Chapter Five

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After half an hour or so of Rias showing me around the house she took me to the kitchen to meet her sister Zelena. When we arrived Zelena was peeling potatoes while Sebastian was cutting up carrots.

"It smells nice," I said subconsciously.

"Oh! You must be Makoto-chan. It's nice to meet you!" Zelena said sweetly, putting down the potato peeler and walking over to me. "I'm Zelena. I see you're already acquainted with my sister."

I nodded my head before looking back at Sebastian. I made my way over to him and peeked over the counter as he diligently did his work.

Without him seeing me I snuck a slice of carrot from off the counter and popped it into my mouth. I didn't really get away with him not seeing me do it, but we both exchanged smiles.

"You're quite funny, Makoto," Sebastian chuckled.

I giggled in return before I suddenly saw Rias behind me, kneeling down to my level.

"Makoto, your sister will be home soon. Do you wish to see her?" she asked.

"Yes!" I exclaimed gleefully. "I've always wanted a sister! Bye, Sebastian, Zelena!"

The two waved goodbye as Rias and I left the kitchen. She led me to the living quarters and I sat down on the couch.

Rias went over and peeked out of the window.

"She's here," she cooed. "Let me go get her. Wait right here, Makoto-chan."

Rias exited the household, leaving me alone in the dead of silence. Moments like this I despised. As much as I didn't want to, I began to think about that night again. Those thoughts were quickly laid to rest though when Rias suddenly walked in with a girl.

She was a lot taller than me and had emerald eyes with long wavy brunette hair. She looked around the room curiously for a moment before her blazing eyes landed on me.

I instantly tensed up. Her eyes looked so challenging and I shivered as goosebumps ran up my spine. That hard expression didn't last for long, however, because seconds later a bright smile crossed her face.

"Is this her?" she asked Rias excitedly.

Rias nodded her head and the girl giggled as she dashed my way. She plopped herself down on the couch next to me and took my palms into hers.

"You're so beautiful," she cooed. "My name is Harumi. What's yours?"

"M-Makoto," I mumbled, taken aback by her sudden complement.

"Rias, where are okaa-san and otou-san?" Harumi asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"They're in their office at the moment," Rias responded. "Do you wish for me to go get them?"

Harumi shook her head in disapproval. "No thanks. I want to get to know my sister better! I'll take her to my room. Can you just tell mother and father to meet us there later when they're done?"

Rias nodded before heading her own way. Harumi jumped up suddenly and pulled me up with her.

"C'mon!" she exclaimed. "I want to get to know you better!"

As Harumi dragged me down the halls I couldn't help but think that maybe she was being too energetic about my arrival. When I first found out that I was going to have a sister I thought she'd be reserved at the beginning, but I was obviously wrong.

We stopped in front of a door that didn't look familiar to me. Rias showed me all of the rooms but not this one. Odd.

Harumi opened the door to reveal a room drenched in sunlight. The walls were painted light blue and there was a desk next to a window where you could see out front of the house. There was another thing I noticed; this room had two beds.

"Welcome to our room!" Harumi exclaimed. "Do you like it?"

I nodded my head without a second thought. I never shared a room with someone before. This would be a new experience and I hoped it would be exciting.

Harumi went over and sat down on the bed, patting her hand next to her seconds later. I went over and sat down next to her and stayed silent.

"How old are you?" Harumi asked, starting the conversation.

"Ten," I mumbled. "You?"

"I'm eleven."

Just like Zero and Ichiru, I thought.

Silence occurred yet again but this time I decided to break it.

"W-where did you go?" I asked sheepishly.

"Oh! Umm—" Harumi pondered for a moment on what to say; which I instantly thought was odd. "I had some lessons to go to. I'm actually a pretty busy girl."

Harumi looked my way before winking.

"Oh," I muttered. "What were the lessons of?"

Harumi's eyes went slightly wide, obviously not expecting me to ask that. I noticed she bit her lip and looked away worriedly before a smile appeared once more.

"Just.... studies. Right now we're learning about.... artillery. It's a lot more interesting than.... math. Yeah, math."

I nodded my head, pretending to be convinced about what Harumi said. I couldn't help it. She was just being so hesitant about the subject we were talking about. I didn't know why but I didn't want to ask. I didn't think there was anything wrong with asking about what she was studying or anything like that. But to me, at the time, it obviously wasn't something she wanted to discuss.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't know this was a sensitive topic for you..."

Harumi's eyes went wide before she exclaimed, "No! That's not it! Don't be sorry! It's—"

Harumi stopped before she could continue. My older sister suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in towards her chest. I told her okay and tried to free myself but she had a tight grip around me.

Hopefully I don't suffocate, I thought sarcastically.

It wasn't until we heard a knock on the door seconds later that Harumi released me. Harumi yelled, "Come in!" and moments later our parents walked through the door.

"Well you two seem to be close already," Aiko giggled. "That's good."

Harumi suddenly pulled me in once more.

"You bet!"

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