Chapter 8: Dark Avengers vs Deadpool and The Sinister 12/Death of Quicksilver

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(At Hell's Kitchen Alleyway, Deadpool is seen drawing himself being cool until he notices he's seen, and breaks the fourth wall.)

Deadpool: Oh. Hello, readers. Yeah, your merc with a mouth Deadpool is joining the Sinister Twelve in order to try to stop Terry and his "Dark Avengers". By the way, the Sinister Ten are the following: Sandman, Crimson Dynamo, Emma Frost, Songbird, Baron Strucker, Scarlet Spider, who is Kaine Parker, okay? Tombstone, Taskmaster, Bettle, Rhino, Mysterio and Abomination.

(Then he sees the Dark Avengers.)

Deadpool: Oh, there they are.

(Suddenly Tombstone grabs Deadpool, and breaks his neck.)

Tombstone: You talk too much.

Songbird: So you're the Crimson Cowl we heard about.

C. Cowl: Yeah, that's right. So what?

Sandman: You're coming with us!

R.S.R;: (comes in) I don't think so, Baker.

C. Cowl: You can't pass through my friends here.

Deadpool: Where is Venom? Gee... He's right behind the H.Y.D.R.A. guy, isn't he?

(Suddenly Venom eats Strucker alive.)

Venom: Delicious...

Tombstone: (angry) KILL THEM!

(Then Iron Patriot shot through Tombstone's chest.)

Deadpool: Oh, poor man. (draws his swords) ATTACK!

(Deadpool and the remaining members of the group charge at the Dark Avengers while they do the same. Abomination tries to punch Red Samurai Ranger, but he cuts his arm off.)


(Red Samurai Ranger bursts in laugh.)

Abomination: You samurai bitch. You cut my arm off.

R.S.R.: (cocky smirk) What, I though you needed a "hand".

Abomination: (growls angrily) I'LL KILL YOU!

(Then Red Samurai Ranger disappears, and then appears behind Abomination, piercing through his heart.)

R.S.R.: Three down, ten to go.

(Deadpool gets shocked by how Red Samurai Ranger killed Abomination so fast.)

(Meanwhile, Wonder Man tackles Beetle, and then shoots her with his ionic explosion, making her scream before desintegrating.)

Wonder Man: (cocky smirk) No wonder your archenemy was a bug, just like you.

(Golden Jaguar is seen facing Crimson Dynamo and Taskmaster while smirking.)

Taskmaster: (glares) Why so smug?

G. Jaguar: (smirks) You'll find out soon!

(Then Golden Jaguar draws two spears, and pierce through the duo, killing them. Then unmasks Taskmaster to see him with bloody eyes.)

G. Jaguar: HAHAHAHAHA! Too bad you couldn't foresee that!

(Ballora is seen facing Sandman.)

Sandman: What can a little toy possibly do?

(Ballora smirks and then spins as fast as lightning, forming a big tornado, which slowly desintegrates Sandman as he screams in pain, and then she stops spinning.)

Ballora: Bye bye. Hehehehahahaha.

(Mysterio and Rhino try to crush Funtimes Freddy and Bon Bon, who spit some nails in Rhino's eyes, causing him to scream in pain, and then they eat him alive. Mysterio tries to escape through his illusions, but Circus Baby is seen in front of him.)

C. Baby: Uh-uh-uh.

(Then Circus baby stabs Mysterio through the heart, killing him.)

C. Baby: That's so thrilling.

(Venom is seen facing Scarlet Spider.)

Venom: You're not Peter Parker, but you'll serve.

(Then Venom pins Scarlet Spider down and roars before eating him alive.)

Venom: This is the best!

(Meanwhile, Crimson Cowl is face to face with Songbird.)

Songbird: You and me!

C. Cowl: It's a shame I have to kill you.

(Crimson Cowl shoots some webs, but she dodges it until he jumps behind her and kicks her back, making her scream in pain. Then he kicks her down, and then shoots webs to pin her down, and kills her with a knee strike in her heart. Venom then approaches her before eating her.)

Eddie: A shame we had to eat someone so beautiful...

Deadpool: THAT... DOES IT!

(Deadpool tries to punch Venom, but he grabs his arm, and eats it.)

Deadpool: Ow... Oow... Canada! That's not good...

Venom: Are you done?

Deadpool: Cock shot.

(Deadpool tries to hit Venom's balls, but he grabs his other arm, and eats it too.)

Deadpool: Your poor wife...

Venom: Don't you dare talk about her!

(Then Venom eats his left leg, causing him to scream in pain as the animatronics chuckle in amusement.)

Deadpool: Ugh... Ow... I promise this will get worse for you, big boy!

Venom: Didn't you mean "big boys"?

Deadpool: Ever heard about a one-legged man in the ass-kicking contest?

Venom: No, but I heard that headless people can't talk!

(Then Venom eats Deadpool's head.)

C. Cowl: Let's get going.

Venom: Yes, and one more thing.

(Then Venom proceeds to eat almost all villains, leaving only Emma Frost unconscious.)

F. Foxy: What should we do with her?

C. Cowl: Take her to the base.

(Then Funtimes Foxy carries Emma Frost back to the headquarters, while the other Dark Avengers stand still.)

C. Cowl: Now we wait for the Avengers.


(He recognizes the voice and chuckles evily.)

C. Cowl: So my jealous sister is here. (turns to see Captain America, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Namor, She-Hulk, Hulk and Spider-Girl and smirks.) What brings you here in "my turf"?



Quicksilver: (glares) Terry, Parker told us you ruined his life and now his aunt abandoned him and Mary Jane broke up with him... (angry) BECAUSE OF YOU!

