Episode 1 Extreme Aggressor

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We start off with Ashton sitting out side his home in Virginia due to being close to work so Ashton doesn't have to go far for work he is sitting on his porch listening to a song his mother had put on for him every time he felt alone and would listen to it after her death.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton then hears his phone go off as he turns off the music and starts to walk to his car and throws his jacket into his window and drives off to head to work.

We then cut with the group of SSA Hotchner, SSA Morgan, SSA Ashton other wise known as Reaper due to his Reaper tattoo on his right hand he got for his time as a marine walk into SSA Gideon's office.

Hotchner: Your going to be with us in Seattle ASAP.

Derek then show a picture of a women and tells Gideon the name and the age of the women take. Recently.

Ashton: Before she left for lunch she had downloaded a email with a time delay virus attached the unsub's virus swiped her hard drive and left this on her screen. Ashton hands Gideon a picture of the girls screen.

Gideon then reads what is on the picture.

Gideon: For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I can not control myself.

Ashton: He never keeps any of them longer the 7 days which means we have less then 36 hours to find her.

Hotchner: They want you back in the field.

Reid: Looks like medical leave is over boss.

Gideon: Are you sure they want me?

Hotchner: Came right from the director.

Gideon: Then we better get started then.

We then cut to the team pulling up to a airport and boarding their private jet with Hotchner being told he is their invade Gideon can't go through with it.

On the plane Reid is going over the first victim.

Reid: His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh. Stab wounds, strangulation.

Derek: Wait, wait. Back up. Back up. He stabbed her and then strangled her to finish her off?

Gideon: Other way around.

Ashton: Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder.

Reid: Strangulation with your bare hands
is not as easy as one would believe. He tried, probably found that it took too long...

Derek: So he stabbed her.

Hotchner: Then he realized it would take hours to clean the blood and the next time he had a weapon.

Gideon: He's learning becoming a better killer.

Ashton: Perfecting his craft.

We then see the team walk into FBI Northwest Field office in Seattle and get their bags check and walk through metal detectors. When Morgan realizes that Gideon refuses to have his back to the window.

We then see the group of Five men walk into a office.

Hotchner: This is Special Agent Morgan, Special Agent Gideon our expert on obsessional crimes, Special Agent Ashton and Spacial agent Reid.

Gideon: Doctor Reid.

Hotchner: Dr. Reid our expert on basically everything and after two years busting my but in this office I hope you remember me.

Gideon: He is willing to travel with the body.

Ashton: So that means he is driving a vehicle capable of concealing one.

Reid 1 in 7.4 amount of drivers in Seattle own a SUV.

Derek: Explorer with tinted windows.

Ashton: Explorers rate is higher in women then men. But how do we know it is his car? Ted Bundy drove a BW Bug.

Hotchner: what about a Jeep Cherokee.

Reid well a keep is more masculine.

Gideon: Well we all know how a unsub feels about masculinity.

Ashton: When did this become a FBI case.

(RA= Random Agent)

Ra: After the fourth body when he dumped it out of state.

Hotchner: On purpose.

Reid: If so then that means he suggest a criminal record.

Derek: Or he watches TV.

RA: Would you like to see our suspect list?

Hotchner: No thanks we don't look at that list till after the profile is made.

Ashton: Why don't we sit down with your task force.

Ra2: 4 o'clock.

Hotchner: ok Agent Gideon where do you like to start.

Gideon then points at a picture and tells them at the the location where the last murder had happened.

We then cut to Morgan, Ashton and Gideon at the newest dump site of the last body.

Morgan: Why spend the time to dress the bodies and dump them in a place like this.

Gideon: It's  more about remorse of the kill.

Ashton: No, the first murder had both cuts and strangulation this one had just strangulation. Now the body is dumped in a secluded area where trash is but dressed nicely. It's like two separate personalities or more like... two killers.

Gideon: It's not that we know this but you might be onto something Ashton.

We then cut to Gideon giving a report on one of the unsubs.

Gideon: The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20's. He's someone you wouldn't notice at first. He's someone who'd blend into any crowd. The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record- petty crimes. Maybe auto theft. We've classified him as an organized killer- careful. Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic. He follows the news, has good hygiene. He's smart. 'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. He's mobile, car in good condition. Our guess- Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows. The murders have all involved rapes. But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate. Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a childhood trauma- death of a parent or family member. And now he feels persecuted and watched. Murder gives him a sense of power. Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement. They will inject themselves into the investigation. They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know. That makes them feel powerful, in control. Which is why I also think... in fact, I know... you have already interviewed him.

