Hide N' Seek

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Andy:-Watching T.V-

Jeff:-Walking by-

Andy: Jeff can you grab me a Dr.Pepper?

Jeff: Get it yourself

Andy:-Holds up a tape- Oh, then, would it be a shame if this got out to the world...

Jeff: whats That?

Andy: Oh just a little tape of you and Ej -smirking- nothing to hard realize, maybe you should sleep on it.

Jeff: O_O Ima go get you that pop

Andy: Oh I would.

Jeff:-Walks to the kitchen-

Midnight: -Joins Andy on the couch- Hey, whatcha doing?

Andy: Blackmailing Jeff

Midnight: cool

Jeff:-Hands Andy the pop- Here

Midnight: Jeff, can I get a sprite?

Jeff: N-

Andy:-Holds the tape up-

Jeff:-Scowling- Suuuuuure-Walks off-

Ej:-Walks In-

Andy: Hey! Jack, can you go to my room and grab me a big blanket please?

Ej: Sure-Walks up the stairs-

Jeff:-Gives midnight her drink-

Midnight: Hey, wanna watch a movie??

Andy: Sure

Midnight: I'm kinda in the mood for popcorn

Andy: Heyyyy, me to! Jeff?

Jeff: -_- -Walks to the kitchen-

Ej:-Comes Down with Andy's blanket- Here

Andy:-Takes it and puts over her and midnight- Thank you!!

Ej: -Goes to the kitchen-

Jeff:Jack! Andy still has the video!

Ej: You're kidding?

Jeff:-Shaking his head-

Ej: And What is Andy threatening exactly

Jeff: To broadcast the tape across every internet surface!

Ej: I have an Idea...


Andy and midnight:-Talking about how Andy cheated when they were playing games-

Jeff:-Recording the conversation-

Andy: Welp! Later! I'm gonna go suffer from this cold-Glitches away-

Jeff: -Runs off-

~the next day and after many more recorded conversations~

Andy: Jeff, can you go get my sketch book

Jeff:-Looks at Ej- -Looks back- Nah....

Andy:-Holds up the tape-

Midnight:-Walks In with a can of pop-

Jeff:-Plays a recording-

Andy: You know how IM dating Toby right
Midnight: Yes
Andy: I cheated on him
Midnight: Hey! I cheated on Jason!

Jeff:-Stops recording-

Midnight:-Drops her pop-

Andy: One reason I shouldn't kick you in your ass!

Jeff: Cause then I'll show Jason and Toby

Midnight: Where'd you even get that!!

Ej: We took Recordings of your conversations and chopped them up then put them back together

Jeff: We'll trade ya, That tape, this recording

Andy: I've never lost one! Never am!!

Jeff: Fine, bye!-Runs off with E.J-

Andy: Oh this means war....

Midnight: Operation get the recorder is a go! Let's send some warnings...

Andy: -Has paint-way ahead of you... You get Ej's room-Hands her paint-.. I got Fan service..

Midnight and Andy: -Fist bumps Each other and disappears-


Jeff: -In his room- What the fuck...

Ej: -In his room- Oh god...

Both rooms: -Hot Pink Walks with red paint saying  "Run."

Lights in both rooms:-Turn off-

Midnight:-Appears behind Jack- This is a nightmare you can't escape from....

Jack: ;~; -Falls through a portal- AHHHH!!!!!!!

Midnight:-Appears in front of Jeff-

Jeff: OH SHI-

Midnight:-Opens a portal-

Andy:-Appears And Kicks Jeff in- You're about to flatline

Andy and Midnight:-Look At each other then nod with smirks-

Jeff:-Falls On Jack- FUK!

Ej: Ow...-Looks up to see a Rose maze- Fuck

Jeff: we're in midnights dimension, huh

Ej: Yup, meaning she has monsters here

????: -Giggles-

Jeff And Ej:-Get up and turn around to see to figures with glowing masks and doll clothes-

Figure 1's Mask

Figure 2The one who giggles masks

Figure 2:-Has Metal pipe and is speaking in high pitched voice- CMONE!! WHAT DOES THE BOSS WANT US TO DO!!!

Figure 1: -Talking in lower tone of voice- Retrieve the tape...

Jack: RUN!!!-Gets up and starts running through the maze-

Jeff: HEY WAIT!!!

Figure 2: CMON!! LETS GO GET EM' MD!!! I GOT FAN- I mean..the one with a smile......-Teleports-

MD: Smooth, A.D-Wraps black mist around her legs and lifts herself into the air-

Jeff: make sure to keep the tape away from them! They're gonna give it to Midnight!


A.D: Woah-Oh, Woah-Oh~ You wish there was another way out~

MD:-Falls in front of them- We won't go away! We'll chase you for days and days!

A.D: -Appears next to MD-We'll do awful things! Ways to make you fade away!

Jack: THIS WAY!!-Pulls Jeff into another area-

Jeff:-Pulls away- CMON!!

