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(Bless my screenshot ^^)

Cha Heejin

Eunho is back with Woojin and Jinah is dating Hyunjin..When will you ask me out?Jk jk jk jk jk Im asking the readers LOLOLOLOL cause Im a lonely whale.

*insert's BangYedam voice*
"Baby wa-a-a-whyyyyyy so lonely?"

I think Im just gonna date Choi Bomin in my dreams..who knows what could happen.

"Hey "Minho said and sit next to me on the bench.

"Oh hey "I said and stare at the now fade sky.My lonely ass is here now alone, the boys are talking with each other and the two couples are being lovey dovey with each other.

"So...when are you going to get yourself a boyfriend? "Minho asked and I just choked myself in the air.

"U-uhhhhhh I dont know,never? you need to ask my bro for permission "I said bluntly without thinking.

"You have a brother?! "He asked,shocked.

i have a wha--OH SHIT I HV A BROTHER,,,,,Correction,step brother.Shit.I cant let StrayKids know my brother is in a MafiaGroup.

"Yea step brother,but dont worry he's ummmm overseas yeaa overseas working his ass off yeaaa working "I said awkwardly making a lie out of Jinyoung.

"Ohhhhh well ,if I ask you out then thats mean I dont even need your brother permission cause he's overseas "He said making my heart beat fast.

"Lee Minho did you just confess to me indirectly? "I asked teasing him as he just blush.

"I dont know,maybe I am maybe I'm not "He said before pecking me on the cheeks and ran to where the others are.

"Heejin!!!!!! "My two best pale shout and ran to me ,leaving their so called boyfriend behind.

"Yes?Im here gurl stop screaming "I said and fake close my ears .

"Lets go get ice cream,my treat.Im being so generous today "Eunho said and take out her wallet probably filled with Woojin's Pic on her money.

"Kaja~~~~~ "Jinah said and pull the two of us with her to the IceCream stall nearby.

The boys seem to be okay with us going because they are talking with each other,probably teasing thei hyung Minho after pecking my cheeks.What a group of dorks.

"Hello beautiful girls what do you want to order? "A woman in her 50's asked us.

"I want Strawberry flavour "

"Double Chocolate for me "

"Mint one"

The three of us say together and we laugh including the Old Woman picking up her scoop.

"I remember when I was your age,I also have a bestfriend,two to be exact. We spend our times together almost everyday.What a nice memory I have back then "She said and give us our ice cream.

I aww at her statement.Its nice having  a bestfriend,like really.

"So last night Woojin came to my house "Eunho said and i lick my icecream.

"Ohgod tell me about it "I said sounding like one of those gossips girls.Where did I even learn this things from?

So we ended talking about Woojin and laugh together walking back to where the boys are.

"Jinah-yah~~~ "Hyunjin coo as he walked towards his girlfriend.Before he can even reach Jinah....


"What was that? "Chan immediately said as he and the rest of the guys stand up walking towards us,in a shield-mode.

I was literally frozen along with Eunho,Jinah's blood splattered around my face with a little amount along with Eunho who's shirt is splattered with Jinah's blood.

"J-Jinah! "Hyunjin shout and reach for his girlfriend,our bestfriend,our childhood friends who's on the floor lying lifelessly.

"JEON JINAH "I said and bent down shaking her up

"H-Heejin,t-they are c-coming "She said as she cough blood.

"Yah you brat!Dont you dare leave me! I promise to do your chores for months.Dont you frikkin dare close your eyes! "Eunho spat as she hold Jinah's hand.

Somehow Jinah manage to chuckle and rolled her eyes at us.

"S-shut up,d-dont be dramatic "She said

"Who's they Jinah? "I asked her with pleading eyes.

"T-they are in my dreams,t-they will k-kill you...a-all of you "She said and look over at Hyunjin who's already having tears as he lean over Jinah resting his head on the crook of her neck.

"dont leave me please..we're together for almost a month, dont let me suffer please "Hyunjin lowkey said as the boys seem to know what Jinah is talking about.


"Heejin its your turn to talk now "Mrs.Jeon said as she toss her now-used tissue away and led me the way infront.

"Jeon Jinah.A bestfriend and a sister, why-why are you leaving so early?right I cant seem to think of i-it.God loves you thats why he took you away first."

"You're a bestfriend that I could ever had ,your such an amazing person and Im sure Hyunjin was glad having you in his life.Through those years you, eunho and me spend so many times with each other and I never regret it even a bit.People say just forget those memories,past is the past and theres a bright future ahead us.No..I wont even forget our memories together,because its a precious one and I hope you guys do that too.  "I said choking on my own tears and walked back to my seat holding my mouth preventing my self to cry.

"Its okay to cry Heejin.. "Minho said as he make me cry on his shoulder.

"Jeon Jinah,I know your up there already enjoying the cold breeze.We've known each other since diapers.You love to make Heejin and I laugh and even when we're having  a bad day,you always seem to make us cracked up.Like you said,whats a MENU without Me and You.I know cringe,but if it wasnt because of you,I wouldnt live in my life like this."

"A bestfriend and a sister "Eunho said looking at the floor as her tears started to fall.

I hold my hand to my mouth again,hearing Eunho's speech is making me emotional inside and outside.

Eunho sit next to me and we hold hands,not because we're bestfriend nor we love each other.Its because we lost someone that's dearly to us.

"Jeon Jinah,a friend,bestfriend and a good girlfriend."

"We know each other since we enter the highschool and everytime I saw you pass by with Eunho and Heejin, I asked myself when will ever talk or walk with this girl?Can I make her laugh like how her bestfriend make her? Jeon Jinah,a nice a beautiful girl inside and out."

"Im sorry that I cant protect you when I make mine..I cant even protect you when we're just metres away.Its fate and its already happened.I will always love you with your family and friends down here,dont forget us "Hyunjin finish his speech and walked to us.

"We'll take revenge I promise "Chan said and wipe my tears away.

"I make the person regret doing that "Jisung said and looked at Jeongin.

The face when Jinah got shot,it was priceless as if no one know.

Who kill her will regret this.

"We are still young,this cant be the end,we too have recently been through pain,we all acknowledge "-For You,3Racha


Im sorry guys please get some tissues,and Hyunjin im sorry killing your girl.

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