~Day Eight: Rainy snuggles n' sex~

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Hello! It is me. This chapter I tried to make longer for making you guys wait awhile, so this chapter is fluff and sin, so enjoy!
This is also 2,279 words long >:3


Rebel cuddled closer into Quincy's arms, smiling as they could feel the others' tentacles wrap around their limbs in a loving comfortable way. Quincy seemed to be enjoying themselves as they cuddled close to their loving sibling, gently kissing them on the back of the skull since the position they were currently in didn't exactly let them face each other.

It was chilly outside, and their room was also filled with the chilling feeling of comfort between the both of them. Rebel looked out the window at all leaves that gently swaying towards the ground as they leaned closer to each other, a comfortable wool blanket draped over their bodies as they cuddled.

The rain could be seen falling downwards towards the sidewalk outside, only to stream down into a sewer drain. Nobody could be seen outside, witch allowed both of them to enjoy the view. Although the view wasn't exactly as nice as most would of liked it, they both enjoyed the little things such as having each other. Rebel squirmed around on Quin's lap until they were facing their true lover, wrapping their arms around Quin's neck before leaning in for a gentle loving kiss. As they shared the tender kiss their bodies pressed closer together as they held each other in their arms, smiling into the soft kiss that they shared. Although Rebel had many 'toys' Quincy would always be the one on top, no matter what. It was always like that, even since they were young. Rebel was a nice person to be around when they weren't flirty, but more of a vagarian person rather, but they both had a vespoid personality whenever someone would hurt one of them, the other would protect of fight for their well being- but going back to the protection of each other's well being, they both loved each other dearly,

Rebel continued to grin even as they pulled away, leaning onto Quincy's chest as the rain fell harder. "Did you want to go out for some food today?" Rebel mumbled to the other gender-less skeleton beneath them, stroking their covered rib cage with their finger as Quincy mumbled back to them. "No.. I was hoping that I could just cuddle you for today." Quincy said, sighing as they shut their eyes as well. Rebel smiled in a joyful sleepy way when they replied with that. "I'd like that.." They choked in their sleepy silked voice, before darkness fell over them.


When Quincy woke, they stared down at their lover, the corners of their lips (or rather their teeth) curling at the ends into a loving grin, not their signature horny smirk. Quincy sighs softly, not in a depressing way- but rather a calm and relaxed was as they began to lightly rub Rebel's back. Rebel was currently wearing their favorite shirt, witch was a simple black sleeveless shirt, made out of a thin comfy material. Rebel woke up immediately but not in the sense that something was wrong, but rather that they woke up in a comfortable way, like Christmas morning. "Mmm..~ Quin..~" Rebel hummed happily as their sibling continued to gently massage their back, gripping onto them as Quincy gave them some non sexual love. "Who's my good puppy..~?" Rebel hummed softly, gently rubbing both of Quincy's shoulders in response to the loving action that they were currently committing. "Meee.." Quin smiled in response.

The loving massage continued, Rebel continuing to say how special they were to them, and how they were such an obedient pet for them, Quincy receiving the compliments and praise with the look of cheerfulness on their facial features. Rebel soon sat up and grabbed their face, leaning in to pepper his skull in kisses, in between saying that they loved Quincy with all their soul. Quincy was surely the most lucky person in the world at that moment, liking the way that Rebel made them feel whenever Rebel spoke like that to them. They knew that Rebel would never love another person like they were loving them, and no matter how many people they've had sex with none of them were even worth anything unlike Quincy.

The massaging continued and yet the feeling of want and need surrounded them both as they spoke to each other like that, and how Rebel was touching him, and how Quincy was touching them back in response.

Rebel lightly slid their hands up under Quincy' simple black t-shirt that they had been wearing before they had fallen asleep, stopping their hands on Quin's scarred chest, and looking down at them for permission to continue. Quincy blushed and nodded leaning into Rebel a little more as their hands rested upon his rib cage, feeling as their thumbs lightly rubbed their ribs, their smile now twisting into a smirk.

It didn't take long before Rebel gently lifted off the t-shirt, dropping it to the floor beside the bed before lightly grabbing their soul and handling it with care. Quincy's face scrunched up, because of how weird and uncomfortable the new feeling was. The last time that someone had touched their soul was Quincy, but that was a long time ago after he lost that street fight..

Rebel seemed to notice the uncomfortable look on their face, and what they were feeling so they reached out their hand and gently caressed the other's cheek, lightly rubbing it with their thumb. "I won't hurt you.. I'll be very gentle with it okay? I promise.." Rebel whispered, giving it a soft gentle lick witch caused Quincy to moan softly.

Rebel settled down on their lap, leaning their back against Quin's chest due to how they were now sitting up.

~<>~<>~<>~(If you don't understand, just think of Quincy's back up against the head of the bed, and they're sitting on the mattress/bed with Rebel in their lap.)~<>~<>~<>~
They handled Quin's soul with care, just as they promised..giving it small loving licks to inflict pleasure on the other skeleton, and lightly nibbling it which caused Quincy to jolt and moan out quietly.

