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As soon as the sound of Jeonghan's footsteps faded away, Jisoo was silent. And I didn't know what to do, if I should hug him or comfort him or say something.

That one hell of an angel screwed up.

"Um.. Jisoo…let's go eat," I say, taking a step forward. His head hung low as he stood still, eyes not leaving the floor.


"It's alright, you can go eat first," Jisoo flashes me an assuring smile. He tried to sound okay, but of course he wasn't. He was the one who complained about his hunger the whole day and suddenly not wanting to eat means something's off.

I watched as Jisoo left the hallway and exited the cafe, leaving for somewhere. If he even knows where he's even heading to.

My eyes trailed up to Jeonghan who was next to my brother, eating happily. He's so goddamn annoying.

"Where's Jisoo off to?" Seungcheol hyung asks me, stuffing more chicken in his mouth. I shrugged.

"Gone somewhere. Probably to buy something," I mutter, catching a glimpse (if I wasn't mistaken, and I'm sure I wasn't) of Jeonghan smirking like he just won something.

"Hansol, eat." Seungcheol hyung calls, and I quickly told him to shut up and let the kid be. I got up and took a box of the fried chicken, leaving the table.

"Where you goin?" Seungcheol hyung asks, but I ignored his question and walked up to Hansol's table, nudging him by the shoulder. He pulls out one of his earphones amd raises a brow.

"Let's go eat somewhere else," I tell him "I'm sick of this place."

• • • • • •

"You know noona, he's a total jerk."

I laugh at Hansol's words.

"Yah, what's so funny?" Hansol fumes, feeling insulted by my laughter.

"You were insulting him like you're a girl." I laughed again.

Hansol rolled his eyes and popped another piece of chicken into his mouth, "But for real. I hate seeing those two together, getting all comfy in the car and shit. It makes me sick."

"I'm sick of those two too." I sigh. I can't blame Seungcheol hyung if he likes Jeonghan or anything. I just don't like the fact that he's become much more jerkier…if that's even a word.

Hansol tugs my arm, "I heard your argument a while ago."

"Whoa, you did? Your music was on high volume though."

"I was on my way to the toilet and heard you people," He says, swinging his legs "I feel sorry for Jisoo hyung."

True. He doesn't know that we've dated before.

What was I supposed to do then? Tell him that we've dated? Tell him that we've spent almost all the time together before? Of course that would just hurt him even more.

Even so, what Jeonghan said didn't make sense. I wasn't even his anymore, so why does that matter? It doesn't mean that he wins.

"Noona, has Seungcheol hyung talked to Jeonghan about the breakup?" Hansol asks me. Oh yeah. About that...

"He did. Jeonghan didn't really care though."

"I don't understand why he's after you again so desperately after leaving you like shit," Hansol huffs, his expression clearly annoyed "it's not like you're that important, anyway."

"Hey watch it there," I punched his shoulder jokingly "you're making me sound like I'm trash."

"You are," Hansol snickers.

I roll my eyes, "Thanks."

• • • • • •

Ah…this disease is such a pain.

Jisoo lies on his hospital bed, unable to move even though his back was aching so bad and he wanted to move his frozen feet. He stares at the ceiling.

Another sigh.

He closed his eyes to sleep but the poor boy was shocked when the door to his ward slammed open, and there stood Lia.

"The doctor told me you didn't eat your meds yesterday," She says with a threatening voice "why didn't you?"

"Your life depends on that, Jisoo. Do you wanna die? Do you want to leave me alone? Dude you know you're my best friend I can't live without you man." Lia sighs and plops herself on the chair by his bed, huffing.

"I'm sorry," Jisoo squeaks.

"Yeah whatever, just eat your meds okay Josh, I just want you to get better." Lia says, and she rests her head on his bed.

"Any news?" Jisoo asks her.

"Nothing. Just the usual arguments they have." Lia replies, the image of her parents fighting popped up in her head.

"What about your brothers?"

