Chapter 1

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A/N: guys, I'm not the one writing this, I'm letting one of my friends use my account because her phone's being an asshole and won't let her download WattPad. So, yeah. Anyway, here's her story.
- Sylentfeather

Hey, I'm the friend who's writing the fanfic. If you wanna ask a question, you can address me by Violet. It's short for Violetleaf. My OC. I'm a hardcore Mauiona shipper. Chapters are 300-500+ words. So yeah. As soon as my phone stops being a dick I'll let you know so you can finish the story on my other account. Enjoy!
- Violetleaf

No One POV

Moana was on the ocean, sailing away from her home island of Montinui. She needed a break, some time to herself so she could think. Once she was passed the reef and the feisty waves of the ocean, she sighed and set onto a smoother course.

She would normally have been with her best friend, Maui, on a voyage like this, but the demigod was off saving another island. He had been gone for two weeks and Moana was already missing him with all her heart. During the five months that had passed since the Te Fiti incident, Moana and Maui had formed an unbreakable friendship. The two had spent almost all of their time together, laughing, joking around, having adventures, and just plain relaxing.

Moana was so deep in thought, wondering about her friend that she didn't notice the fact that the wind had stopped and the sea was unnaturally calm. The waves had stopped pushing against the boat and the wind wasn't blowing in her hair anymore.

Bubbles escaped the water before her, making Moana look up. The boat wasn't moving. Moana furrowed her eyebrows and thought. Out of nowhere, a huge feline like creature sprouted from. Moana stood. Frozen out of fear.

The monster turned to look at her. It had the mane of a lion and the stripes of a tiger, it's frame was that of a cheetah's and it's eyes were sharp as a leopard's. It had the tufted ears of a bobcat and it's paws were strong like a panther's.

She was fazed by its huge yellow eyes. The thing smirked and reached out for her. She didn't move. It picked her up with a grinned. Moana tried to fight out of its furry hands. It laughed and brought up one of claws.

The feline made a deep scratch on her stomach. She screamed it laughed harder. It Moana groaned and she felt a hot, sticky, thick liquid flowing down her sides to her legs.

The monster looked at her curiously. "Wh-what do want with me!" Moana said with all of her strength. "To watch you suffer, of course. It's been awhile since I last killed someone." "Who a-are you?"

"I, my subject, am Deconatoa. Beast of the underworld. I don't rule, although I am immortal. I like to kill me subjects slowly." Moana looked up at Deconatoa's yellow eyes again. He slowly started to squeeze harder. Moana started to lose breath. She could see black dots at the edges of her vision.

Deconatoa brought up another claw and scratched her leg. His claw reached her bone and she screamed again. The black dots were slowly making their way towards the center of her vision.

A caw from above made her look up. A giant, blurry brown figure was soaring above. The figure shot towards Deconatoa. There was a loud roar and the weight on her chest disappeared.

As she fell to the ocean, Moana smiled. She closed her eyes and hit the water. Her back didn't sting like she thought it would. Bubbles escaped her mouth and nose.

Something touched her back lightly and started pushing her towards the surface. Her eyes were half closed and her vision was still blurry. She was pushed onto her boat and she coughed up mouthfuls of water. A large hand rubbed her back lightly.

She heard something but it was muffled. Strong arms picked her up. She groaned. She felt light headed and her stomach was killing her. Her leg was on fire. Her head felt like the gods were battling inside it.

The arms caressed her fragile body and she snuggled against the bare chest of whoever was holding her. She smiled weakly before blacking out into a painless, blissful darkness.

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