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Cha Heejin

"Eunho you looked wreck,what happened?"I asked Eunho,her eyebags is showing clearly.

"My abusive boyfriend thats what happened "Eunho said as Jinah just shook her head.

"Why are you still with that ass huh?he doesnt even treat you right and he's a playboy ,he play with girls heart "Jinah said and I agree.

"Its not easy okay?I dont like him from the start.....I....I just used him for my own will"Eunho said and put her head on her cross arm.

"Eunho why didnt you tell us earlier?mind telling me why you used Jonghyun?"Jinah asked comforting her.

Theres a moment of silence between us before Eunho started to talk

"I-I like this boy,he's like the actual sunshine for me,he's what you call 'my everything'.He confessed to me and I accept him because I like him too."

"We live in the same apartment, I-I miss it all,I miss him,I miss all the things that he did to me,I miss how he usually wake up next to me with his messy hair."She said choking in tears and I engulf her with a tight hug.

Whoever this boy is,he sure live a huge impact in Eunho's life.

"Then why dont you see him?talk to him?maybe go back together?"I asked.

"It-its not that easy okay?M-my sister Euna she died after friending with one his friends and I dont want the exact same thing hap-happen to me as much as we love each other,I cant risk my life for this"She said crying

Why does Euna sound familiar?

"Shhhhhhh Eunho its okay,cry all you want...we're here for you this is what bestfriend are for "I said and the three of us hug each other.

"I have an idea"

"How about later,we go and hangout with my friends?maybe they get you off this boy out of your head" I said and Jinah just grinned.

"Girls or boys?"She asked wiping her tears away.

"You'll see "I said as take my phone out of my pocket.

"I bet they are handsome "She said and Jinah and i giggle.

u free later?

yea why

I got a friend
who's kinda sober

she needs to hv
some fun

sure no biggy

meet you guys up at the arcade

we will fetch you
at sch

along w Hyunj,
n Jeongin



"Oi Seungmin hurry up will you?! "Jinah almost screamed when she saw Seungmin walking straight to them in a slow motion.

"Geez I wonder how Hyunjin fell for you--your hair "Seungmin said smilling an awkward smile at Jinah as Hyunjin glare at him.

"So this is the arcade? "Eunho asked as she hold shut down her phone,putting it in her bag.

"Yeah,this is the only arcade in this town girl "Felix said as Eunho rolled her eyes at him.

"Seriously Heejin your full of surprises,I dont know you're friending with a creepy two faced dudes "Eunho said at me as I just shrugged.

If only you know.

"Oi guys lets go in! "Jisung pitch tone can be heard as he push most of us into the arcade.

"Jeongin here! "A voice called Jeongin.

"Hyung! "Jeongin said as he waved back at Chan.We walked towards the group of boys as they greeted the two girls.

"So guys, this is Jinah and thats Eunho "Hyunjin said introducing the girls to the boys.

Minho walked next to me as I tried my best not to make my heart burst.

"So this is Minho,Chan,Changbin and thats Woojin "Felix introduced the boys to the two girl.

Somehow,Eunho face started to turn pale and she started to sweat a lot.

"E-Eunho "Woojin whimpered as he look at Eunho.

"Do they know each other? "I whispered to Felix, who's standing next to me.He justgave me the IDK look and I mentally facepalm my self.

"O-oh W-Woojin h-hi "Eunho saod shuttering,her eyes started to teary up a bit.

Woojin take a step to Eunho and held her hand.

"Please come back to me.." Woojin said ,pleading at Eunho.

Wait if they know each other,and Eunho is sad..thats mean----

"YAH WOOJIN YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY BESTFRIEND EUNHO SHE'S SO HEARTBROKENNN------MCNSKSNAKSK  "I shout at Woojin as Chan hold my mouth with his hands shutting me up for good.

"Its not easy Woojin-ah how can you expect me to go back with you? "Eunho said as held his hands tight, silently crying.

"Then I'll make it easy for you.Just come back to me and lived like how we used to "Woojin said and engulf her with a hug as she returned it.

The others and I leave the two for some privacy.

Jinah pull me to a quiet place as she give me her wtf face.

"Okay you have a lot of explaining to do missy"Jinah said and I sigh.

"Ofcourse I do,whats me being bestfriending to a girl who likes to know stuff "I said as pinch my left arm making me wince.

"Yah you wench "I cursed holding the pain.

"Deserve you right prick "She said and rolled a tounge at me.

"I hope Eunho end up with Woojin "I said sighing looking at the two from a far,both of them talked on one of the resting place having a serious talk.

"Eunho seems to like him a lot "Jinah said as we both spy them.

"I hope Eunho accept him "

"I hope they end up together "

"I hope Changbin love me"


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