Chapter 33

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Moana POV

I wanted to tell Maui about the thoughts that had somehow worked there way into my head. What if the snake was poisonous, I thought.

I sighed and slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.


When I woke up there was a loud commotion coming from the direction of the village. Screams and yells.

I quickly stood, too quickly. I became light headed but I didn't let it stop me. I ran back to the village, not caring if I woke Maui.

There was someone in the middle of the village. He was laughing wickedly as he scared the people. My people. Maui came up behind me, wide awake and looking infuriated.

"Abbadon." He spat the name like it was the most disgusting thing in the world.

"You know this guy," I hissed.

"Yeah, let's just say we left off on bad terms."

I growled a little. "What are you? A dog?" Maui joked.

I shot daggers at him. He flinched but grabbed his fishhook and charged.

The fight was intense. This Abbadon guy was twice Maui's height but about half all the way around.

Most villagers had fled while a few watched the scene before them. Abbadon had managed to conjure a black sword and was fighting hard.

Abbadon struck hard with and up slice. Maui managed to block it but the blow was powerful enough to send him flying to the top of Mt. Montinui. I was shocked by this demons power.

Abbadon quickly flew to the top where the fighting continued. I sprinted to the path and started to make my way up. I ran as fast as I could, taking short, shallow breaths as I did so.

My legs began to burn and my chest began to ache but I kept going, ignoring the pain. After about five minutes I reached the top to find Maui's hook laying on the ground about fifty feet away from the two. Abbadon was just about to bring sword down for the killing blow.

Without thinking, I ran and grabbed the demon around the waist with full force, sending us both flying of the edge of the mountain.


"Stupid mortal!" Abbadon screamed as we fell. He had his hands on my throat, making sure I was to hit the ground first.

"Demon," I spat. And then, just like that, everything turned black.

Maui POV

Just as I braced myself for death, Moana came flying out of nowhere and sent the two of them flying off the edge of the mountain.

"MOANA!" I screeched as loud as I could.

I quickly ran to grab my fishhook. It too me three tries to turn into a giant hawk because I was still weak from the fighting.

Once I flew over the edge I was already to late. There lay Moana and Abbadon, at the bottom of the mountain. Both still.

I dived down and landed right next to Moana. Her eyes were open. I nearly fainted at what I saw. Blood dripping from her mouth and her eyes were dull and lifeless, looking more grey than brown.

My eyes widened as the sudden realization hit me. Moana was dead.

I fell to the ground and broke down. I never cry, never. I'm Maui! Shapeshifter, Demigod of the wind and sea! But there I was, crying like a little kid. Villagers came rushing out, some gasping in utter shock and others choking on sobs. It was at least a full twenty minutes before any of us could do anything.

"Maui," Sina whispered, placing a hand on my cheek. Tui looked like he'd just died himself, and believe me, I felt like I'd just lost my soul.

I looked back at Moana's grey eyes, the color drained from them like her life.

"We should send her to the ocean," I manage to choke out. "On her canoe, we send her to the ocean so she can be where she loved to be the most."

Tui nodded and I picked up the lifeless Moana. I would have let more tears fall but there were no more.


I set Moana on her canoe and pushed it to the ocean. "Take care of her," I whispered to it. Nothing. The ocean was diffidently mourning the loss of Moana as well.

3rd POV

The village had been silent for a few days, no laughter, no smiles, no sunshine. The sky remained grey and cloudy but no rain fell. It was like there was nothing else for the people of Montinui to do.

Weeks passed by before the first signs of life began to return to the people. Everyone was effected deeply by Moana's death, she was loved by all.

No one truly got over her death, but as weeks began months the sky started to clear and the people became happy again. Even Maui had found happiness.

Five years after Moana's death he got married to Layla, who had stopped expressing feeling towards him until the fourth year passed, and had a child with her on the sixth year.

The child's name was Oceana.

A/N: I cried while writing this. I didn't want to kill Moana but then I thought and I really wanted to make this story different from the others that I read. I think I'll be writing the epilogue then the story will be done.
(I'm still crying a little)

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