Part 10

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It was another fifteen minutes before anything else happened, but eventually Miss Rosewood called for attention and silence descended once again. We all rode in closer to hear her.

"I hope you have all had enough time for conversation and are ready for the events. First will be dressage, followed by cross-country and finally showjumping. However, it is different to previous years as your performances today will determine if you will make the team tryouts tomorrow." A murmur went through the crowd and people looked at each other. This was a complete surprise, and I could tell that many students were annoyed at the lack of notice.

"I apologise for the short notice," the headmistress continued, "But it was not decided until very recently and there was no time to inform you." The students clearly didn't believe this but the headmistress was a respected woman and nobody said anything.

"If you would not like to take part in any events, please remain beside the refreshments table. Everyone else may make their way to the dressage arena."

We said goodbye to Marcy and Mika, who wished us luck as we left. I began to get nervous but tried to stay relaxed, knowing that Robin would be able to pick up on my nerves.

About three-quarters of the school turned out to compete, which left me with a less-than-comfortable feeling. Marcy had told me earlier that only six people made the varsity team after the tryouts, with eight people making the other team, but nobody knew how many people would pass these trials.

A general feeling of unease and nervousness ran through the competing students. Robin picked up on it and danced beneath me as I rode her in circles to keep her listening to me and distract her from the crowd while we waited.

Flynn fell into step beside me. "You ready to get beaten, McKenna?" he smirked. I raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge, young novice?" I retorted. He just laughed.

"Your confidence will be your downfall," I said, shaking my head in mock sadness. He feigned hurt and Quicksilver snorted.

"At least your horse sees some sense." My glee quickly turned to horror as Flynn shoved me hard enough for me to lose a stirrup and I hung momentarily, clinging to the saddle as Robin turned round and gave me a surprised look. I heaved myself back up before any staff saw and patted Robin's neck, holding in a laugh. "Now that was just mean!"

"Just so you know I'm serious," Flynn smirked and rode off as his name was called.

"Idiot," I muttered, but there was a smile on my face. A devious one.

I looked up again, out of my thoughts, and caught two of the staff struggling to lift a heavy-looking filler in the showjumping arena. As I watched, Cass jumped off Sunny to help, leaving the mare with another teacher who was poring over a sheaf of papers. She nodded distractedly and took Sunny's reins.

And what I did next would be the worst mistake of my life...

I did nothing. I looked on as Varsity sauntered up and offered to hold the mare. The teacher nodded, looking relieved, and turned away. I saw Sunny jink back in fright as she recognised Varsity, but the girl held tight to the reins and her palomino remained completely calm.

I would have intervened, of course I would have, especially when I saw Varsity lean down and make a quick movement after a furtive glance around. And then she was gone again as Cass returned, leaving a bewildered Sunny with the even-more-bewildered teacher. A cold feeling settled in my gut.

Cass vaulted into the saddle without even putting a foot in the stirrup and, before I could even call her name, she was riding towards Logan who was beckoning her with a smile. I kicked Robin on after her, but suddenly Varsity cut straight across my path with several followers in tow. It couldn't be a coincidence.

"Oh, hey Autumn!" she purred, making my blood boil. "I didn't expect to see you here, actually trying to win a place in the tryouts tomorrow! I hope you don'y get too heartbroken when you fail. If these qualifiers get that far, anyway." She chuckled darkly to herself and moved off. I wondered briefly what she meant. What had she planned?

Bu my thoughts were forgotten as Cass's name was called and she rode towards the arena. I had to reach her.

She smiled brightly as Robin skidded to a halt in front of her, and I managed to pant, "Cass, Varsity did something to--"

But she waved a hand at me, saying, not unkindly, "Oh, please don't mention her now! You'll put me off my test!"

My protests went unheard as she trotted into the arena and got Sunny working nicely on the bit before Miss Rosewood, standing just outside the arena, called for her to begin. Since we hadn't been given tests to memorise, our head teacher would be telling us what to do. It was only a simple test, of course, but I had never done one without learning it before.

Everything seemed to go smoothly and Cass's test was almost over. But, as Miss Rosewood asked for sitting trot from M to C, I could see my friend frown and look down at her right leg. At that moment, Sunny tripped and Cass screamed, lurching forward over the mare's shoulder. Sunny half-reared and shot forward, and Cass flew out of the saddle. But her foot was still in the stirrup and she was still being dragged as she hit the ground. Her ear-piercing scream of pain echoed through the woods, and suddenly everything was deathly silent as her left leg finally thumped to the ground, at an odd angle to her hip. Sunny had done a full circuit of the arena, and Cass had landed just beside a broken stirrup leather.

Sunny slowed down immediately, blowing and rolling her eyes nervously. A sheen of sweat glistened over her body.

Four members of staff leaped into the arena, and I saw Logan tearing after them with a look of white-faced horror. But all I could look at was that body, lying absolutely still on the sandy floor of the arena.


Dun dun duuuuuuun!!!

Sorry that this chapter was a little shorter, I had really bad writer's block and had no idea where to go with this. But anyway :D

As usual, please vote, comment and tell me what you think!

Until next time,

Chloe :)

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