Jeff: Ok Ben now go and record it.

Ben: Yeah *go through the window quietly and slowly*

Karma: Let's go back, I'm sure he record everything and show us after he's finish.

Jeff: Yeah ok.

Toby: I'm so hungry that I could eat 1000 waffles already.

Karma: That's a lot of waffles, Toby.

Toby: I know.

~ Time skip brought to you by cookie cats (too lazy to type what's gonna happen to Slender) ~

Everyone: *watch the video and laugh*

Jeff: Are you serious?! Hahaha!

Toby: Omg hahah!

Karma: Offender rip the dress off and go completely crazy.

Kurai: The funniest is that Slender is taking the wig and make up off and just said "I'M NOT GAY!"

Ben: I didn't expect Slenderp to say that.

Abby: Same.

Me: *laugh* ok who wants to do the outro?

Abby: Can I?

Me: Sure go right ahead.

Abby: Ok Ahem I make Jane to shut up, Ben have to call Slender, Slenderp and we know what happen if Slender is at Offender house dressing as a woman.

Me: We'll see you guys-

Slender: *open the door* You children are so gonna be...in TROUBLE!!!

Everyone: AHHH! *start running*

Slender: COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANTS! *teleport to chase them*

Me: Well guys I guess this is it for today!

Kurai: We will see you guys!

Abby: In the next part!

Everyone: Laters!!!




Everyone: Holy Moly! Run! *runs even faster*

Sorry that I haven't update for awhile guys like usual I have no more idea to do my part so yeah. I promise that next time I'm gonna finish it.

1793 words.

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