"They're good, I guess. Aw come on let's talk about something else! You're so dull," Lia says and sits up straight again.

"Well, I had a bad dream last night, didn't go too well."

"Nightmare? What was it about?"

"I was dead."

There was a moment of silence for the both of them, Lia wasn't expecting that to be his dream. She had goosebumps all over, and she badly wanted to change the topic, but Jisoo already carried on.

"I died and I saw everyone by my grave. I was there, but nobody saw me. I didn't see you anywhere though." Jisoo went on, making Lia hold back the urge to cry as she kept telling herself that this wouldn't happen in real life.

It's never going to happen. Ever. Jisoo's going to live, he would grow back healthy and happy and they could play again and everything would be back to normal.

"I died before I could even tell you that I love y-"

He was cut off when the door opens, his doctor standibg by his door.

"Looks like it's time to leave," The doctor says and Lia bows, taking her stuff with her "have a nice day, Lia."

"You too, please take care of Jisoo." she bows again, and waves at Jisoo "bye."

Jisoo watcges as her figure disappears from the door.

All I want is to spend more time with you, Lia.

I need you now, when I'm at the brink of death.



'Crazy dream…' I was sweating when I woke up. Not sure if that was a nightmare, or it was a flashback I couldn't really remember.

But let me tell you, I have dreamt of dying before.

That terrifying moment when I wasn't conscious and unable to move yet I could still hear everything that was happening around me. People were rushing and the doctors were trying their best to save me and check my heartbeat and all.

The scariest moment is when your heartbeat stops, and the alarm goes off.

At that moment you could hear the crying getting louder and you know you're leaving the world already.

Somehow, that feeling feels familiar, but I tried my best to forget it.

It happened quite a long time ago, anyway.

I got off the bed and drank some water, brushing back my hair. The temporary orange dye was gone though, now my hair's just back to brown.

Seems like Lia and the rest hasn't came home yet though.

I actually wonder if she thinks I'm childish now. Making such a big fuss over a sentence. How I hate his sentence, and the way he says it so much.

It's not wrong to feel jealous isn't it? I have the right to be jealous as her boyfriend, anyway.

Past is past. Lia used to be his.

And he said it like she was his now.

I snickered. Jeonghan's such a fool. That was such a silly thing to say. Things between him and Lia are over, so why does he care?

I should talk to Lia about it, if she's okay with it I guess.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I ran downstairs to open the door, hoping it would be Lia.

But in front of me was a figure dressed in all black with a black trench coat and a black fedora covering the face, and jet black hair that goes past the shoulders.

"Um.. miss..?" I ask. She's quite tall for a girl.

"I'm a man you idiot, now don't mind me, I'm just dropping by." The voice startles me and I apologized for mistaking him for a girl.

"Who are you though?" I ask.

"That ain't important, so I'll get straight to the point. That long haired dude's planning something on you, so watch your back, kid. I don't know what he's up to, but he's got tricks up his sleeve."

I don't exactly get what he's saying…if it's the long haired guy…does he mean Jeonghan, then?

"Wait, what's up with all of this?" I ask. The man glowered.

"It's for the future. Just don't die."

I gulped at his words.

"Hey, at least let me know who you are." I grab his wrist. There was a slight smirk on his lips, yet I still couldn't make out the other features of his face.

The man chuckles, "I'm his acquaintance. Call me Ren. See you again."

He pulls his wrist away and walked away, out of this neighborhood.

Strange…why for the future? Why did he tell me not to die? To watch my back? What's all of this?

"Nonsense," I mutter to myself, shutting the door close.

Deep down, I just don't want to experience walking on the balance beam of life or death anymore.


I wad studying tbh ha then i ended up writing

Its always been like this

Somehow i feel like the way i write changed too...writing suddenly feels foreign, i think.

Anywhooo I've got an exam tmrw so i was just dropping by to say hi ahahahha no

Hehe. Enjoy guys ♡

- Cee

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