Crime University

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Murderers and rumours of Calinburg University in Illinois.

I've been transferred to Calinburg, Illinois to finish my bachelor's degree in police studies as I've never seen a college campus that's enormous. My parents have met each other in Calinburg University when my father was writing novels about mystery-thrillers and suspense-drama while my mother was studying the philosophies on society and questions everything, everyone, and herself about knowledge, values, and mind. They wanted me to become someone that could change society and everyone's lives forever to bring justice among them and myself. My mom wanted me to come home, but my dad told me to chase the expeditions and make it reality in my own mind.

In Calinburg, Illinois, there's more crimes and secrets about it's tale than Chicago itself. No one knows about it, but everyone say it happens once every eight to twenty years. On a dark foggy night with shower on September 19th, 1987, shadows of violent death walked through Calinburg University on a prom night. The shadows of Envy, Lust, Greed, Pride, and Wrath. What happened in Illinois...there may be a connection for that incident, but if anyone has figured it out, they've never spoken to anyone.

Calinburg University was founded on March 18th, 1979 as students were having fun in the spring. The Spring Carnival has many fairgrounds like the ferris wheels and the carousel and has games and prizes. The amazing part about it is that there's famous celebrities and band on stage performing and make people laugh and happy about it. The worst part about it is seeing a group of people in makeup wearing funny looking outfits as they act funny, but they're also suspicious.

And at nine minutes after five on that afternoon a senior named Daniel Murk was on his way back to his dormitory began screaming into the strong shower, dropping books and a flip phone in front of the dead boy sitting on a swingset of the playground, his mouth cut from ear to ear but his dull eyes with tears open and almost seeming to reflect as if he had seen a ghost before - Joseph, a ten year old boy and son of Principal Meridian, screamed like a banshee.

The next day was overcast and shocked, and we went to classes with questions in our mouths that are eagering us - Who? Why? What will Principal Meridian do to the serial killer? The final questions strucked everyone's mind as if the whole world stopped: Did we know him? Who's the killer in this campus?

No, I never knew him.

Yes, my younger sister went to school with him.

No, but my family know Principal Meridian is shock about it.

Yes, I

No...No...I can't believe it.

Half of the school knew him. His name was Michael Sherman, and he was the best friend of Joseph Meridian. He wore bifocal glasses and had a great family. He was smart and kind but his stepfather hated him. He'd never gone outside much even though he's one of the most quiet children that visit the campus around December's Christmas plays. He must've been sad about his parent's divorce. He had been bullied by kids his age and has leukemia. This is crime university, and on the morning of September 21st we all knew Michael Sherman.

Half of the County Police cars and news van crawled on to the campus, most of them parked in front of the playground, where the Sherman boy was murdered. On my way to my twelve o'clock class, the policeman asked me to show my student ID. I was confused and scared. I showed him my student ID as he stares angrily at me.

'Do you carry a weapon?' the policeman asked.

'N-No sir.' I answered.

'Then get out of my face.' the policeman said as I ran to my class before I looked back and heard him mumble 'Damn kids today.'

No one walked by themselves through the half-academical, half-terrifying campus that night as the strong wind blows at us. Around seven o'clock, my room-mate burst into our room, where I had been busting my brains on my Miranda Rights essay since five. 'There's another victim,' he said. 'I heard it over at the Library.'

'From who?'

'I don't know. Some guy said that he saw five people breaking the windows and left a large mess there before the officers caught them.'

Tensed about five killers in one campus made me felt anxious about who to trust in campus.

'Oh crap,' I said. 'This is gotta be the nightmare that we can't wake up from.'

He left the room to spread the news down the hall for attention. I continue my Miranda Rights essay and finished it until I heard something tapping on the window. It was at this moment that one of the killers stared at me as if I was the prey to their game.

It was in the papers the next day. There was a terrifying cryptic message written with a red lipstick and the photo of the victim - Jennifer Price - when it said: Who's next for our games? Jennifer's roomate said she's been acting "skeptical". In the closet across from her bed, police had found photos of Jennifer Price with her friends from Chicago and a diary with a lock to insert a key in. In one of her photos, she had an uncomfortable smile with three guys in a blue and white football jersey with the numbers: 12, 5, 2. It had to be true.

It was at the homecoming football game on October 15th, 1980 during my senior year in Mariano High School Stadium as the Mariano Foxtrots are facing the Piano Reapers. Jason Matthew, #12 quarterback of Mariano High School, passed the ball to Peter Gregory, #5 running back of Mariano High School, as he run through the 30 yard line as we were excited to see him make a touchdown.
'Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!' Everyone chanted his nickname as he almost make it to the end goal. Peter jumped towards the end goal as everyone celebrated the touchdown. The Mariano Foxtrot won 36 to 13 in the homecoming game as many football players show their sportsmanship when they high five each other. Marco Trinity, #2 linebacker of Mariano High School, was happy to see Jennifer Price as she's holding a bouquet of rose.

