8 - unrefined cutlery doesn't go with refined dresses

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'Quick, tikki. The squirrels are after us!' I run and quickly hide behind the corner of a building. Catching my breath I slowly look to my side and see one of the squirrels entangled in my dress.

A gasp escapes from my lips as a does a purr from beside me.

Aaand -freeze frame-

Well, you all might be wondering how I got into this situation. Don't worry, because do I have a story for you.

It all began with am invitation to a party. Now It wouldn't have been that confusing if I went with the one who invited me but hey, my life can be described in two words. A mess.

So said person, You can guess who he is, invited me, but to go with someone else. Now this time, it would've been confusing if it was someone I didn't know. But hey, like I said, a mess.

So that person, Invites me, To go with another person, but it's him, but it's also not him, but it is him. You see, because I know a secret. A secret no one else knows. And I intend on taking full advantage of it.

Now let's get back to reality, shall we?

-frame rewinds-

It's the day. The day I dread.

'I hate this day' I say as I groan and pull on my dress. 'But you say that about most days, marinette'

I spin around and fix my dress and do my hair 'That's because, tikki, my days nowadays have a certain cat in them. And to be completely honest with you, I don't enjoy that specific company.'

'Aww, come on. I'm sure you do a little bit.' She says and sits on my vanity. I think back on the pleasant times, Very few, but pleasant. 'Hmm, I guess. Maybe. Idk. Don't try to change my mind.'

I go over and look out the window. Oh, how I wish that he would change for the good.

A ring on my phone shakes me from my daydreams. 'Oh no I'm late!' I grab my bag and run down the stairs, out the door and into the car waiting for me.

It's been sent here by you know who and now I have to go visit his other persona.

At least he pretends to be nice in this one. He'll also pretend to not know me. But hey, lucky me.

We reach the place and I get out of the car. Standing before me is a glorious palace hotel. I go in and see the pearl era right before my eyes (author tip: Look up Design movement in architecture. My graphics class is eating me alive) Astonishing Crafts and works and a ball room filled with beautiful and dazzled gowns and people of all kind.

I stand there in awe as my host arrives before me.

'Hey, I can't believe you came. I didn't know you'd say yes when I asked you to come here with me but thank you.' He says as he blushes slightly and does a soft laugh.

Damn. Is this pg rated cuz this man. This man right here. Is making me feel things. Ignore the catside for a second. I would meow for him any day now.

Wait heck no. Stress is getting to my head. Stop, marinette. Stop.

He takes my hand and I follow him.

Walking into chaos, I didn't know what was coming.

With a low sigh and a smile on my face. I stepped into the start of my life's end.

-Hewwo, mah girls, guys, and non binary pals. I finally updated. I hope I at least reached the second last step of the ladder of your expectations. Be ready for next update~ love youuu~-

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