C. Cowl: (smirks evilly) And I don't regret it. (angry) Because YOU ruined my life first. Even my family neglected me. Fury made a mistake trusting you.

Quicksilver: (angrier) I WILL KILL YOU!

(Quicksilver charges at the Dark Avengers, but Venom grabs him.)

Venom: (smirks) You'll be our midnight snack.

????: Stop.

(Then they see Okoye, Shuri, Pepper Potts a.k.a. Rescue, Sharon Carter a.k.a. Agent 13, Commander Gonzavi "Parker" McCoolen, Commander Evan "Glaser" Glanville, Corporal Bowden Livingstone, Colonel Cody Williamson, Lieutenant Orin Denison, Sergeant Fletcher Baringen, Captain Dalton Vanblum, Jessica Jones, Elektra, Scarlet Witch, Ms. Marvel and Ghost Spider, which shocks the Avengers.)

C. America: (shocked) Why are you in his side?

G. Spider: (glares) Because you Avengers are nothing. We had enough of you!

(Sharon then presses a button as Hulk glares at Ghost Spider.)

Hulk: (glares) Hulk hates ugly kid. Ugly kid always made little girl cry. Hulk wanna make traitors cry.

(Then Hulk gets shocked by what he just said as Pepper and Sharon stop their recording.)

C. Cowl: HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you said that while Pepper and Sharon were recording.

Venom: Ha. Got emm.

(Hulk gets shocked by what he said in front of them, and realizes that Pepper will show it to everyone, and the entire world will know the Avengers are no longer heroes.)

C. Cowl: (smirks) Thank you, ladies.

Agent 13: (smiles) No problem, and another thing. (whispers) Silver Sable, Rescue and I wouldn't mind joining your harem.

C. Cowl: (smirks) You got it.

Rescue: (whispers) Why not make Captain Marvel, Mockingbird, Sister Grimm and Black Widow our slaves?

C. Cowl: (eyes widen) Whoa, you two can do that. I won't... you know.

Agent 13: (whispers) Fine by me.

Wonder Man: Okay, now back to the topic. What should we do to the Sonic wannabe?

(Venom is still grabbing Quicksilver.)

C. Cowl: Well, it's Wanda's choice. (turns to Scarlet Witch) Go ahead.

(Quicksilver's eyes widen in fear while Captain America and the others are about to charge at the Dark Avengers, and suddenly Red Samurai Ranger clicks a button, and a Lion FoldingZord emerges from the ground, blocking their way.)

Quicksilver: (scared as he looks at Wanda.) Wanda, please. I'm begging you. Don't let this monster kill me. We can work all things, and Vision.

(Wanda simply closes her eyes and shakes her head.)

S. Witch: Kill him.

Venom: (smirks) My pleasure.

Quicksilver: (frightened) Please, don't...

(It's too late as Venom eats him while the other avengers hear his screams of pain. Then Hawkeye sees his uniform covered in blood as Venom has already eaten him.)



(Then the rest of the team sees Quicksilver's uniform covered in blood.)

She-Hulk: (scared) Eddie... You... You killed him...

Namor: (angry) YOU MONSTER!

Hulk: (angry) Girls betray our team! Hulk and his friends will have their revenge!

C. Cowl: (cocky) Yeah, yeah. Begone pests.

(Then Team Cap returns to the Avengers Tower.)

C. Cowl: Let's get back to the base, but the Avengers will know where we are one way or another. Pepper, Sharon, you know what to do.

Agent 13: (smirks) You got it.

Rescue: (smirks) I can't wait too.

(Then they leave while the Dark Avengers, the Animatronics and the Black Ops return to the base, preparing the next plan.)

(At the Avengers Tower, the Avengers are waiting for Team Cap, but as they return, they notice Quicksilver isn't there.)

W. Soldier: Where's Pietro, Steve?

C. America: Venom...

(Then Captain America shows Quicksilver's uniform covered in blood, causing most of the Avengers to gasp.)

W. Soldier: (gasps) Eddie did this?

Iron Spider: (angrily punches the wall) THIS TIME THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR! I WANT TO KILL THOSE TWO!

Iron Man: Kid, calm down. We heard about Thanos arriving at the Earth and attacking New York. We must not let Terry and his Dark Avengers stop him.

B. Widow: I heard a rumor about Norman Osborn being still alive. It looks like he contacted his own Dark Avengers.

Nova: There has to be another way.

Ant-Man: Travelling back in time.

(The other Avengers get shocked about Scott's idea as Doctor Strange speaks.)

Dr. Strange: Scott, we can't do this. It's too risky.

Iron Spider: (glares) I approve the idea. We'll do it. Right, Mr. Stark?

Iron Man: Normally I'd say you're screwing up, but you're right, kid. While the villains are dead, we'll fight against both Terry's team and Norman's team. Then Scott and his team will build a time machine, and we'll travel back in time. Once we do it, we'll prevent Mystique from stealing S.H.I.E.L.D.'s confidential files. Once we do it, we'll be heroes again.

Hawkeye: Recover our reputation. I like it. i'm with the kid.

S. Spider: With that, our son will be with us again.

Spider-Woman: (smiles) And nothing will stop us.

(Outside the Avengers Tower, a drone is watching them in distance.)

(Back to the headquarters, Black Panther is seen with a letter as Venom approaches him.)

B. Panther: Another letter for you, Brock.

Venom: Give me that.

(T'Challa gives the letter to Venom, and he reads it.)

Carni-Virgo: Venom, now you know who I am, my master is Kamen Rider Dark Decade. Tell your master that he's a true Anti-Hero in my Universe.....P.S. I'm the King of Symbiotes now.

Venom: Challenging us, huh? This Carni-Virgo must be quite confident, just like the original Carnage.

(To be continued.)

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