Truth#7 and Dare#14&15

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Me: *in my room sleeping with ear buds*

???: *sneak into Sam's room* Good she is sleeping with ear buds, now it's time *grin creepily*

~ In the living room ~

Ben: *playing games with Jeff*

Kurai: *sitting on the couch watching them play while eating Nutella sandwich*

*suddenly heard a manly scream*

Kurai: What was that?!

Jeff: *take eyes off the screen* Don't know

Ben: *destroy Jeff* I win and I don't know who scream, let's go check!

Kurai and Jeff: Yeah *stand up and run to where the scream is*

Ben: *follow*

Jeff: EJ, why are you screaming?!

EJ: I didn't scream.

Ben: If it's not you then who?

EJ: It was Sam.

Kurai: Say what?

EJ: I told you it was Sam.

Kurai, Jeff and Ben: *silence* ................

Jeff: *pull Kurai* Let's go and see what's wrong with her......

Kurai: *still silence*

~ In Sam's room ~

Me: *staring at my reflection in the mirror*

Jeff: *kick the door open* Sam, what's wrong?!

Kurai: *comes in with a big gun* Who hurt my friend?! I'm not afraid to use this!

Me: Someone cut my hair into a boys hair!

Ben: What?

Kurai: *walk over to me and look at my hair*

Ben: Woah your hair really is like a boys hair.

Jeff: It looks perfect on her actually.

Ben: Why?

Jeff: Because she is-

Kurai: *glared at Jeff*

Jeff: *shut his mouth*

Kurai: Well do you know who did this to you? And yeah I have to agree that hair looks perfect on you.

Me: First, thank you for the compliment and it does look good but still. And second, I don't know who because I was sleeping in my room with ear buds.

Ben: Well maybe next time you shouldn't put ear buds when you sleep.

Me: Whatever.

Jeff: I guess the problem is-

*suddenly heard a girly scream*

Jeff: Fuck this!

Kurai: Who is screaming now?

Me: I don't know.

Ben: Let's a go! *pull the three of us*

~ Outside of Jane's room ~

Kurai: *kick the door open and see her* Jane, why are you screaming?!

Jane: Scream? I didn't scream.

Kurai: Then who is it?

Jane: It was Masky.

Kurai: ........... *heard Jeff and Ben said "The fuck? Masky?!" *

Me: *pull Kurai, Jeff and Ben out of the room and close Jane's door*

Jane: *blink* What happen to Sam's hair?

~ Inside Masky and Hoodie room ~

Ben: *about to kick the door but I pull him away making him fall down on his butt*

Me: *open the door* You know the door isn't locked *walk in*

Kurai and Jeff: *nod and follow*

Ben: *stand up and walk inside while rubbing his butt*

Me: Hey Masky what's wrong?

Masky: *face me* This is what's wrong! *point at his hair which turn into a clown hair* someone sneak into the room and make my hair look like a circus clown!

Jeff: *try to hold in the laugh*

Ben: *laugh*

Kurai: It's not that bad.......hahah

Masky: *sigh*

Me: It's ok dude, someone sneak into my room and do something do my hair too but instead of making my hair look like some stupid clown he/she just cut it into a boys hair.

Masky: I'm not the only one, thank god....

Kurai: Let's go to the living room now that the problem is over.

~ In the living room ~

Trender: There you two are! *walk over to me and Masky*

Me and Masky: What is it, Trendy?

Trender: I just want to ask you a question.

Me and Masky: What is the question?

Trender: Do you guys like your new hair style?

Me and Masky: ........

Kurai, Jeff and Ben: Oh shitty crap *cover ears*

Me and Masky: YOU DID THIS TO US?!

Trender: Yes, why?

Me: Why did you cut my hair into a boys hair?!

Masky: Why did you turn my hair into a clown hair?!

Trender: I'll answer Sam's question first ahem....I cut your hair because I want to know what you look like.

Me: You could at least imagine me as a boy not to cut my hair to know what I look like!

Trender: Oh

Kurai: Trendy is Trendy, he is just so into fashion that he don't even try to imagine it.

Masky: Ok now is my turn, answer me.

Trender: Actually I was in your room styling your hair in a many different style, I try this style and that style but it's just doesn't suit you so I got nothing and turn your hair into a clown.

Masky: If you don't know what style look good on me then why don't you just stop and leave?

Trender: *shrug*

Jeff and Ben: *sitting on the couch staring and listening to them*

Me: Oh yeah guys there's someone I want you to meet and she is gonna come over today.

Jeff and Ben: Cool!

Me: She should be here in.......2 sec.

*Knock Knock*

Me: That must be her now *walk over to the door*

Kurai, Jeff, Ben and Masky: Wow *follow behind me*

Me: *open the door to reveal Tiff* Hey Tiff.

happypie427 : Hey Sam uh what happen to your hair? Did you cut it yourself? It looks like a boys hair.

Me: It's a long story.

Tiff: Ok

Me: Let me introduce you, guys this is Tiff.

Tiff: Hello.

Me: This is Kurai.

Kurai: Hey.

Me: Jeff.

Jeff: Sup.

Me: Ben.

