Dare from Moody-the-Ninjas

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Dare: I dare sc to go on a date with my brother Ben and tell him I said hi

Sc: 0/////0

All creepypastas: Ohh sc has a date huh? *smirks*

Sc: s-shut up!

DD: now you really know my pain!!

Sc: -____- Toby kiss her as best as you can hehehe! >:)

Toby: *carries DD spins her kisses DD passionately spinning DD*

Sc: KAWAII!!!! ^-^

Jeff: Alright!!! On with the date!

Sc: 0/////0 ......

Jane: *drags me to my room with spare of clothes* change!!

Sc: fine! *walks to bathroom changes into black dress with blue design roses on dress, black boots, and a blue Jean jacket* Cool! *brushes hair puts on a black headband exits bathroom* done!

All girls: Nice!

DD and Panda-Chan: Smile Drowned forever!!! \(^0^)/

Sc: 0//////0

Jane: *drags me to Ben*

Ben: *sees sc smiles* beautiful!

Sc: 0//////0 t-thanks

~ Le Date ~

Sc and Ben went to eat dinner in a hill and watched the waterfall on a perfect night with the full moon and stars. They laughed and watched the stars together holding hands. They danced into a slow song and they kissed having a perfect date together

~ in the mansion~

All creepypastas: *cries* so adorable!!! :')

Moody the Ninja: that's ny bro!

All creepypastas: who are you!?

Moody the Ninja: you didn't see anything! *runs away*

All creepypastas: 0.o

DD: hope you all enjoyed

Toby: leave another dare, truth, or question BYEEE!!!

All creepypastas: *watches sc and Ben date* Cute!! ^-^

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