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"Morning Lia," Jisoo greets me with a smile and I had this thought to quickly turn around to hide my embarrassment, the fact that we kissed and it was so fucking intense- god I need to repent.

"M-morning." I reply, and Jisoo laughs at the sight of my face. It's not funny!

"Seungcheol and Jeonghan went off somewhere, I think they're heading to the mall to get Jeonghan some new clothes," Jisoo explains as he flips the pancakes cooking on the stove "that boy brought t-shirts with him and its freezing here."

He could just die in the cold though.

"Anyway, wanna go somewhere today?" Jisoo asks me, placing the stack of pancakes on the table. He takes off the apron soon, and I realized he actually looked so boyfriend material with an apron on, cooking.

"Yeah! I was thinking of showing you around. Let's head to Seungcheol hyung's cafe too, soon." I tell him and stuffed myself with pancakes.

"Alright. First date, huh?" Jisoo laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Yah, I didn't say it was a date!" I joked.

"Whatever you say, princess." He leans in and softly pecked my lips, and left to go change.

My eye twitched at the nickname.


"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Jisoo yells back, bursting out laughing "BACON PANCAKES MAKING BACON PANCAKES-"

How did I end up dating a guy this embarrassing...

• • • • • • •

"Seungcheol, this doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, bringing Hansol along with us. He looks like he just wants to get the fuck out of the car."

"No shit sherlock, took you long enough to realize that." Hansol says from the backseat and Jeonghan rolls his eyes, underestimating the fact that the boy could hear.

"Talk to your hyung properly, kid. Why are you like this?" Seungcheol heaves a sigh. He's having a hard time too. Why Hansol was acting this way like an absolute stuck up dick, and why he wanted to run away from home.

Seungcheol wouldn't let him, of course ; family sticks together.

"Then get me out of here, hyung. I don't want to be the fucking third wheel in your somewhat gay relationship," Hansol huffs and pulls his headphones out "looks like someone went bent after breaking up, huh."

"Hansol. Enough." Seungcheol says firmly.

The younger boy quietened down after that, simply listening to his ratchet of a music (or at least that was what Jeonghan thought) loudly, the loud beat was audible enough even with headphones on.

"Yah, Hansol, turn down the volume." Seungcheol orders, but Jeonghan pats his arm and tells him to let the kid be.

Seungcheol notices something. Ever since Jeonghan made an appearance, his family's been torn apart.

He's busy with Jeonghan, Lia doesn't talk to him as much anymore (after finding out that she's been a wreck for months ; and he truly felt sorry), Hansol just keeps going out with friends and hates home. Meanwhile Jisoo and Lia spend time more often together and well, maybe that was the only good thing.

He doesn't know what to do. How to bring them together again. Seungcheol noticed that maybe, just maybe ; Hansol had a disliking towards the long haired male.

What's wrong with Jeonghan, though?


The car pulled into the parking lot and the two older boys head out to do window shopping while Hansol decided to wander around wherever the fuck he wanted.

"So what happened in LA?" Seungcheol starts a conversation, browsing through the thick coats and turtlenecks on sale.

"Just visited my parents, yeah. They're okay now, so that's why I came back," Jeonghan says, grinning "I missed you guys. Lia, especially."

Seungcheol had knots in his stomach once he heard the other male mention his sister.

"Um, look, I feel like we need to talk soon." Seungcheol finally has the guts to ask his friend. He think he needed to talk it out.

"Sure, what about though?" Jeonghan looks up at him.

"About your breakup with Amelia."


• • • • • • • •


"Not too loud!" He shushes her, an apologetic look on his face "I'm sorry! I just love corndogs okay!"

"Joshua this isn't LA!" Lia facepalms, and Jisoo just stood there with the two sticks of corndogs in hand "you used up all our money for going home???"

"Hey be grateful ; its food."

"Good point but still, who was the one who said that his leg hurt and pleaded me to take the subway instead?"

Jisoo gives her a cheeky smile. You know. The cheeky one that he usually does.

"Don't smile at me like that you idiot!" She whacks him and Jisoo was thankful the corndogs didn't drop "now we gotta walk all the way home!"

"I'd walk a thousand miles, as long as I'm with you."

"Jisoo I swear-"

"I'M JOKING I'M JOKING NO DON'T EAT BOTH." Jisoo puts his hands up, keeping the two corndogs out of her reach.

"Fine," Lia mutters, giving up at Jisoo's tall height "let's just walk home okay? The cafe might take some time to get there, but we could ask Seungcheol hyung to fetch us home."

"Yeah! I haven't been to your brother's cafe yet," Jisoo says, handing Lia one of the corndogs as they walked.

All Lia thought was about the library there, though.

"So is your life in Korea good?" Jisoo asks her.

"Yeah, it used to be good and quite shitty but hey isn't that normal?" Lia finishes her corndog and throws the stick into the bin by the street "life's got its ups and downs."

"Well aren't you optimistic." He laughs.

"I am now." She smiles back.

Jisoo takes her hand in his, and Lia feels her cheeks heat up at the sudden move.

"Your hands are so cold!" She complains. Not thst she didn't like it, though. It was like his hands were freezing.

"I get cold easily," Jisoo chuckles "but I've got your hand to keep mine warm."

"Smooth, Joshua, real smooth." Lia rolls her eyes, and this boy named Hong Jisoo takes a chance to steal a kiss on her lips.

"I practiced," Jisoo winks, laughing at the tomato faced girl.




- Cee

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