Chapter 4: The Girls join the Dark Avengers/The End of the Masters of Evil

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(In Wakanda, Black Panther is seen at the Dark Avengers' new hideout as he sees the Dark Avengers coming in with new recruits.)

C. Cowl: Your highness, meet our new recruits, Golden Jaguar and the animatronics.

B. Panther: Hi there.

G. Jaguar: It's good to finally meet you, your highness. I'm a big fan of yours.

(They bow at each other while the animatronics wave at Wonder Man, who waves back.)

C. Cowl: (to Black Panther) Did you find them?

B. Panther: Yes. They're waiting for you at Queens Cafe.

C. Cowl: Tell them I'm on my way. And just another thing.

B. Panther: Yes?

C. Cowl: Hack into the Avengers Tower systems. I want you to help Moriyama to broadcast the news. But call J.J. first. He's the one who hates the Avengers with passion, especially after they recruited Iron Spider.

B. Panther: All right.

Wonder Man: What about us?

C. Cowl: You and the others will kill the Masters of Evil.

B. Panther: I'll prepare the transport.

(Then the anti-heroes get inside the transport and prepare to find and destroy the Masters of Evil.)

C. Cowl: Don't worry, Masters of Evil. Your end will be quick.

(Then he receives a call from Gwen Stacy.)

G. Spider: I'm waiting for you at Queens Cafe along with Elektra, Wanda, Kamala and Jessica.

C. Cowl: Coming.

(Then Terry dresses properly and then does a moonwalk like Michael Jackson.)

C. Cowl: OOOOOOOW. Who's bad?

(One minute later)

(Terry is seen at Queens Cafe, waiting for the girls. Then they come in. Terry waves at them, and they smile and walk towards him.)

G. Spider: (hugs Terry) Terry, I was worried about you.

S. Witch: We were looking for you, and we already quit the Avengers.

J. Jones: And I quit the Heroes for Hire. Deadpool wanted to recruit you, but my ex-husband Luke didn't like the idea.

C. Cowl: So that merc with a mouth wanted to recruit me.

Elektra: Yes, and we knocked him, Luke and Matt out and decided to quit and come to you.

Ms. Marvel: (stern) And I can't believe that playboy and the Avengers betrayed you for no reason.

S. Witch: I heard that you and T'Challa founded the "Dark Avengers", I suppose. I guess they're the anti-counterparts of the Avengers.

(Kamala gets surprised about it.)

J. Jones: I heard that the Avengers are chasing after your grandfather.

Terry: Yes. I sent Brock to try to find him before they do.

G. Spider: And I heard about your grandfather having a rival.

Terry: Who?

(Gwen looks to see if there's someone, and sees it's clear. Then they circle as Gwen whispers.)

G. Spider: Alan Jonah.

Terry: (eyes widen) Who's Alan Jonah?

G. Spider: The creator of the Anti-Hero kaijus, known as the DarKaiju Warriors.

Terry: Aren't they from another universe?

S. Witch: Yes. And one of them has a connection with this universe and their universe.

Terry: How?

Elektra: You know about Venom and his bastard son, right?

Terry: I hope Eddie is okay.

J. Jones: So do I...

Terry: (in mind) Eddie, grandpa, be safe...

(Meanwhile Venom is seen searching for Tung until it feels something.)

Venom: Strange.

Eddie: What's strange?

Venom: I could've sworn I felt a familiar presence...

Eddie: That bastard Parker again? He never learns, huh?

Venom: No, Brock. ANOTHER familiar presence.

Eddie: Don't tell me...

(Back to Terry and the girls.)

Terry: If what you're telling is true... this must mean...

G. Spider: (odd) This must mean what?

Terry: The Avengers are not the only ones we must fight. So? Wanna join my team?

S. Witch: (excited) Yes, baby.

(Scarlet Witch kisses Terry in the lips, shocking him and making the other girls jealous. Then they all kiss him as well.)

Terry: (blushes) So this means?

Girls: (smile) Yes, we love you, and we'll join you.

Terry: (smiles and nods) Okay, let's go to our base, where T'Challa is waiting for us.

Ms. Marvel: Just another question: Where are the others?

Terry: Don't worry. (smirks) They're in a mission to destroy the Masters of Evil.

(Meanwhile in Sokovia, the Masters of Evil: Hobgoblin, Enchantress, Radioactive Man, Doctor Doom, Baron Zemo, M.O.D.O.K. and Magneto are discussing plans to take over New York and destroy the Avengers.)

Hobgoblin: (smirks) Okay, my friends. Red Skull told us to destroy the Avengers and find a boy named Terry Riendhardt.

Enchantress: Oh... that handsome boy... I want him so badly...

Radioactive Man: (stern) Stop being so sensitive to that boy.

Enchantress: (pouts) Why, I want him so badly...

Doctor Doom: (stern) Amora, this is not the time for the lovey dovey to the boy.

