Chapter 12: Thanos is Here

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(Various cities are seen under attack. Then the scene changes to J.J. at the Daily Bugle.)

J.J.: The world is in grave danger. It looks like various cities are under attack. This must mean one thing... Thanos has come. All citizens must stay indoors.

(Captain Darcy "Wilkov" Wilkinson, Blob, John the Sackboy, Socks the Oddsock, Ted the Small Toggle, Bob the Toggle, Ethan the Swoop, Blob's friends, President Boris Vorshevsky and his daughter Alena Vorshevsky are in the back of a MRAP.)

Alena: Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!

John: CALM DOWN! The bullet went through clean. You're gonna be fine!

Alena: It's still bleeding!

Socks: I'm gonna give you something for the pain.

(Socks sticks a syringe in the man's neck and the man passes out.)

Ted: Son of a bitch!

Bob: Mister President, Norman's team took out Air Force One and Marine One! We cannot extract you by air!

President: Harkov, what's the status on the other convoys?

Harkov: LAPD reports surface streets are compromised! Hundreds of heavily armed Mercenaries have struck LA simultaneously.

President: Any word on casualties?

Johnson: Downtown L.A. evacuated, preliminary reports are below expectations.

President: Thank God. Wilkov, what's our next move?

Wilkov: Madame President, we're taking you to the Prom Night shelter under the Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown.

President: Pudovkin, I want troops on the streets and these drones dealt with.

Pudovkin: NORAD scrambled two hundred FA38s. They're less than five minutes out.

Blob: This is what Norman planned all along. Taking out the G20 leaders will cripple capitalist governments across the world.

(They drive through the highway until a helicopter flying overhead is shot down by a missile, which crashes into the road and causes the police convoy to be severely decimated. Wilkov's vehicle is then struck by a missile fired from an enemy jet, causing it to overturn and crash. Wilkov blacks out for a brief moment, then comes to and crawls out of the wreckage.)

Ethan: Agent Tarkovski, get her under cover! Come on, Blob! The drones got us zeroed! The stingers are our only chance!

Blob: Be ready to move!

(Blob jumps on to the SAM turret and looses his footing, he almost falls down but he manages to climb up and mans the turret.)

Arty: Tracking multiple groups! I'll call 'em as I see 'em! Here they come! Dead ahead, engage!

(Wilkov shoots down the incoming drones.)

Zip: Left side! Left side! Good shot! Hell yeah! Right, Wilkov! Right! They're starting to zero in on our position.

Wilkov: That's your window, get the President out of there!

Bif: Go, now! Get the hell out of there!

(Blob jumps out of the turret onto the road, he turns around to watch as it falls down. He turns back around to see someone being shot down and narrowly missing him.)

(Wilkov sees an FA38 manned by Prof)

Prof: Blob, this is Anderson responding to your mayday call. Standing by for tasking.

Blob: Prof, we're en route to prom-night with the president, Request: Establish overhead, provide armed overwatch.

Prof: WILCO. Be advised, I'm all you got. The bulk of my squadron is down or engaging drones.

Wilkov: Understood, we'll make it work.

Blob: Reggie, sitrep!

Reggie: We got mercs all around the freeway! They got RPGs dug in and another G20 convoy dead ahead, lower level. LAPD's trying to defend but they're heavily outgunned! What's the call, Section?

Wilkov: Get the president down there while I provide cover fire!

Pinky: Come on, come on! Go! Go!

Blob: We gotta make quick or the folks inside are dead meet!

(Freddy and the two agents carrying the president rappel down onto the freeway)

Freddy: We're on the ground. Full headcount! Moving to cover by the big rig. Several mercs by the big rig trailer. More on the freeway, right side.

Wilkov: Get in cover! I'll direct you to move when you're clear!

Bonnie: They're right on us, Section! Behind the support columns! Dammit, man! Keep them off us! Charge each round and shoot right through. They've got fucking snipers on the overpass. Use your scope, Section! Behind the signs!

(Blob shoots at enemies inside the truck, behind the support columns and at approaching enemies.)

Section: Clear! Get to the vehicles!

Chica: Get the hell out of there, Wilkov! The freeway is coming down!

(Blob rappels down towards the freeway as an enemy RPG hits a nearby car. He lands on his back and the aforementioned car almost hits him.)

