Chapter 68

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"Who let them enter in my home?" Mr Kishan roared seeing Shubman and Mayank on the hallway.

Well Mayank knows where they put the house key so they needed anyone to actually open it.

"Shut the heck up if you don't want me to call cops on you," Mayank was quick to retort back.

"You are the one trespassing my house. So get out right this instant if you don't want to plan a sleepover in jail," Mr Kishan glared at the two males.

"Look, we both don't even want to be here so just tell us where have you captured Ishan? Otherwise I will not think twice before forgetting you are elder than me," Shubman muttered.

"What do you mean by captured? Ishan is at home and doesn't want to meet anyone. So get lost before I kick you both out by myself,"

"Oh yeah? Do it," Shubman scoffed walking inside the living room.

"ISHAN ISHAN ISHAN,"Shubman growled while Mr Kishan ran towards him pulling him by his arm.

Shubman easily pushed him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Mr Kishan scowled.

"I want my boyfriend,"

"He is not your boyfriend anymore. He is my son! And he doesn't want to meet you ever again. So leave,"

"You doesn't want me to be with him."

"Same thing,"

"It's not the same thing bhosdike,You cannot keep me apart from him."

"How dare you speak to me like that in my own house! Get out, both of you, before I do something you will regret." Mr Kishan's face turned red with rage.

"We're not leaving without Ishan," Shubman stated firmly.

"If that's how you want to play it, then fine." Mr Kishan clenched his fists, his whole body shaking with anger.

He lunged forward grabbing Shubman with his hair and thrusted his face to the nearest wall. Shubman groaned punching Mr Kishan's face.

Mayank also launched himself holding back Mr Kishan's arms and pull him away from Shubman.

Mr Kishan elbowed Mayank hardly in the ribs causing Mayank to groan loudly.

"Stop it all of you," Raj's voice boomed as he entered the house with Mrs Kishan.

"What are you guys doing?" Mrs Kishan asked quickly walking towards Mr Kishan.

"See for yourself Raj, you used to tell me maybe he is right choice for Ishan...he is barging inside my house and punching me, is this how youngsters treat their elders?"

"Yeah just like how the elders capture their son and don't even treat him right?"

"He is my son, I can do whatever I want to with him."

"No Dad, you can't. Please let Ishan go, I am sorry I asked for a chance for you to accept him. Ishan doesn't need us. He is better off without this toxicity," Raj spoke and Mr Kishan looked at him in disbelief.

"Raj you are the one who made us give a chance to Ishan. We had already disowned him. You told us that he will change if we give him a chance," Mrs Kishan said.

"I was wrong...clearly Ishan doesn't need us, he was happy without us. Shubman please go and bring him out of the store room, if anyone tries to stop you then don't think about my promise. I am really done with everything," Raj scowled going towards the stairs.

"I will call the police if they even tried to take one more step inside my house,"

"Go ahead dad, let's see if the police will want to arrest them for trespassing or arrest you for physical abuse,"

Raj stormed upstairs with Mr Kishan following his son and yelling at him for acting like this. Mrs Kishan also followed them after telling Mayank and Shubman to get out of the house.

Mayank instead ran towards the store room with Shubman.

"No it's actually this way," Mayank said seeing Shubman turning to right.

"You know where is the store room?"

"Yeah, my favourite thing was to walk freely in Ishan's home and trigger his dad. There is a reason he hate my guts," Mayank shrugged opening the latch on the door.

Shubman quickly darted inside the room to look for Ishan.

They both could hear the yelling between Raj and Mr Kishan.

"Ishan," Shubman gasped quickly pulling Ishan's bruised body up. He was laying unconscious with his hands and legs tied.

Shubman quickly pulled Ishan on his lap.

"Shit he looks so miserable,"

"Let's take him out fast,"

Mayank nodded his head helping Shubman, and they both walked out of the hallway towards the front door.

"What the fuck do you think you guys are doing? Kidnapping him?" Mr Kishan roared while Raj tried to pull his dad back.

"Taking back my boyfriend,"

"Dad please I beg you let him go,"

Mr Kishan looked at Raj before turning back at Shubman.

"If he stepped out of my house now then I won't let Ishan come back to my house ever again. He will be like a stranger for us forever,"

"If you can't accept your son for who he is then it's better to let him go instead of torchering him." Shubman spat before walking out of the house.

"Shubman wait," Raj said coming beside him. He handed Ishan's phone and tablet to Mayank.

"Please take him to xxx hospital, I will come within a few minutes as well. And yeah let only Dr Yz to check Ishan,"


"And please take care of the backside, he is really bruised a lot on the back. So whenever you make him lay down, do it on stomach." Raj spoke and ran inside his home.

"I will go and bring a cab," Mayank said and Shubman hummed now holding Ishan in a baby position.

Why all the bad things happen to Ishan?


"Can any of you brief me about what happened to him?" The doctor asked.

He has checked upon Ishan and bandaged him as well.

Within 15 minutes, Raj also came to the hospital.

Current Ishan was laying down on the bed while the doctor looked at them.

"His eyes accidentally came in contact with boiled water and—" Raj started but the doctor interrupted.

"The condition of his eyes definitely not looks like it came in contact with boiled water just once on accident,"

"Okay, it was thrice," Raj grimaced.

"On accident?"

"Yeah," Raj looked down fiddling with his fingers.

"And what else happened? On accident ofcourse" Shubman asked scoffing.

"It looks like his back was harshly whipped and wasn't even treated on time because he ended up with infection, same goes with his left palm" The doctor spoke and Raj looked down in shame.