"Marco and Jennifer sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jason and Peter sing together in front of Marco and Jennifer. "First comes love, but what comes next? They're about to have some S-E-X!" "After we finish college and propose each other, you stoneheads!" Marco said as he was embarrassed by his best friends. Jennifer was laughing at Jason and Peter's joke until she was surprised by her best friend, Amy Duboisse. Before I left the football stadium, Marco calls my name at the parking lot.

"Hunter! Hunter Smith, my friends and I were wondering if you could come over to my party to celebrate." Marco asked as he was excited that he and his team won. "I don't know, rabbit. I have to be at work and study for the fall exam tomorrow." I said as I was tired from cheering for the team.
"It's okay, man. Also, the gang and I were wondering if you could take a photo before we go." Marco said with a concern smile across his face.

"Sure." I answered. Marco handed me his camera and I looked at his friends as they were smiling at the camera until I spotted Jennifer smiling uncomfortably. I wasn't sure what's wrong with her, but I decided to take a picture of them together and handed the photo to Jennifer. "I can't believe it. I-I refuse to accept that her friends could kill her." I looked down to myself and head outside to clear my mind after I finished my homework for Calculus. I was walking that night and smelling the fresh air almost clear my head until I see the same killer that stared back at me. I couldn't move a muscle and have trouble breathing until I saw four killer moving beside each other as if they're like shadows. They were covered in hood and took a couple of steps towards me until one of them grabs me by the collar of my shirt and threw to the ground. "W-What do you want from me?" I stuttered. "A message: Silence your voice and open your eyes. Every ears you hear, every mouth you speak, and every eyes you see about us will be the end of you." the killer with the raspy voice said. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

One of the killers looks at the window and looks at me with disgust.
"I heard many interesting things about you, Hunter Smith," the killer with a honeyed voice that almost sounds like a woman. "Besides, you've worked hard in police studies. Figure out our motives and many lives will be spared." Then, the raspy voiced killer picks me up by the collar of my shirt and I stared directly at his dark brown eyes. "If you can't figure it out, their bloods are on your hands, Smith." My father use to tell me that he use to write his stories about the killer's motives and why I should be aware of my surroundings. I was too scared of him and his story ideas, but it's the only way to get into the killers' mind. Before the raspy voiced killer let me go, I punched him in his right eye and run towards my dormitory to hide from them. That night, I couldn't sleep not because I met the killers, but because I punched the killer in the eye and it gave me so much thrills.
The next morning the bell in the hall woke me. All of screams and cries from everyone was heard outside when I see many people surrounding a dead body of Bray Merith. The sight of his body made me vomit and cough out my lunch as my saliva was coming out of my mouth.

"They got more than 10 students," my roommate said to me, his face paled with fear. "Everyone has to get out of here." "Damien, we can't leave. I feel like I know them, but it can't be them." I said as Damien was packing all of his stuff in his suitcase.

"Hunter, this is not the time to investigate and solve clues like Scooby and the gang."

"If you won't help me investigate and solve clues, then I won't give you a pack of beers and two tickets to see Whitney Houston." I said with a smirk across my face as Damien stopped packing with a face that looks defeated.

"Fine, but only because you have the tickets to see Whitney Houston."
"Okay, what time did those killers break into the library?" I questioned Damien as he pulls out a sketchbook.
"Around 5 P.M. because it was on the same day that Michael Sherman died." Damien answered until a lightbulb appeared on his head.

"Hunter, how many minutes
does it take to get from the library to the playground?" "Nine minutes." I answered. "Yes, but why were the killers were in the library? The library closed around 5 P.M. and-" I gasped as I was finally understanding what Damien is doing. He was figuring out their hideout.
"What are their motives, Damien?" I questioned as we were writing down some theories about the killer.
"Maybe, it's something to do with me." I answered with concern.

"What do you mean?" Damien questioned.
"The killer knew my name and they killed a person from my old high school." I answered. I looked at the photo that I took for Jennifer and her friends until I remember what Jennifer said on our graduation day.
"Hunter, I need you to tell you that Marco and I broke up because he's been acting strange including everyone at the party." Jennifer said.
"Wait, what do you mean they're acting strange?" I questioned Jennifer as we were heading outside of school.

