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Extra-extra:) next on,imma add another chapt for specials only since Im probably bored for the next couple of months.Since this book is already finished and is completed.Im just gonna add some chapters thats special and is for heejin and minhoE lolol ISTG i like voices and insomnia other than my pace.Fck

Cha Heejin

Its been two years since I started dated Minho.First,we're acting all lovey dovey but it didnt last long until Baejin found out about my relationship and told my parents.

My parents are fine with me and Minho because they trust Minho for me I dont even know why oh god.

"Heejin......"A whining Minho whine shaking my body and poking my cheeks making we wake up from my sleep.

"What time is it ?"I asked with my husky morning voice as I rub my eyes like usual not wanting some booger eyes in the morning.Wait how did i—-did I just frikkin invented booger eyes whut wait nvm.

"Its 8.15 im hungry jinnieEE"Minho whine wrapping his arm around my arm childishly.I covered my face with my pillow making him groaned.

"Its 8 in the morning Minho I usually wake up at 10,like who the heck wakes up at 8 nor 7 your not human"I said pulling my hand from his grasp.

2 months earlier,I moved into a new apartment with Minho.This dude rent this apartment for his life I just knew it lol since he always stay at straykids dorm .

I thought Minho left my ass alone but boy I was wrong.Sooner,I was picked up by Minho by bridal style.Me being me just stay there put in his arm snuggling closer onto his chest lazily.

He soon put me on the chair and turn in the stove cooking some scramble eggs.I rolled my eyes at his back .How can he do that to a princess who's trying to get her sleep.FruDGEeE

"Dude you can cook and know how to cook.Why the heck do you need to disturb my sleep?"I jokingly ask ,faking my anger.

"Pftttt you slept at 11 last night and I slept at 2 but look who woke up early today?Me .Me as in Lee Minho,the cool yet sexy guy in eart——-"

"Disgusting hag"I muttered loudly cutting him making the both of us laugh together.

"I finished cooking my love"Minho sweetly said and put the scramble egg on two plates and put it on the table.He also brought two cups of Hot Choco in his hands handing me one.

"Why are you so cheesy?the first time I met you your so so"I said and eat the egg he cooked which taste amazing yet simple.

"Just so so?"He asked raising an eyebrow and I just nod my head at him.He's not that kind of pervert guy or bad he's just a craCkhead :D

"Says the one who scream 'CHOI BOMIN SARANGHAEYO!' after gulping a tons of drugs"He reminds me when I first met with all of the straykids member.

Instead of being shy like all typical girls character in a story I just smiled and nod my head obviously agreeing.

"If its because of that embarrassing scene I wouldnt have known you nor met you.I wouldnt even want to talk to Felix at school despite his heavy ass breathing and deep voice.Girls are so explode for him"I said looking at Minho who's staring at me lovingly making my ears turns red.

"YAH STOP IT!We dated for 2 years now stop staring me like that.."I whined covering my eyes with my hands blocking my view from staring at him.

"So?I loved you to much to not stare at you"He said walking towards me and kneel infront of me pulling my hands intertwining them with him.

"Gosh MINHOEe your so cliche"I jokingly said trying to look at anywhere,anywhere thats not his beautiful eyes.Minho smirked a bit before cupping my face facing it towards his face.

"I know,its not like you dont like it right?after all you love me dimwit"He said scrunch his nose and snuggle his nose with mine.

"Sadly yes"I sigh and kiss both of his cheeks.Call me cringe,but this is what we are used to do now eversince we might sounds disgusting cause we rarely do this kind of thing but hey !Im offended!Im a girl too ofcourse I want to be one of em clingy child to a certain person.

"I really really really really love you"I said and hug him wrapping my arms around his neck ,since he bent down to my size I used this chance to plop onto him.Hugging him tightly making him suffocated.

"You love me cause I just cooked you breakfast"He rolled his eyes kissing my jawline.

Moving in with Minho was hard as first .Why?obviously in the morning I liked to shower using the heater leaving him with the cold one making him being all sulky at me.

Or its when I was on my period and I asked him to buy me two bars of chocolate since Im craving for it.When he got home I was hyping myself up going out from the bed happily but my smile soon disappeared when I saw him just holding a bag full of painkillers and some cd's.In the end,at 3 am Minho forced himself to go out to be me chocolate since Im being sulky.

In the end,we're still together with each other.Wrapping in each others arm.Despite the stupid and childish fights and action nothing of them are serious.Even if it is serious 10 minutes later I will run into his arm.Securing my self .

Reyna and Hyunjin are still going strong.They started to become all lovey dovey in a short time.Turns out they have a lot of game dates.Most likely it would be in Reyna's mansion since she owns the mansion by herself now after Mr Park and her sister Royeon was sent into the MAFIA JAIL.I just knew that it exist.

Woojin and Eunho??sheesh talking about the sweet and romantic couple.Both of them are planning to get marry soon.The event will be held at Reyna's mansion and reading the vows will be at 10.50 so when the both of them finished reading theirs.They would probably kiss at 11.11 ,thats what Eunho said in her mind.

Straykids?more like gay kids.They are becoming gayER than ever——just kidding!They are doing good infact they got the awards as the best rookie drug dealing of the year from JYP.JYP reduce some of their works about drugs so that they can look and live like a normal teens.

Dont make me start of with Felix and Changbin,they are sleeping with each other almost everyday.I even asked Minho if the both of us are in a relationship cause Changlix are killing us with their gay ship,acting more than a couple.Oh please.

"answer me hoe"I said shaking his shoulder making him chuckle lightly like an angel that was thrown from the sky to the ground. :D im a good girlfriend yey I know.Im making him fluttered lulululul.

"I love too,there"He said shyly and pull my hair a bit making me shrieked pulling his back.This love hate relationship is starting to grow peops

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