Chapter 8

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Sated by the magic feast, the Fury returned, sleeping soundly within my now darkened soul.

But what of Ebelle's lifeless body? Her family deserved some sort of closure, but I did not know where they lived. At the very least, I had avenged her. So, at the first rays of dawn, I left her alone at the water's edge with a heavy heart, failing her again.

Bitter emotions swirled in on themselves, forming a kind of protective shell of dull numbness. But as I walked along in the twilight, grief washed over me in waves at unexpected moments with the slightest of triggers, like the deep redness of sunrise that reminded me of her auburn hair. But mostly, the guilt tortured me. A hundred what-ifs churned in my mind, alternate paths that I could have taken that did not result in Ebelle's death.

I am so sorry, Ebelle.

I knew I had to flee the city, since I killed a powerful noble's son and revealed the Fury. Soon, the authorities would come for me, and they would never listen to any pleas for justification or mercy. But before I fled, there was one more person I needed to confront.

Obeus snored in his bed, wrapped in a wad of rumpled blankets. His mouth gaped and sputtered. Dark curtains kept out all but a sliver of the morning sun. Irrational anger rose. How dare he sleep so soundly!

"Wake up, old man!" I shouted, shaking him by the shoulder.

He awoke with a start, eyes flashing wide as he propped himself up on elbows. When he noticed me, his wrinkled eyes narrowed to slits. "What are you doing here so early, Tomas? And in my bedroom?"

Turning away, I asked my own question. "Why?"

"Why what? You make no sense."

Clenching my fists, I swiveled back around and glared. "Why am I here? What did you hope to achieve with me?"

Obeus's expression softened, and his mouth dropped. "What happened?"

"They murdered Ebelle!" I spat. "Then I killed Ewyn."

Obeus swung his bony legs around to a sitting position. "Ebelle, the girl from the mess hall?" I nodded. He stood, pacing back and forth while smoothing wrinkled bedclothes and unruly white beard. "Were there others? Did they see you?"

"Five more, disguising themselves in black and claiming to be the Order. I took their Magic away. Forever."

The pacing abruptly stopped, and Obeus swung his head around. "With that which you call the Fury?" I nodded again. He came up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You asked me what I hoped to achieve. It is that. The awakening of your Fury."

Anger erupted in me like a flash fire. I slapped his arms away and shoved him back on the bed. Sensing my rage, the Fury awoke and burst out, swirling around me like a raptor and extending vaporous talons, ready to strike. I shouted, "And was Ebelle's death part of your plan?"

For the first time, Obeus's widened eyes showed fear. "No," he answered, shaking his head. "It never was. I am sorry."

"And why shouldn't I take your Magic away like the others?"

Obeus stood up, coming face to face. "Because it will take both of us together to rescue Aria."

Aria. I cannot fail her as well.

I recalled the Fury, then retreated to a wall, slumping down to sit on the floor, knees at my chest and head bent low. "Well, you got your wish."

"I did not think this moment would happen so soon."

Two sharp knocks on the bedroom door interrupted him. "Sir?" a voice called.

"What is it?" Obeus barked in return.

"Sir, King Reza is here, and he demands an audience."

"Take him to the library. I shall join him in a moment." After the guard retreated, Obeus said in a low voice. "It seems, Tomas, your activities have attracted high attention."

I jumped to my feet. "What do I do?"

Obeus's eyes darted about the room. "Umm, hide. Under the bed."

"Really? Couldn't you not just conjure an invisibility cloak, or some magic thing?"

"That thing inside you makes magic spells unreliable." He shooed me toward the bed. "Quickly."

How long as it been since anyone cleaned beneath the bed? Clouds of dust coated my throat and enough lint stuck to my clothes that I felt like a sheep ready for shearing. Obeus threw on the official black robe of Magus and straightened the collar, then marched out to the library with an air of confidence, closing the wooden-plank door behind.

Muffled voices, some angry, filtered in. I couldn't make out all the words, but my name came up. The door swung open with a grating creak, and I peeked around a draped blanket. A dark-haired man with lowered bushy eyebrows gazed in - Lord Gawyn, Ewyn's father and chief advisor to the king. His eyes blazed with contempt. Am I seen?

Out of view, Obeus huffed. "Do you think I would actually hide him in my bedroom? When you check under the bed, do clean it out for me."

I gulped and almost coughed from the dust.

"Enough!" bellowed King Reza, unseen by me. "Obeus, why did you send this commoner to mage training?"

Lord Gawyn retreated into the library but left the door open.

Obeus replied. "Your majesty, I sensed Magic in Tomas, something strange. Late onset abilities are not unheard of, so I sent him to the training for evaluation. I know how important it is that all potential mages be identified and bonded to you, sir. But I had no idea that he might hold the Magicae Null. It has been almost a century since one appeared."

"It is vital that he be found," the king stressed. "If he should take the Magic from more of my mages... Well, the kingdom and my throne would become vulnerable."

Gawyn huffed. "What of me? He killed my son! I demand justice."

"And what," Obeus snarled, "was your son doing out in the middle of night with Tomas and a dead girl?"

"Hold your tongue," Gawyn growled, "or I will--"

"Cease this pointless bicker," King Reza ordered. "Gawyn, you shall have your justice and I shall have my will done in a single act. A bounty shall be issued for Tomas' head, high enough that there will be nowhere he can hide. And you, Obeus. Know your duty."

"Yes, your majesty," Obeus answered in an even voice. "When I find Tomas, I shall deal with him appropriately."

My gut churned as footsteps and voices faded off in the distance. I had become the most wanted man in the kingdom. It keeps getting worse.

Obeus grumbled as he came back into the bedroom with a hand to his forehead. I scooted out from under the bed and brushed the lint balls from my clothes. Furling his forehead, he remarked. "Oh, so it is dirty under there."

I glared, but let it go. "How will we get out of this city? They will watch for me."

Rolling his eyes, he replied in a sarcastic tone, "Do you think so? And here I planned to take you out for tea and cake. Did you have to kill Ewyn? Now Lord Gawyn will stop at nothing to find you."

I didn't feel the need to defend my actions, so I shrugged. "Well, you did say I needed to become a villain."

"True, but you didn't have to do it so spectacularly."

Obeus rummaged through a closet, tossing out a blue guard's uniform and helmet. "Put these on."

"Oh, a disguise. But eyes will also be on you. Leaving through the city gate would look suspicious."

"By the Creator," he huffed, shaking his head. "There are other ways through the wall. I do have a plan."

"I had wondered about that. Perhaps sharing this plan with me would be beneficial?"

"Fine. Just keep your mouth shut and don't do anything excessively stupid."

Shucking my boots, I grumbled in a sarcastic tone, "Wonderful. Now we're communicating."

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