"It was at the Homecoming Party and he and the others were arguing with me at the party that they're gonna kill everyone because they saw that I was uncomfortable at party when a group of Sophomores were giving me some advice on relationship. If you see Marco and the others, get away from them as possible." Jennifer cried as I was worried about her until I spot Amy across from my AMC Eagle. She was staring at us with hateful glares as she, Marco, Jason, and Peter entered Marco's BMW M635CSi and drove off. I looked at the photo until I realized that it has to be them. I dragged Damien out of the room and we start running towards the library until I saw Marco reading "The Tempest", sitting on the table.

"Hell is empty and the devils are here." Marco was reading aloud as Amy, Jason, and Peter stand up from the table and walk towards me and Damien. "Marco, did you and the others murdered everyone in this campus?" I said angrily while Marco was smiling like the devil himself. "I can't deny that it was us, Hunter. However, you forgot about the fifth killer."
"The fifth killer? Who's the fifth killer?" I questioned Marco. He closed the book and stares at me with a bored expression. "Some guy named Bray Merith," Marco answered. "He's been a great help for us, but he was about to tell the cops that he
murdered Jennifer."
I set my eyes on Jason and Peter as they looked down in shame for murdering Michael Sherman, but they were consumed by guilt for murdering Jennifer. I remember
my mom's words if someone feels guilty: "A person with tired, hot, eyes, lurked from behind the veil: pain and sorrow."
"Peter, Jason, did you have any intentions to murder
Michael Sherman and Jennifer Price?"
"N-No, Hunter. Peter and I were meant to scare Jennifer, but killing her was only Amy and Marco's idea because of what we've did at Marco's Party." Jason confessed and looks down in shame.
"We thought that it was some sort of joke until we murdered a kid, Jennifer, and other victims," Peter said as he was ready to breakdown into tears.
"I should've been the one to get murdered instead of them"
"That's it, you're wasting everyone's time and I can't wait to murder you." Amy said as her hand was reaching towards her pocket knife from her pockets before I put
my hand up to stop her.
"Wait, I thought that I solved your motives and many lives will be spared? Is this a trick in the game?" I questioned Marco and Amy until they nodded their towards each other.
"Yes, but we can't let you and your friend win without a prize." Marco just answered until Damien raised his hands.
"Okay, but I feel like there's more towards your motives," Damien stated as he was ready to question them.
"If you're here to finish Hunter and Jennifer off, then why did you murdered more than 10 people and Michael Sherman? Is it because a kid might tell on you and the others or you and the others wanted to create a chaotic outbursts on campus?"
"We have to "start a fire with a spark" and cause an outbursts on campus all because they wanted to tell the police and possibly catch us in the act." Marco answered.
"Do you know why you're not like the other killers?" Damien questions Marco and Amy.
"They may be insane, they may be monsters, but they have an insane motive or technique to kill again while you and the others take turns to run around to murder a child and other adults like it's quite sad and pathetic. You're not like Jack The Ripper, you'll never be insane like John Wayne Gacy, but you'll never become the next Ted Bundy."
I watched as Amy and Marco stunned by Damien's response to them as it was more entertaining than my classes. Suddenly, the sound of police sirens was ringing outside of the library and Marco's face was dropped. The police stormed inside of the library with guns pointed at us and told us to put our hands behind our back and put our body on the floor. I watched as Amy and Marco were screaming at the policeman's face when they're escorting out of the library with Peter and Jason until the same policeman that stopped me for my student ID looks at me with an annoyed expression.

"Of all people, you just have to disturb my nap! I was this close to getting to
become the president and you ruined it!" the policeman complained.
"To be honest, my friend and I found the killers of this campus. Besides, the only person that you can be complaining at is yourself." I said as the policeman's buddies laugh at my response. The policeman was flabbergasted by the thought that two students found the killers and walked outside to calm himself down. The moment that Damien and I captured the killers was the year that the two of us graduated, and went to see Whitney Houston's concert. The next year, I met my wife and have a good job in the police force. We had two kids in 1992, and now they're almost juniors in college. A fine and questing girls with my eyes and their mother's mouth. Then, today's news.

Of course I knew it was coming. This morning's news says a girl, about 25 years old, was killed last night at Calinburg campus and was found in the mouth of the jade lion statue. I looked down and sigh to myself as the thought of Marco and the others either escaped or someone looks up to them as their heroes. Calinburg isn't a big school now, and was even smaller then as it changed drastically into a 'community college'. Like a small community college, you probably had at least a nodding acquantance with everybody else and their friends. For now, Calinburg is like that school from Nightmare On Elm Street. You may live in a peaceful environment, but it's a nightmare when a killer or a group of killers are in the same college with you.

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