MD: I don't think you can make it through! And we're just here alone! We better find you first, before you find a phone!-Disappears with A.D-

Jeff:-Makes sharps turns with Ej following-

AD:-Appears behind them and chases them- You better run, better run, better run, yeah We're coming after you

A.D:When you're sleeping at night, yeah there's nothing you can do

MD: -Appears in front of them- There's no place you can hide 'cause I'm coming after you!-

MD: You'll wish there was another way ou-ou-ou-ou-out for you~You'll wish there was another way ou-ou-ou-ou-out for you~

AD:-Makes a dive for the recording-

Jeff: -Grabs Ej And turns into a passage-

~Bit later-

Jack: We're our of that freaky maze!

Jeff:-Notices a very large house- Into the house! Enough places to hide!!!

Jeff And Jack: -Make a Run for it-

AD: Looks like we're playing hide N' seek...

MD: Don't worry, I know everything that goes on here...

MD and AD:-Both follow to the house-

Jeff: It huge in here! cmon!!


Ej And Jeff:-Hide behind door -

AD: DING DONG!! -Bangs On the door- OPEN UP THE DOOR~ I ONLY WANNA PLAY A LITTLE!!!!!-Eyes flicker-

Jeff:-Whispers- over there, vents

Ej:-Pulls the vents off and crawls through-


AD:DING DONG!! YOU CANT KEEP ME WAITING!!!-Teleports into the room to see the vent and look in- ITS ALREADY TO LATE!! FOR YOU TO TRY AND RUN AWAY!!!-Crawls in And follows-

Jeff And Ej:-Get Out in another room and see MD in a window-

MD: I see you through the window~ our locked together~ I can sense your horror, though I'd like to see it closer~-Appears in the room-

Ej And Jack: AHHHHHHH!!!!-Run out of the room-

MD and AD:-Start walling side by side and following after-

MD and AD: Ding dong~ here we come to find you~ Hurry up and Run~ let's play a game and have some fUun~

Jeff:-Whispers- Let's split up-Does quick hand mostions with the tapes back and forth with Jack and both go separate ways-

AD: I got fan service- Follow Jeff-

MD:-Runs after Jack-

AD: Ding dong~- Swings her pip at Jeff-

MD:-Searching Rooms- Where is it You've gone to~ -Turns her head to a wall and walks over-

AD:-Gets stabbed in the stomach by Jeff- Do you think you've won~

MD:-Turns the corner to see Jack- Our game of hide N' seek has just begun~

Jack: -Runs-

MD:-Chasing After- I Hear your footsteps~ Thumping loudly through the hallways~

AD:-Chasing after Jeff- I can hear your sharp breaths~!

MD and AD whilst in different areas: YOU'RE NOT VERY GOOD ARE HIDING!!!!

MD and AD: Just wait, you can't hide from me (I'm coming) Just wait, you can't hide from me (I'm coming)

MD And AD: Just wait, you can't hide from me (I'm coming)
Just wait, you can't hide from me~

AD:-About to hit Jeff when Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy, And Jigsaw dart out in front of her- AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Freddy: You're not getting away this time!

AD: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!!-Hitting then repeatedly with her pipe-

Jeff And Jack:-Turns into a room and Locks it and Hides in a closet-

AD:-Covered blood after being caught up for a few minutes- ...... -Banging on the door violently- KNOCK KNOCK~

MD:- At the door- I'm at your door now, I'm coming in -Unlocks the door with a key-

AD: NO NEED TO ASK PERMISSION!!!!-Teleports In- Knock Knock!

MD:-Walks In- I'm inside the room Now~ Where is You've hid?

AD: Our game of Hide N' Seek is about to End~

MD: I'm coming closer~

AD:-Looks under the Bed- Looking beneath the bed~ you're not there,
I wonder~

MD:-Gets up from under the bed- Could you be in the closet~-Opens the Closet-

Jeff And Jack: AHHHHHHH!!!

AD: Ding Dong~ I have found you

MD: -Opens the closet- Ding Dong~ You where hiding here!

AD: Ding Dong~ Finally found you, Jeff!

MD: Ding Dong~ Looks like I have one, Now your it-Grabs Ej's Hoodie And Head to the entrance-

AD:-Grabs Jeff's Hoodie and Drags him to Entrance- Ding Dong, Time to pay the consequence.

MD:I see you Found Jeff, I got the the tape

AD:-Take doff her Mask- Sweet!

Jeff: ANDY!!!!!!

MD:-Takes her Mask off-

Ej: And midnight...We are screwed

Midnight:-Crushes the Tape- Yup!

Andy: Seems Like you're about to flatline!-Cracks her knuckles-
And done!

And now, as for a frequently asked question on my tumblr, "Why doesn't midnight cuss."

That's because, I don't know if her owner, HackerResurrected wants her to cuss, so I keep midnight cussing pretty PG, so bye!!!

Also!! I was bored at night so I searched Creepypasta on Pinterest and I ended up in the Jason section, LOOK WHAT I FOUND


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