Rebel put the soul in their mouth and lightly sucked on it, letting their tongue play around with the soul in their mouth as Quincy's moaning got louder and they held Rebel close to them like a child hugging their favorite stuffed animal close to their chest. Rebel smirked at how they were making Quincy act, continuing to play with their soul and getting a little rougher but in a playful way. Soon enough however Rebel got bored of this and pulled the soul out of their mouth, letting it go back to the proper place on Quincy's rib cage and letting it stay there. Rebel grabbed their own shirt and pulled it off, letting it fall to the ground before turning around on Quincy's lap once again so that they could now see each other's faces in full view, smirking at the other as they leaned in to kiss them once more.

Quincy once again kissed back, deciding to do something daring and let their hands snake into Rebel's shorts. Although this wasn't like them at all to try and make a move, Rebel was always saying that they should be more brave and daring, but to be honest they would only probably act like that around Rebel.

Rebel pushed them against the head of the bed, purposefully pinning them there as they french kissed them deeply, holding both of their shoulders tightly as they did so. Quincy returned the kiss back, lightly pushing the short short's off of Rebel's waist and trying to push them off of their legs as well, which made Rebel pull away and help them do so before going back in for another violent and lustful french kiss that they would once more share.

And yet their smirk got more sinister as they grabbed the rim of the pants that they were wearing at the time, doing the same procedure that Quincy had done beforehand, before getting off of them and laying down on the bed with a soft pant, attempting to catch their breath.

Quincy stared down at them, a lustful and loving look in their eye as they got out from underneath Rebel and sat them onto the bed, before crawling on top of Rebel and stared down at them once more,, only to get a smile in return as Rebel gently grabbed their hips and rubbed circles on them before forming a lower male region and settling Quincy onto their now formed dick.

Quin bit their lower lip and shut their eyes tightly as they could feel a stinging sensation in their entrance, only to be sushed by Rebel in a calm manner. "Don't worry Puppy, master is here and they plan to take very good care of you after this." Rebel assured, gently rubbing circles on their hips as Quin seemed to settle down. "Who's my special Puppy?" Rebel whispered to the other, smiling up at them in a loving and non-lustful way, witch caused Quincy to smile happily in response. "Me..I am your special puppy.." They answered, now having the feeling of confidence in themselves.

As a small amount of time went by, Rebel continued to praise the other while they let the pain fade away so that way they could go back to having fun, but during the small interval they both exchanged loving remarks to each other, with a little bit of flirting between the both of them. Soon however Rebel put their hands on either side of Quin's torso area and began to slowly lift them up and down, causing Quincy to moan quietly as they did so while Rebel continued to let their hands rest on either side of his waist and helping the other whenever they would slow down or accidentally break the uneasy rhythm of what they were currently committing. Quincy moaned softly, drool pooling up in their mouth as they could feel Rebel's dick inside of them. Their bedroom was now very warm although the room was chilly in a comfortable way, now only filled with haze and soft grunts and moans.

Rebel chuckled as Quin let out a sharp yelp when they suddenly leaned in and bit them in the neck, sucking on it which caused Quincy to moan out in bliss, holding onto Rebel tightly as they were dominated by their sibling, their hands tightly holding onto their shoulders as Rebel sucked on their neck and bit into their bone, searching for Quin's sweet spot as they did so.

Rebel lightly grabbed Quincy's cheek again and lightly rubbed it, pulling away as Quin blushed brightly feeling their warm face as they looked back at Rebel, panting slightly as they could feel themself getting close, while Rebel continued to help them bounce. Rebel smiled and sat up a bit more, leaning into kiss Quincy before pulling away and speaking to them. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed. How many times do I have to tell you that I love you and I won't judge you?" Rebel asks, raising their hand up to once more gently rubbing their soul as Quincy choked out a sentence. "E-Every week!" they yelped, before moaning loudly as they felt themself climax, witch caused Rebel to cum inside of them as well.

While Quincy didn't act embarrassed and flustered or even submissive outside of the bedroom they shared, and yet Rebel made them feel that way. The way they acted, the way their voice went into his skull and stayed their as they talked to them in that special loving way, no words even had to be exchanged during their love making or cuddling when they did those actions, because they both knew that they loved each other dearly and their actions and remarks towards them both proved them to be devoted to each other, always showing solicitous for one another as well as consideration for one anothers' feelings and wellbeing.

Quincy panted as they carefully pulled themselves off of Rebel's dick, cuddling close to them as Rebel went to go weakly kiss them on their face, and yet they were too weak and weary to exchange any words to one another, only the quiet silence and cuddling that they exchanged for having each other, one of them reaching down to pull that comfy wool blanket onto both of their bodies before once more falling into that dream like slumber beforehand, that cold feeling slipping back into the room as they held one another.


"I can wash myself you know.." Quincy mumbled as Rebel gently rubbed their sore bones with a washcloth, the bathroom that was between their rooms now smelt of Karma, the wonderful and relaxing scent after a stressful day, of rich lavender and warm vanilla while candles sat upon a shelf by the sink, the smell of coconut lingering around the candles as well as filling the room as they relaxed in the bath together. "I know..But I regoge, and we both know that you enjoy it when I take care of you, and besides your legs are practically killing you because of sex, so you might as well enjoy it." Rebel hummed, sitting up a bit more to get the other's back, lightly washing their spine and the crescent moon tattoo. Quincy smiled a little as they nodded and shut their eyes, happily leaning into the other's chest, as Rebel washed the vermilion marks and scratches on Quin.. ... <3

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