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Cha Heejin

"Good job Heejin ,do well again in your next class"My tutor said proudly when we walked out of the arena together.

"Thanks saem please drive carefully"I said back to her who's closing her trunk thats hidden with tons of different guns.

When I moved to Busan,my mom registered me to a shooting class to improve my shooting skills.Its 2 times a week and since Im the Cha's daughter The Tutor is training me like a warrior So Hard ,Oh God what should i do?(Anyone know this somg?J.ONE yawWWW)

The both of us part ways ,I was planning on using the bus but since I missed the stop Im just gonna walked home.

After 2 years staying in Busan and moving in here,I dont know if StrayKids,Eunho and Reyna still remember me.I do missed them,a lot actually but since I lost contact with them,I dont know how to contact them.Like duhhh its common.

"I'll find you I promise"

The words kept on repeating in my head,is it true?will you really find me?you promised but I've been waiting for 2 years already .Yet you still cant find me.

Screw you Lee Minho for securing your info's in your phone its making me hard to contact you or atleast find your phone number by hacking it.

I miss Lee Minho a lot,its what you called love at first sight right?

I walked past a cafe that just open a few days ago and decided to come in ,tasting their drinks and snacks.My new friend Woori,Park Woojin's sister said that the drink is great here.

"Hello good afternoon ,what can I get for you?"A worker in his teen age asked in the counter while i was busy observing the menu.

"I think im just gonna buy Double chocolate chip blended"I said quickly lowering my head since Im uncomfortable with him staring at me.

"That will be $4.00"He said handing me the drinks,I paid the drinks and immediately went out of the cafe.No jokes dude,the cafe is fulled with boy in their teen age working there.So thats why Woori came here.

I was in a deep thought when all of the sudden someone crash onto me making my drink fell to the ground.

"Hey watch where your going!"I exclaimed furiously since my drink just fell.Not to mention my favorite one.

"At last I found you"A familiar voice said holding my chin facing it up meeting the owner's eyes.The galaxy like eyes.The one that I fell for.

"Lee Minho.."I trailed his name as a smile formed on my lips curving up a little.No jokes dude its not a bit,my lips curve into a wide smile.

"Cha Heejin.."Minho trailed my name pulling me into a tight hug.I put my head onto his chest haling in his scent that I missed so much.

"Shortie I found you."He said and pulled my hair playfully making me scream loudly with my broken pitch dolphin noise.

"Yah you wench"I said jokingly ,pulling his hoodie down a bit making him screech.

Our laugh can be heard on the road loudly as the cars passed by and air of the wind flew by ,with my drinks on the floor messily.

Its perfect now because Lee Freakin Minho found me already.

I was busy memorizing Minho's face,his hair changed.He styled it up a bit,he kept on putting his tongue out but before I can look at him a force pulled me into a very very very very very tight hug.

"HEEJINNNNN WE MISS YOUUU!!"Eunho and Reyna screamed,I look up seeing their faces and the three of us jump around while hugging each other.

"I MISS YOU TOO!"I SCREAMED AND HUG THEM TIGHTLY until the three of us fell down on the floor.The force oh god.

"Pftt girls"Changbin said with his dark aura as usual and grinned around linking arms with Felix who's smiling ears to ears.

"Why are you guys so gay?"Hyunjin asked weirdly maybe creeped out by the two action.Linking arms together acting like a couple.

"Look at you Eunho,act like your age please"Woojin stepped infront pulling Eunho to stand up and fixed her outfit to a proper one.

"Ayeeeee the WooHo couple ship is still sailing eyy"I teased them and they just smiled at me intertwining their hands.

"Babe I miss yOU!"Jisung screamed loudly and hug me in which i hug him back. "Your so loud Jisung,you didnt changed a bit"I said patting his back laughing.

"Ehem.."Minho cough glaring at Jisung who's wrapping his arm around me tightly. "oopss gotta stepped a side your future might be wrecked if Im still beside you"Jisung said walking away from me.

"N00NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"Jeongin whined running towards me huggin me on my waist and pull me here to there.

"Awwwww Jeongin love his noona.."I squeal on how the younger one act around me. "i miss my noona hehehehehehhe Minho hyung kept on whining how much he miss you ,my ears just going to be deaf any sooner"He said whining pouting his lips.

"Enough its me and Seungmin's time on hugging her."Bangchan said pushing Jeongin aside making him stumble but Jisung catch him.The both of them stared into each other eyes before Jeongin pushed him aside screaming in disgust hiding behind Woojin.

"Awwweeee I miss you too"I said hugging both of the boys making Minho scoffed even more.The both of them let me go and Hyunjin hug me after that ,not a tight one but just slinging his arm around my shoulder hugging me for 0000.01 sec,i dont know if this is a hug or something but whateves.

After that,he let me go and Changbin and Woojin came hugging me side way. "We miss you ,we thought you'll never come back so thats why we're helping Minho on finding you"Woojin said flicking my head making me chuckle.

"Yeah you know me nah nah nah thats not me mahn"Felix said memely and pull me ,hugging me.

"Drug girl i miss youh"He said and grinned creepily.I was creeped out and pushed him away as Changbin pulled him into his embrace.Uhhhhhhh brOmANCeE."Oh shut up I miss you to freckle boy"I said making derp face after hugging him.

"Yo girl do you miss me?"Hyunjin the model stepped forward and hug me friendly .I hugged him back and stare at his so now getting taller figure.

"Oh god Hyunjin,you need to stop growing .Your like a tree.Plus I heard you're having a thing with Reyna now eyy?"I said lowly the last part.Hyunjin blushed and push himself away from me making me chuckle at the tall cow.

"I need to borrow my girl for a while thank you"Minho said pulling me with him as we ran to the park near the place we stopped.

"So regarding the question last 2 years, i need to heard your answer once again to confirm us and to bless my ears"Minho said as we strolled at the park hands in hands swaying it to the front and back.

"Oh so you want to hear it huh?"I teased him making him frowned a bit.We stopped beside a bench and put my hand around his neck confidently.

"Yeah reALLY"He exclaimed louder and wrapped his arm around my waist.Why is this so romantic?did he learn this genre from Hyunjin?its too cringe oh god.

"My answer is yes Minho,a million times yes.I like you still and I want to be your girlfriend even if its for the thousands time"I said and kiss his cheeks.

I know now that everything is fine and wonderful.I dont care if Im going to any mafia case shit and all because in the end im still in the warmth of my family,friends and my now boyfriend Lee Minho.

"Im proud of my self because now,I own a trouble maker named Heejin"Minho said kissing my neck softly.

"I OWNED LEE MINHO !"I shout crazily making Minho smiled brighter.



"Oh my god too cringe,way more cringe than Woojin and Eunho"

"Urmm Binnie hyung can you do that to me too?"

"Felix no"

"I swear to god this children is way more disgusting than my armpits"

"So admirable,so beautiful my memetic self is out again"



Special thanks to the reader who's reading this book and vote for this.Thank you so much for showing love for Crime.I appreciate all of you who's reading this and showing love.I love you all VERY MUCH. 💜💜🖤💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤🖤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💗💓💞💕❣️💘💝💟💟

See you guys in my other books lovelies
U guys wanna read the special chapt?

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