We then cut to a women walking to a house and knocking on the door.

???: Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working. I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me?

Old Lady: Richard. Richard, get down here!

We then see the girl and a man walking to a house.

Richard: Are you sure you locked the door?

???:Yes I'm sure.

Richard: Hello? Hello!

Ashton: FBI! Freeze! Freeze! Get him down Richard Slessman, FBI. You are under arrest for the murder.

We then cut to FBI agents going through the house of Richard.

Ashton: There's no sign of the girl here. We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him.

Gideon: Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.

We see Gideon, Hotchner, Ashton, Reid, Morgan and the mystery girl looking at the older lady.

Gideon: Is that the mother?

???: Grandmother. The mother died in a fire when he was 13.

Morgan: Probably not the only fire in his childhood.

Reid: Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.

Hotchner: Exactly how much is a multitude?

Ashton: According to his diary, 1,400 and

???: 88

Gideon: Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway?

Elle: Elle. I don't send a SWAT team
into a house with children.

Gideon: Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases. What can you tell us?

Elle: The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist. He'll keep a victim for a couple of days. He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy.

Gideon: You ok with Hotch being in on the interview?

Elle: I actually would like him to lead it.

Gideon: Fine, but hold off for now.

Gideon: Slessman's done time, and he knows the process. And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer. Hotch and Ashton, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.

Morgan: Next time show a little leg.

Elle: Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.

Morgan: I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training.

Elle: Seriously... I want that opening at BAU. You got any advice?

Morgan: Just trust your instincts.

Ashton: Well, we got the jeep right. And everything else wrong. The bodies had defensive wounds. Richard doesn't have a mark on him.

Giden: We're missing something.

Morgan: This isn't right. This is a boys room not a man's room.

Cop: Login password.

Morgan: No, No wait, wait.

Cop: It's not turning back on.

Morgan: And it won't.

Elle: What kind of game is it? -

Reid: In China, it's called wei-chi. Here we call it "go". It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.

Ashton: Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it. It also looks like he's playing himself.

Elle: How can you tell?

Ashton: This might provide an advantage, actually. Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game.

Reid: There are profiles for every player- the conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser.

Else: Which one was he?

Ashton: Extreme Aggressor but this doesn't make sense since everything else around here proves he is a submissive unsub. It's like their is two killer and he is the submissive one.

Elle: Two killers is that common?

Gideon: Not unusual. Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris?

Ashton: 1979. They outfitted a van to rape and murder girls in California.

Gideon: We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship? They're not equals. Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality.

Ashton: Number 2 is the dominant one then. Authoritative, arrogant. Probably not as smart as Slessman. He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling- he'll be protective of Richard. He'll make him feel like he owes him. If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, this guy showed him how to do it. He helped him take the first step.

Elle: I think we should interview him, use this as pressure.

Hotchner: No, no. We need leverage.

Ashton: A name. From the suspect list?

Gideon: That'll take too long. There's gotta be a faster way.

Hotchner: There is. Here. This might be a little hot. Mrs. Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy. I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's. Richard never had many friends. You sure? There's gotta be someone.

Richard's grandmother: Well, there was... there
was this one young man. I think his name was Charlie.

Gideon: Cross-reference Charlie for the second unsub.

Ashton: Charlie is probably Charles Linder. He was Slessman's cellmate and... received a dishonorable discharge from the military. He's bigger, tougher. He could have protected Richard in prison.

Gideon: Where were they incarcerated?

Elle: Cascadia. Less than a mile from here.

Ashton: Let's go.

We then see Elle, Ashton, and Gideon pulling up and entering the prison.

Elle: Anyone who can tell us more about Slessman?

Prison Guard: Tim Vogel was the security guard covering Slessman's block. That's him over there. I'll get him for you.

Ashton: That was Hotch. Linder's name came up on a police report.

Gideon: and?

Ashton: He's dead. Car accident, 2 months ago.

Vogel: Linder is dead. Too bad you guys came here for nothing. I mean, talk about scum. I can't remember how many times I put Linder in solitary for causing trouble with us. You'd think the inmates would try to stay on our good side, right? Especially since half our job is protecting them from each other.

Ashton: You protect them? If you're a little white guy? Especially in a prison like this.

Vogel: Linder's 6'4". You talking about Slessman?