Enchantress: Not that, Victor. I'll charm him with my kiss, and bring him here.

Zemo: She's right. She can convince him to join us.

M.O.D.O.K.: But how do we capture the kid?

Magneto: I'll use some metals here to restrain him, and then bring him here.

Doctor Doom: If he doesn't cooperate...

Hobgoblin: (smirks) He will die!

????: I don't think so.

(They hear the voice, and ten smoke bombs are thrown at them, and explode, spreading smoke everywhere. The Masters of evil get in their fighting stances, but can't see anything because of the smoke.)

(Baron Zemo is then tackled by Wonder Man before getting punched by him.)

Wonder Man: It's been so long, Zemo.

Zemo: (terrified) Simon?

(Then Wonder Man hits Zemo with a ionic explosion, killing him.)

(Radioactive Man is seen approached by Red Samurai Ranger.)

R.S.R.: Radioactive Man. I'll chop you into pieces.

(Radioactive Man tries to shoot him down, but Red Samurai Ranger quickly dodges, and then slashes through him.)

R.S.R.: One wrong move, and you get a checkmate!

(Then Red Samurai Ranger chops Radioactive Man into pieces.)

R.S.R.: I told you.

(Magneto is seen coughing.)

Magneto: This isn't gonna work!

(Then Golden Jaguar charges at Magneto, pinning him down.)

Magneto: Who are you?

G. Jaguar: I am the Golden Jaguar. Now prepare to die!

(Magneto tries to attract some metals to kill Golden Jaguar, but Ekanza uses his vibranium claws (courtesy of Black Panther.) to slice them down, and then he scratches Magneto's chest.)

G. Jaguar: You could have avoided this pain!

(Then Golden Jaguar Slashes Magneto's chest like there's no tomorrow, killing him in the process.)

G. Jaguar: This is the end of Magneto.

(Golden Jaguar walks away, leaving Magneto's corpse behind.)

(M.O.D.O.K. is seen listening to a childish music.)

M.O.D.O.K.: Whoever is playing this music, show up!

????: Oh, you don't like my music...

(Then Circus Baby shows up.)

M.O.D.O.K.: Who are you?

Circus Baby: I am Circus Baby, and I am an animatronic.

M.O.D.O.K.: Animatronic?

Circus Baby: Yes. And now I will kill you!

M.O.D.O.K.: (glares) Not if I can do THIS!

(M.O.D.O.K. tries to use his mind control, but it doesn't work.)

M.O.D.O.K.: What?

Circus Baby: A technique of this level doesn't work on me.

(It was at this moment he knew, He fucked up.)

(Circus Baby then kills M.O.D.O.K.)

(Enchantress is seen dealing with Ballora.)

Enchantress: (glares) So William Afton's creations are free of his influence.

(Enchantress tries to use her magic, but Ballora spins really fast, deflecting her magic, and then she creates a tornado to hit the Asgardian witch.)

Enchantress: NO!

(The Tornado engulfs Enchantress, and then some wind blades cut her down, killing her.)

(Doctor Doom hears some footsteps, turns around and sees Funtimes Freedy along with Bon Bon.)


F. Freddy: (cocky smirk) What are you waiting for?

Bon Bon: Kill us!

(Doctor Doom shoots Funtimes Freddy, who uses Bon Bon to absorb the blast, and then uses his mouth to shoot the blast back at him.)

Bon Bon: I guess he didn't expect that, huh?

F. Freddy: Definitely not.

(They chuckle, angering Doctor Doom, who energizes.)

Doctor Doom: (anger) I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!

(Then Doctor Doom shoots again, but once again, Bon Bon absorbs the blast and transfers it to Funtime Freddy, who shoots him down.)

F. Freddy: What's wrong, Victor? You did this. So we'll kill you. Hehehehahahahahaha.

(Then Freddy shows his true power, and kills him.)

(Hobgoblin is seen completely scared of what he just witnessed. The dead bodies of Zemo, M.O.D.O.K, Enchantress, Magneto, Radioactive Man and Doctor Doom.)

Hobgoblin: (scared) No, I don't wanna die like this! This is overkill!

(Then Funtime Foxy comes behind him, and kills him. Then he calls Terry.)

F. Foxy: (commlink) Terry, we killed the Masters of Evil.

Terry: (commlink) Good. Now we're gonna spread the news around the world, and the citizens won't have to fear them again.

F. Foxy: (smiles) Good, see you in the headquarters.

(Then Funtimes Foxy hangs up and the transport ship comes in.)

R.S.R.: Our ride is in there.

Circus Bluesby: Good. Now let's go back to the headquarters.

(Meanwhile at Queens, a familiar figure is seen. It reveals to be Norman Osborn, who survived from his showdown with Peter Parker, apparently watching Terry and the girls.)

Norman: (glares) So you stole my idea... Prepare yourself, Terry Riendhardt.

(Then the screen goes black.)

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