Things you didnt know about my oc's

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1.) She's 20

2.) She has developed senses to know when River is about to have and Anxiety/Panic Attack

3.) Andy is very skilled in deceiving others

4.) When I was creating Andy, She was originally gonna be a dude, which is why her hair is short, I decided against it and made her a girl

5.)  Andy paints on her skin when she's Stressed

1.) He has waist long hair. He keeps the front short and usually wears it in a ponytail

2.) River isn't naturally 7"10. He used the book to make him tall

3.) his book is called "das Buch um die Zeit neu zu schreiben" which in German, translate to " The book to rewrite time."

4.) River has God syndrome

5.) The reason River leaves for so long is that he has to leave to "The Council Of The Eight Eyed Raven." The ones who created Rivers Book. The council consists of Eight powerful Members with godlike powers, River being the Eight and weakest member of the council, he is usually called there when he breaks rules the council has given him to follow

1.) She used to be a member of "The Council Of The Eight Eyed Raven." She was the second strongest member, making her the "Second Eye." And was the only female of the council at the time before she was Murdered to where  River unknowingly took place as the "Eighth Eye"

2.) Her body is made of fire

3.) Leana's Full name is Jigoku no hi Leana. "Jigoku no hi." Translating from Japanese to English meaning "Hellfire."

4.) She's the one who gave River the Stitches in his neck

5.)Shes jealous that she no longer holds control of River's Book

1.) He's Mute

2.) In hellhound form, He's around 25 feet on all fours

3.) He used to belong to a Tribe of Hellhounds

4.) He has an Obsession with Ranch

5.) He likes to screw over Andy and getting her in trouble
Kodaline(Leana's Dragon)

1.) She an Ancient, So she's HUGE

2.) She often sleeps and isn't seen often

3.) She can't breathe fire

4.) She can speak to Leana a Telepathically

5.) Needs to be taken care of constantly by Leana, so Leana isn't often seen

1.) Floofy used to Be a Wolf Spirit guise before he died

2.) Floofy when fully grown, wil reach the height of 50ft when on his hind legs

3.) Floofy Is only 2 years old

4.) Floofy gets attached to things easily(Literally) If He makes to much static be by playing, He gets stuck to metal due to so much static in his fur

5.) He likes to hide Rivers things
Spaget(Andy's Snake)

1.) Hates Everyone, including Andy. Puts up with her cause she feeds her

2.) He's scared of living mice

3.) He likes watching T.V

4.)He likes biting people

5.) He likes to shatter glass

1.) His birthday Is February 13th

2.) His biological last name is  Anderson

3.) He has no idea his family are murderers

4.) He once Accidentally stumbled upon Andy's Yaoi collection(Zheng's didn't get the chance to look before Andy caught him)

5.) He likes to steal makeup and play with it
Would you guys like more info on the council????

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