Chapter Three

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The rest of the day actually passed by in a flash. Before I knew it it was already time to meet the couple who wished to adopt me. I actually grew nervous and I had no idea why. This was the first time in the five years I've been here that someone wished to talk to me after all. Maybe that's why.

It's 10:00 A.M. They should be coming any minute now, I thought.

I began to twiddle with my fingers and think if I looked okay. Why was I thinking like that? I never really cared how I looked! I was wearing a simple white dress and my sneakers with my hair tied halfway back. It really was a typical look of mine now that I think about it.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door and I stiffen up. Seconds later the door opened and I saw Mrs. Fujinuma walk in and the faint outline of two people behind her.

"Hello, Hajime-chan," she said with a smile. "The couple that wishes to see you is here."

I nodded my head and she stepped to the side. Two people instantly walk in: one man and one woman.

The woman paused and took a good look at me before the man urged her forward. They walked over and sat down on the bed next to me with me in the middle.

"H-hello," the woman started nervously. "My name is Aiko Akagi and this is Isamu," she points over to the man, her husband, and he smiles gently at me.

"You're name is Makoto, right?" Isamu asked. "That's a very pretty name."

"Thank you," I mumbled.

Aiko giggled, "You're quite shy, aren't you?"

I nodded slightly.

This is going well, I thought. The day has only just begun though.

"So I was thinking....." Aiko began. "We could go for a walk to get to know each other, and maybe stop for ice cream?"

I nodded my head nonchalantly and within minutes we were exiting the orphanage. It felt nice to have those two beside me, but every time I thought of the two being my potential adoptive parents the image of my bloodstained mother crossed my mind.

For the first minute or two of the walk there was dead silence. I suspected that they wanted me to start the conversations, but I typically didn't before then.

"How long have you been at the orphanage?" Aiko asked suddenly.

"Five years," I muttered.

"You poor thing," Aiko said sadly. "It must be rough."

"I've been through a lot more than what's happened at the orphanage," I suddenly blurted out.

Crap, I thought.

Aiko and Isamu looked down upon me with worry in their eyes. I instantly realized what I said and wanted to take back my words. Sadly I couldn't and I just had to await for the one question I didn't want them to ask.

"Why did you get placed in the orphanage?" Isamu asked sheepishly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

There it is, I thought. It'd be rude to not answer.

"My mother was murdered," I murmured sternly. "That's all there is to it."

Aiko suddenly looked away and I had the feeling she was about to burst into tears. I didn't know why because I wasn't even their daughter. Isamu looked down upon me with that same sunken expression as before.

"I'm sorry I asked," he said.

"It's fine," I said with a forced smile. "You aren't the first people I've told."

My vision suddenly narrowed as I saw the image of that man. I saw the knife in his hand and the crazed look in his eyes. Usually I'd see my mother dyed in crimson but today it was different. I was a bit confused but quickly pushed the thought to the back of my head. I didn't want them to know that their question got to me.

"L-looks like we're here!" Aiko exclaimed, pointing up to a small shop with a sign that said Ice Cream Parlor on the side.

We walked into the shop to see there was rarely any people in line. When it was our turn Aiko bent down and asked me which flavor I wanted with a smile. I stared through the glass counter at all the different flavors before giving her my response.


Aiko nodded. "Okay."

My potential mother ordered an ice cream for all three of us. She got cookie dough, Isamu got mint chocolate chip, and I got chocolate.

We went over and sat down at a table with a blue umbrella over it. I hesitated at first but eventually started to dig into my ice cream. I didn't really get this treat often, but when I did it was very enjoyable.

"Makoto--" Aiko pondered on whether to continue or not. "Makoto, I was wondering if you would want to be part of our family. We'd love to be your parents but--"

Isamu put his hand on her shoulder, telling her it's okay.

My eyes widened and I didn't know what to say. They actually wanted to be my parents? Really? I was overcome with so many emotions, but one feeling was above all the others.

Joy. I was so overjoyed by what they just said.

I tried to keep myself from smiling but that hope was in vain. A wide grin spread its way across my face and I tried to hold back tears. After so many years of painful memories and loneliness, someone would actually love me and care for me!

"Yes. I'd love that," I said, trying to find the right words to say.

Aiko suddenly giggled aloud and wrapped her arms around me. Seconds later I felt Isamu hug me and I graciously accepted their embrace. Aiko started crying and Isamu kept a happy expression across his face.

He chuckled. "Welcome to the family, Makoto Akagi."

I nodded happily. That day was by far one of the best days of my entire life.

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