Part 3

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I rushed out of bed knowing what would happen next. A smile spread across my face with knowing the fact that my father might be dead. I quickly ripped off my grin and started packing my backpack with things that are important. Clothes, essentials, food, water bottles, hairbrush, coats, a blanket, were shoved into my bag in less then a minute or two. I stuck a pocketknife in my pocket just in case as well. I hear the screaming die down and footsteps started creaking towards my door. My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed my bag and opened my window ready to jump.

As I was standing on a ledge outside my window, someone opened the door. I quickly looked back. A man with a white mask and a bloody knife in hand, stood at the doorway. I quickly backed up forgetting I was on a ledge. I fell backwards, waiting for a impact I closed my eyes shut. But I surprisingly didn't hit the ground. I open my eyes, I was caught by someone with a orange hoodie and a mask with a frown stitched into it. I squirmed trying to get out of his grip while my backpack slid off my shoulder and landed on the ground. I remembered I had stuck a pocket knife into my pocket. I quickly grabbed it and stabbed his shoulder, leaving the pocketknife in the man's shoulder as I sprinted into the woods leaving my backpack behind.

I had been running for about ten minute straight. I slowed my pace catching my breath. I had to have lost them by now. I slid down against a tree. I went to grab something out of my backpack but then realized it was back at the house. I sighed and brought my legs up to my chest and panted against my legs. I closed my eyes slowly about to doze off before I felt something hit my head. I looked down..., it was a waffle.

I looked up and saw nothing. I thought to myself, 'What the hell?' . I heard a branch snap to my side and looked over to see nothing. As I looked over to the snap I felt arms wrap around my waist and hoist my body up. I squirmed. A hand then covered my mouth. I had nothing to protect myself this time, I had left my pocket knife in that hooded man's shoulder. As I struggled the same people I saw at my home walked up in front of my struggling body. The hooded man pulled the knife out of his shoulder and the masked man walked in front of me and held a rock above his head ready to knock me out.

Adrenaline ran through my blood as I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and I did the same to the person holding me. The hooded man panicked as he threw the knife in my back as I tried to run away once again. I dropped to the dirty ground in pain. Everything started to fade and spin around me. As I breathed heavily on the ground in pain trying to stay awake, the three men came over to me. One of them that I didn't recognize, probably the one holding me before, picked me up as I went unconscious.

A/N; OOOOOHHH, what will happen neeeexxxttt????? You'll have to wait and see hm? Oki bye lol

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