Blob: SHIT!!!

(They then move and regroup with the others.)

Wilkov: Shit! Agent Harkov, are the other G20 vehicles functional?

Samuels: Yes, we're pinned and we're low on ammo.

Blob: Keep covering the president and his daughter! Stay down!

Foxy: We got RPGs on the right!

Wilkov: Get on the radio and find the status of the other convoys!

John: We're gonna be fighting every inch of the way. We gotta go now! Everyone on my lead. Allies pinned northbound, single file convoy!

Blob: Copy that.

Harkov: Blue route is go. I say again, Blue route is go.

(The heroes climb into the car and mans the wheel)

Mangle: Punch it, Section! Faster, ram 'em out of the way!

Wilkov: They're trying to block our exit!

Socks: Push through!

Prof: Section, we got a drone coming in on your convoy! I have lock! Firing!

Ted: The whole freeway's coming down!

Blob: Holy shit! Pudovkin, how badly hit is downtown?

Pudovkin: It's bad, Blob. Most of the city's become a full-blown war zone. I don't know how you're going to make it through downtown.

Foxy: How the hell are we coming back from this, Section?

Wilkov: I don't know yet. But we will.

Bob: Norman knew exactly what he was doing. Hit the Pentagon, Washington, Wall Street all on the same day. Using our own aircraft...

Blob: Shit!

(Blob black outs temporarily again after an enemy truck crashes into their vehicle. After a brief moment, he wakes up.)

Tarkovsky: G-Units, blue route is compromised. I say again, blue route is compromised! All other convoys need to avoid the arena district! Await further updates!

Wilkov: We'll find a way through the streets! We'll regroup en route!

Fedorov: We got RPGs on the rooftops all around! I'm trying to...

(Wilkov opens the hatch on the Humvee and looks outside. Prof's FA38 hovers above him while taking fire from a building)

Prof: Come on, dammit!

(Professor gets hit)

Blob: Prof!!!

Prof: Agh, son of a bitch!! I'm... I'm hit! But I'm okay... dammit...

Ethan: Come on, you son of a bitch!

(The heroes come out of  the vehicle and find a CLAW taking out several LAPD officers nearby.


(Arty shoots a couple of grenades at it, then proceeds to destroy it.)

Zip: We got Mercs all around! It was a fuckin' ambush!

(The team moves down the streets, aiding the LAPD officers. Another CLAW is seen)

Wilkov: Damn it, they've got more of them!

Bif: That armor's tough! If you've got an explosive weapon, now's the time! Watch the grenades, it spits them out in the front!

(Wilkov destroys the second CLAW)

Wilkov: FUCK... YOU!!!

(They advance down the street and a truck pulls up in front of them)

Prof: Wilkov, the Mercs are bringing in reinforcements!

Harkov: We're northbound from Grand, but we're getting word the French President's convoy is pinned down near the arena.

President: If we lose anymore foreign leaders, the fallout from this incident could be catastrophic.

Blob: Understood! Blob out!

(A third CLAW is seen moving near the truck. Blob destroys it)

Reggie: Fuck, yeah! Nice work bro, nice work!

(Wilkov advances. He gets close to a crashed IAV.)

Pudovkin: (con comms) Our IAV is on fire! You gotta get us out... Please!!!

(They open the vehicle and the other soldiers manage to escape.)

Pudovkin: Thank God!

Wilkov: Grab a rifle! We're not out of this yet!

Pinky: MG's got the entrance locked down!

Blob: Split up! Open your fields of fire! Stay on line!

John: 1st floor, left side! 2nd floor, by the escalators!

(Blob takes down the MG nest halting their progress.)

Socks: The MG is down! Move up! They're all over!

Wilkov: On our way!

Ted: Get those RPGs on the balcony!

FSO Member: Press forward! Left side!

FSO Member: Second floor! Open fire!

Prof: I see a SAM turret on the plaza roof. Think you can reach it?

Blob: I'll do what I can.

(Once Blob takes down the turret and leaves the mall...)

Blob: Prof, the French President's vehicle is pinned down nearby! Do you have eyes on?

Prof: Enemy forces are targeting an IAV directly in front of the arena.

Wilkov: That's them! Hold them off, I'm on my way!

Bob: Come on! Keep pushing! Sniper! Dead ahead!

