Chapter 29

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Moana POV

I sat up ad yawned. I looked out the window. Sunset I thought.

That means I'd slept al day, I yawned and got out of bed. I was still on the clothes I had worn last night.

I chuckled to myself and got ready for the night. I'll just hang out a little, I thought. Maybe chill out on Mt. Montinui?

The idea made me smile. I put on my usual cloths, red top with a cream skirt, ad made my way outside. The air was warm with a light breeze. I'll head down to the shore first.

As I walked silently down to the beach I began to cough. I coughed and coughed. I held one of my hands up to my mouth while the other stabilized me on a tree.

"Moana!" I heard the urgent voice of Maui. The coughing finally stopped but there was a warm liquid in my hand.

I looked at my hand. It was red. Blood. My throat hurt like crazy and I was struggling for breath.

Maui came up to me and looked at my hand too. A shocked expression appeared on his face.

"Moana," he whispered. I looked up into his concerned eyes but I started coughing again. I fell on the ground, Maui wasn't fast enough to catch me this time.

I coughed up more blood, spraying the ground beneath me. I couldn't breath. Everything was hazy and I had trouble keeping my head up. Maui rubbed my back as the coughing stopped.

I was still struggling to breath. He picked me up and carried me over to Fiona's hut.

"What wrong?" She asked as we entered. "What happened to your hand?!"

Maui set me on the table. "She was coughing up blood."

Fiona had me open my mouth and she used the last rays of sunshine to help her see. "There's not much I can do. Take it easy for a few days Moana, things might get better or worse."

I nodded and she sent me off to my hut it some rest. "Maui," I asked.

"Yeah curly?"

"Can we go up to Mt. Montinui? Just for a minute?"

"Fiona said to rest."














"Would you stop!"

"No." I smirked at him, knowing I won this fight.

"If I take you there will you stop?"


He sighed with defeat. "What ever you say "daughter-of-the-chief." Your with is my command."

I giggled. My throat stopped hurting and I smiled.

We reached the top in about thirty seconds because Maui flew us up there.

I looked at the shell I had placed up on top of the rocks. Great move Moana, I silently scolded myself. But I smiled at the memory.

Maui was staring at me. "Like what you see?" I asked for the se on time in twenty-four hours.

Maui smirked. "Maybe I do."

He walked up to me and picked me up.

"Maui," I whined. "Put me down."

"There's a price you have to pay," he said, toying with me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll make you a deal."

"And wants the deal," he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If I give you a kiss will you put me down?"

"Sounds fair."

He pulled me in for the kiss but at the last second I turned my head so his lips grazed me cheek. He furrowed his eyebrows and I smirked.

"Tsk tsk tsk Maui, you have to kiss my lips."

He glared at me, only causing my smirk to grow wider.

He growled and lunged in for another shot, missing by only a centimeter.

I giggled. He growled again and pinned me on the ground. "You're going to pay or that."

"Oh?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "And what kind of punishment are we talking?"

He smirked and pressed his lips to mine. His tongue licked the bottom of my lip, asking for entry. I denied.

He growled softly and pinched my side. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in.

Oh gods. He moaned but I managed to keep quiet. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of it.

I pressed my tongue against his, trying to push him back. It became a game. Who could make it to the other side first?

We pulled apart, deeming it a tie. "Moana," he gasped. I smirked and slipped from beneath him.

I was gasping for air. I sat with back to the rising moon. I looked up at the stars, wondering if Grandma Tala was up there watching as Maui kissed me and vis versa.

A sudden thought came to mind. I opened my necklace and took Moon out. I held the stone up and it glowed a bright white. I quickly put it away, not wanting to wake the village.

I turned to Maui, who was staring at me again. "Wow, you really do like what you see."

He chuckled. "Yes I do." He came and sat next to me. I leaned my head on his chest, the bloody cough forgotten. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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