Gideon: Oh, yeah. Thanks for your help.

We then see the three agents walk out to their car and get in out of earshot of anyone.

Ashton He's a friend of Richard. He protected
him. He will feel like he owes him.

Gideon: He fits the profile. And did you see them?

Elle: The keys.

We then see the three agents following Vogels car.

Elle: There's something wrong

Ashton: We gotta him pull over. I can feel it.

Gideon: You wanna know the word repeated more than any other in your file? Impatient. You wanna stop him, you give me a reason.

Elle: His behavior. When we left him, he was nervous, unsettled. But now he's stopping at every stop sign. He's using his blinker at every turn. He's slowing at yellow lights. This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body.

Gideon: Ok, then do it.

We then see the car pull over after Elle turns on the red-n-blue lights.

Ashton: FBI. Put your hands up where we can see them! Put your hands through the window now! Now! All right, with your left hand I want you to open the car door from the outside. Get out! It's not him!

Gideon: Where is he? Where is he?

Ashton: Where's Vogel?!

Prison Guard: I don't know! He came up to me in the garage after our shift ended. He asked if he could borrow my truck.

Ashton: What kind of truck?

Elle: He's dumping the body!

Ashton: What's the make? What's the make?!

PG: Dodge! Dodge Dakota!

We then hear Gideon on the phone.

Gideon: How do you know?...Hotch, he's gonna kill her. He's heading there now. We need a location.

Elle& Gideon: Ashton we must wait for backup you go in now their is a chance of you getting shot.

Ashton: If we wait, the girl is dead and that blood is on my hands again. So either you pull your guns out and be my backup or stay in the car not my problem.

We then see Ashton run towards the boat with his gun drawn when Vogel comes out of the boathouse with the girl as a hostage.

Vogel: Stop! Stop! Get back! I'll shoot her.

Ashton: I wouldn't. If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me. You shoot the girl, you got nothing.

Vogel: Get Back.

Ashton: Shoot me instead. Come on. What, are you a lousy shot? 50 feet away. You got a perfect shot. Shoot me.

Vogel: You think I'm stupid?

Ashton: I think you're an absolute fucking moron. I know all about ya, Tim. You're at the gym 5 times a week. You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up. Not even viagra's workin' for ya. You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it's not just in your head. It is physical. What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you
fumbled your way into some girl's pants, and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer?

Vogel: Shut up!

Ashton: Short stack? Very little Vogel? I got it. Tiny Tim.

After the tiny Tim comment Vogel shot Ashton in the side and the bullet grazed him and Ashton shot Vogel clean in between the eyes.

Elle: Ashton!

Gideon: You ok Kid?

Ashton: Just fucking dandy pop just fucking hurts a little. Go look after the girl.

Elle: Runs to the girl and get her to the paramedics to take her to the hospital.

After everyone arrives we see Ashton and Hotchner talking about Gideon.

Ashton: So what kind of report do they want on him?

Hotchner: I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent. You know, Haley and i were looking at a baby names book. Guess what Gideon means in hebrew.

Reid: Mighty warrior. Appropriate.

Ashton: So what are you gonna tell them?

Hotchner: What would you say?

Ashton: Gideon lead us to saving here. That's good enough for me.

We then cut to Gideon and Ashton playing chess on the the plane home when Hotchner walks up to them.

Hotchner: Hey.

Gideon: You and Haley pick the baby's name yet?

Hotchner: It's funny... Haley liked the name Charles,but, you know... all I could think of...

Ashton: Manson.

Hotchner: Then there was Henry.

Gideon: Lee Lucas.

Hotchner: Uh... Jeffrey.

Ashton: Dahmer.

Htochner: There's just too many of them.

GideonKind of hard to feel good about catching one...

Ashton: When you know there are 50 more still out there.

Gideon: How's your report going?

Hotchner then mad dogs Ashton thinking he told Gideon about the report.

Gideon: Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya?

Hotchner: Ashton you do know, you saved that girl today.

We then cut to the next morning with Ashton sitting on his porch sharping a knife with his guitar next to him and then Ashton throws the knife at a dart board with a picture on it.

Ashton: When I fucking find you I will kill you for what you have taken from me Old man. After that Ashton grabbed his guitar and started to sing a song he wrote after his mother, brother, and the rest of his families death.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Little did Ashton know their was a female sitting in a car watching him the whole time and she felt really sorry for everything he was going through and she knew that they both were going through the same thing in losing everything to the same man.

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