Prof: Damn it, Wilkov! They just took down my last wingman.

Ethan: Opposite balcony!

Prof: Damn it, Wilkov! The president's vehicle is taking fire from all sides! Watch yourself down there, most of the buildings are already burning. I can't hold them off much longer! The structures are becoming increasingly unstable. You better get here pretty damn soon, anymore drone strikes, it'll bring all the buildings down around us.

(They reach the French President's convoy.)

FSO Officer: You got here just in time, but what the hell do we do now?

Blob: We fight. Through the arena, go!

FOS Officer: They have another gun truck on the right!

Arty: Take it down!

Prof: Wilkov, I took a hit!

Wilkov: How bad?

Prof: I'm going to have to set him down.

Wilkov: We're on our way, Prof! Hang in there.

Prof: I'm bleeding out... I don't think I can...

Zip: God damn it, Blob! They're moving in on Anderson's fighter!

FSO Member: We need to secure that crash site!

(A building begins to crash down in the immediate forward of the team.)

Bif: Ah, shit! The whole fucking building's coming down! Get out of the way! Everybody down!

(The screen immediately fades black then goes back to normal just as fast.)

Reggie: You alright?

Blob: Yeah, I'm fine.

Pinky: Prof's FA38 still okay, there's his body!

Wilkov: Shit, Prof... He took a hit before, I don't know how bad.

John: Hey, he's still in one piece.

Blob: (to paramedics) Get them both to safety, make sure they live.

Socks: Ever fly one of these things, Wilkov?

Wilkov: No.

Foxy: Well you got to fly one now, buddy. The flight computer should handle most of the work. I'll take the ambulance with Anderson. Stay on me and we'll try to regroup with the presidential convoy.

(Wilkov starts the jet and follows the ambulance. Harper provides intel to Wilkov during the ride.)

Bonnie: The PMCs are flooding every damn intersection. The FSO are overwhelmed. We're not going to make it!

Wilkov: Samuels, I've secured an FA38 to provide air support. I'm tracking your location now. Just hang in there.

Freddy: Shit... It's a fucking mess. They really hit us hard.

Wilkov: Harper, take the left, I'll take the right.

Harper: Got it. The bastards are everywhere! RPG troops on the rooftops! Fuck! The T-90s are blocking our path.

Wilkov: Got 'em. Turn north into the street.

Chica: God damn it, it's ambush alley down here! We're taking fire from all sides!

(Enemy lock on alert is triggered.)

Wilkov: We got enemy gunships! Pull over! It too hot, turn right down there.

Mangle: Wilkov! We're tracking another wave enemy drones advancing on our position.

Wilkov: I'll take care of the drones, just get the president out of here.

(Wilkov starts the jet and follows the ambulance.)

Bonnie: The PMCs are flooding every damn intersection. The FSO are overwhelmed. We're not going to make it!

Wilkov: Bonnie, I've secured an FA38 to provide air support. I'm tracking your location now. Just hang in there.

Ted: The attack devastated much of the area! Damn it!

Wilkov: Left! Go left! Shit! Enemy trucks crashing through the Hope Street blockade! Keep moving! Go!

Bob: Enemy big rigs! End of the street!

Wilkov: Get off 9th! Turn North on to Flower!

Blob: We got enemy gunships! Keep moving!

Woman: Pass to repair complete.

Wilkov: It's too hot! Turn right on 5th!

Woman: Prones left.

Bob: Section! We're tracking another wave enemy drones advancing on our position.

Wilkov: I'll take care of the drones, just get the president out of here.

(Wilkov engages enemy drones, while a pre-recorded voice states whether a drone is locked, a missile is fired or if a hit or kill is registered.)

Wilkov: Put Prof on comms!

Blob: Prof, I need access to the Sky Buster missiles.

Anderson: Okay... Uploading Sky Buster codes to you now.

(Blob engages enemy drones, while a pre-recorded voice states whether a drone is locked, a missile is fired or if a hit or kill is registered.

(Once all the drones are downed Blob's jet is attacked. He pressed the eject button, pulls the handle and it catapults him in the air and a parachute pops out, yelling.)

Blob: SHIT!!!!

(Them manage to land safely)

Harper: That was some pretty crazy moves up there, Blob, nice.

(To be continued)

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