"Bhaiya I want to talk with you, alone." Shubman stared at Raj making him wince slightly at the tone.

The doctor sighed giving them some privacy because something was definitely not right and walked out of the room before checking upon Ishan.

"Dad called a baba, I thought they will just touch Ishan with a  broom kind of thing and will go after taking some money and doing a puja so I was silent." Raj quickly stated.

"Then why didn't you did anything after knowing what was actually happening?" Shubman retorted.

"It wasn't like I didn't tried. Trust me I did everything I could. Ishan was first confused why they tied him down but when they pulled a knife to cut his palm both me and Ishan fought with the baba. We nearly kicked him out but then Dad wasn't like I didn't tried, they took my phone and beat me as well.

Yesterday I called you, that was only because I lied of an emergency in hospital. I tried whatever I could but I was alone, if I included any other person then they definitely would have called cops or something,"

"What's the problem in that?! He did all this t his own son and you couldn't even call the cops," Shubman sighed.

"He is my dad okay? He has done so much for us since childhood. I just wanted to show my dad the right thing, I thought I would change him with time."

"Just because he has done good things so it give him right for doing bad things as well? It was all okay for him to throw boiling water at his son's face THRICE?!"

"Please calm down, he didn't do it intentionally. The tantrik convinced him that it was the female ghost in Ishan making him do all this. Dad thought he was torchering the ghost. He would never hurt his son intentionally,"

"Your words doesn't match with his persona at all bhaiya. Okay the hot water was to torcher...what about his hand and back?"

"The tantrik did hawan three times to free Ishan from the inner ghost, so whenever they will pull him Ishan would oppose in sitting on that hawan. He would try to tell Dad that it's not a sin, he is normal but then tantrik had convinced him the ghost was making him rebellious so they had to tame him. That's how Dad ended up with a hunter and whipping him on the back, to tame his inner beast. While doing the hawan they also cut his left hand, gushing the blood in the aahuti. And when the hawan was ended they would throw the hot boiled water at his face. To wake him up, it was all the wrong company. Dad would have never hurt him if that tantrik wouldn't have said so."

"Bhaiya please don't, I don't want to hear any excuses for that man. What he did was all wrong, and if you are thinking I would let it all go and after recovering Ishan can go back to his house then you are wr—"

"No Shubman, you can take him with you for a while. Infact staying away from us will be more safe from at the moment. That's why I even brought his passport and necessities in the suitcase. Keel him for 2-3 wee–"

"No, not for 2-3 weeks...I will keep him with me forever."

"Shubman I get it you are angry but we are his family."

"What family? Your dad disowned him just after the media bashed his personality. When he needed the family support where were his family? And now when he came to his so called family look where it has gotten him. I am so sorry Raj bhaiya but I can't trust Mr Kishan for Ishan. So unless he suddenly grows two heads and understands his mistake and grovel for his son, he is not going to get him back."

"You can't just—"

"Ofcourse he can. If he wouldn't then I would end up doing all that for Ishan. Because he doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. I would rather have him live with the people who treat him like the prince he is than living with the so called blood family and treat him like this," Mayank said barging inside the room.

"He is right bhaiya, I am sorry. I can ket Ishan meet you sometimes but that's the most I can do. Please don't make me fight with you. I just want to keep him away from all this," Shubman said and Raj sighed.

"Fine...but if Ishan wants to meet us? His parents?"

"I would never stop him but he won't be coming here alone ever again," Shubman muttered.

"Sh—" They were interrupted with a nurse coming inside.

She told them to go outside and they all hummed listening to her.


Shubman ended up taking Ishan to his house. First he had to fight with Raj Bhaiya about Ishan actually broking ties with his family but then they concluded, it all depends on Ishan. So when he will recover fully then he can make his own decisions.

Then second Shubman had to glare at Mayank who said he can take Ishan to his home. But the one ugly glare he gave had Mayank shutting up quickly. Shubman looked damn angry.

Then third he had to fight with the doctor and letting Ishan travel to Punjab where he will himself get the best doctor for Ishan for treatment.

After all of this, he finally had Ishan in his arms in their room, which he once showed him on the video call.

One sad thing, Ishan was unconscious for the whole time. The anesthesia which doctor had given him as soon as he was taken hospital, had weared off long ago. But his body was physically exhausted. So he was technically sleeping with his eyes covered up with medicine and doctor tape.

His whole back was also stitched and the doctor told him to not let Ishan make amy kind of upper body movements. He told him to lay Ishan on his stomach as well. So his back was intact the whole time. His left palm was also not looking good with the big gash.

One good thing was, Ishan's fever reduced and his infection was also taken care of.

Shubman was gently massaging his forehead before he had to peel himself away from the sleeping male, because of bathroom emergency.

Though he tried to be fast because he couldn't leave Ishan for even a minute. He wanted Ishan to be in front of him 24x7 now, he doesn't trust anyone.

A sudden scream had broken his thpughts as he quickly washed his hands and ran out of the bathroom.

It was Ishan.

He had woken up. Finally.


A/N :: So if you guys dunno...there are still some uneducated places where people practice these things. Jaadu and totka are an easy method for them to make everything go how they want it to be.

Trust me these all tantrik and pandits are fake. So please beware of them.

Also, my mood after watching India vs England test match— 🙃🙃

My mood after watching India u19 v USA u19 —🤩🤩🤩

My mood after watching big boss finale — 🙃🙃

Lmao the Rollercoaster of emotions I felt tonight

Still today was a chaotic day...kept me busy all day all night

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