Ben: Hi.

Me: And Masky.

Masky: Hello.

Me: I introduce you to the others, come inside and follow me.

Tiff: Ok *come inside and follow me*

Me: Alright everyone come down here, I want you to meet someone.

Everyone: *comes in the living room and look at me and then Masky* What happen to the both of your hair?

Me and Masky: Why don't you ask Trendy.

Me: Anyway guys this is Tiff, Tiff this is Slendy.

Slender: Don't call me Slendy and hello Miss Tiff.

Tiff: Hello.

Me: This is Toby and Hoodie.

Toby: Hi!

Hoodie: *wave*

~ After introduce everyone to Tiff ~

Dark: So Tiff what are you doing here exactly?

Tiff: I got a dare for Masky and Hoodie.

Kurai: I have a question and a dare too.

Me: Spill it out, Tiff and Kurai you can tell us your question and the dare after Tiff is done with hers.

Kurai: Ok I'm cool with that.

Tiff: Ok I dare Masky and Hoodie to not hang out with each other for a day. I also want to see their reaction to this dare.

Me: *look at Masky and Hoodie who is now hugging each other* Looks like they don't want to be separated.

Tiff: But I said the magic word.

Me: True.....Kurai now.

Kurai: On it *grab Masky by the jacket*

Me: *grab Hoodie by the hoodie*

Me and Kurai: *pull the both of them apart and walk to a different direction while dragging them*

Tiff: Make sure to keep an eye on them guys.

Me and Kurai: Ok/Sure.

Masky: Noooo! I want to be with Hoodie!

Hoodie: L-Let g-go! I w-want t-to be-e w-with M-Masky!

Me and Kurai: *stop and turn to look at them* No *start walking again*

Tiff: Now I know their reactions.

Slender: Would you like some refreshment, Miss Tiff?

Tiff: Please just call me Tiff and I could use some refreshment.

Slender: Ok then follow me to the kitchen, Tiff.

Tiff: Ok!

~ With Me and Hoodie ~

Me: *playing chess with Hoodie*

Hoodie: *doesn't really focus on the game*

Me: That's checkmate.

Hoodie: W-What?! *sigh and smack his head against the chess game*

Me: Hoodie I know it's boring without Masky but you need to hold it in.

Hoodie: I-Ic-can't, S-Sam.

Me: *cross arms and sigh* What to do with him?

~ With Kurai and Masky ~

Kurai: Come on Masky just pick one already.

Masky: Just give me a sec.

Kurai: It's already one sec.

Masky: Ugh fine I pick yellow one.

Kurai: Ok *hand him the yellow cupcake*

Masky: *take a bite* It taste like waffle....

Kurai: Yup and I got Nutella cupcake *take a bite*

Masky: *sigh*

Kurai: *pat his shoulder* Don't worry, Masky. It's just one day so after that you can hang out with Hoodie.

Masky: Yeah you're right.

~ Next day ~

Hoodie: Masky! *run to him*

Masky: Hoodie! *run to him*

Masky and Hoodie: *hug each other*

Everyone: Aw

Kurai: Can I now tell ask my question and dare?

Me: Yup.

Kurai: Ok my question is Are every single dude in the creepypasta mansion gay for someone? Or is it just Hoodie and Masky?

The boys except Masky and Hoodie: ............

Jane: I don't know but all I know is that there's a ship that the fan girl make.

Clockwork: Like, Jeff x Ben, Toby x Ben, Jeff x EJ, LJ x EJ, EJ x Toby, Masky x Toby, Slendy x Jeff, Puppeteer x Bloody Painter and other ship.

EJ: *look at Jeff*

Jeff: ......

Kurai: *elbow me repeatedly*

Me: *smirk* Ok so what's the dare?

Kurai: To everyone in the creepypasta mansion, do you ship Hoodie and Masky?

The girls: Yes.

Me: Yeah they do look like a perfect couple.

Kurai: Agree.

The boys: *shrug*

Me: Well that answer all of your question, Kurai.

Kurai: Yup and you know what Sam? *whisper*

Me: *listening while looking at EJ and Jeff* You are right, Kurai.

EJ and Jeff: *confused*

Tiff: I know what you guys are whispering about and I agree.

EJ: Hey Jeff, can you come with me?

Jeff: Uh sure EJ.

EJ and Jeff: *walk away*

Tiff and Kurai: *high five*

Me: *smirk* Well we separated Masky and Hoodie to not hang out each other.

Kurai: I ask and know their answer.

Tiff: And we hope you guys enjoy this, we are up for more question and dare.

Everyone: Laters.

Tiff: So are you gonna tell me what happen to yours and Masky's hair?

The CP or Pasta: Yeah.

Me and Masky: *look at Trender with an angry expression*

Trender: .......

Jane: Let me guess, it's Trendy isn't it?

Me and Masky: *nod* And we think it's time for Trendy to pay back for what he have done.

Trender: Oh well you look at the time, I need to go and look at people's style, bye *run away*

Me and Masky: Hey! Come back here! *run after him*

Kurai: Well we see you later and prepare more questions and dare for us *hear Me and Masky shouting and running after Trendy* bye.

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