Dare from DD!!!

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Dare: I dare Jeff to juggle knives!!

Jeff: you got to be kidding me!! -___-

Sc: Hahaha this is gonna be good!!! *sits in chair with a bag of popcorn* oh can he dressed as a clown too?

Jeff: FUCK YOU SC!!!!

Ben: what did you say? *grabs Jeff by collar of shirt*

Jeff: n-nothing!!

Ben: that's what I though!

Sc: 0.0

Ben: Now dressed in a clown costume!

Jeff: y-yes sir! *runs away*

Sc: 0.0

Ben: love ya! *winks at me*

Sc: 0////0

*10 minutes later*

Jeff: *in a colorful clown costume* Fuck! This! Shit!!!!

All creepypastas: *laughing their asses off*

Jeff: -_____-

Jane: Here *hands Jeff knives* Begin!!

Jeff: *takes deep breath juggles knives like a pro*

Sc: whoa!!! *.*

All creepypastas: COOL!!! *.*

Jeff: Ta Da!!!

Sc: hope you all enjoyed leave more truths, questions, or dares! Bye proxies!!!!

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