Chapter 1: Life as a Butler

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"My life isn't really that hard. It's not comfortable too. Full of twist and turns like a Roller Coaster."

*April 1999*


"Master, your Lady Grey tea is here," my butler said as he knocks on my door. I then heard three consecutive knocks following soon after. I scoffed, looking at the door before answering him.

"Come in," I said as I tried to fix my frizzy hair. Not that I'm a bear or something like that.

"What a bloody mess!" I yelled, the door opening soon after. There stood my butler, holding a tray in his hand.

"Is there something bothering you, my lord?" My butler asked me as he sets down my tea on the desk. I tried fixing my hair once again, trying not to be a humiliation to my butler. He just smirks at me as I just made it much worse. My hair sticking out at random direction.

"W-What are you looking at?! Help me fix my hair! It's a bloody mess!" I said before looking at him, annoyed. He just stood there, trying not to laugh.

"Are you sure my lord?" he asked.

"Are you disobeying me?" I snarled back, answering his question. He then shook his head and bowed.

"No, my lord," Even though he answered me with politeness in his tone, I could still see the smug grin on his face as he fixes my hair back to its normal state.

"Now, prepare my meal. I shall finish my tea first while you do that," I said as I grab my cup and took a sip out of it. I admit, he makes the finest tea a lot more adequate.

"Yes, my lord," he said as he bows down and left the room with a grin. I could see the mischief in his eyes before leaving my room.

What is that butler up to now?


I could never tell my master that I didn't really fixed his hair. In fact, I just made it much more...unique.

I walked down the stairs and saw that one of the maids had dropped some silverware. They probably didn't notice when it fell. I quickly picked it up and went to the kitchen, seeing one of our maids moping the kitchen floor.

"O-Oh! Nicholas, I didn't expect you here," Rin, one of the maids greeted me with sudden shock. I genuinely smiled at her and quickly gave her the silverware.

"You dropped this a while ago on the floor," I told her as I gave her the silverware and went to prepare the meal for the lord. She then thanked me before putting the silverware back.

"Oh goodness. Thank you Nicholas," she then continues to mop the floor as I smiled and got the ingredients from the cabinet. After a minute of following some steps from the book, I made a decent meal for the young master. French toast with bacon and eggs.

"Say, Nicholas, how are you pulling this off?" Rin unexpectedly asked me as I prepared the plates on the tray. I then stared at her before answering.

"Pulling off what? My life as a butler?" I asked as she then nods.

"Yes," she answered as I put a finger on my chin, pretending to think for a while.

"Well, I guess you could say, I'm simply just an ordinary-" I then got interrupted by a scream upstairs. The sides of my lips twitched, knowing that my master finally knew what had happened to his hair.

"Bastard!" the earl yelled upstairs and I pretended to sigh as held the tray on my hands.

"Well, I'll be going now Rin. Our lord might be calling me," I said before walking out from the kitchen.

"Calling you bastard?" she asked as I skid to a stop and turned back around, smiling at her.

"No, not really. Maybe there is an intruder or a threat going on. I must be going now," I said as I calmly walked towards the stairs and up to my master's bedroom.

I twisted the doorknob and saw a distraught lord infront of me. His  icy glare pierced through my eyes as he pointed at the spiky hair I gave him earlier.

"What kind of catastrophe is this?! Bloody hell! What have you done to my hair Nicholas?!" a huff came from him as he stomps and paced around the room.

"I'm sorry master but I don't see anything wrong with it," I quickly faked smile, trying not to laugh at his childish acts.

"Are you blind Nicholas?! What is this?!" he quickly pointed back at his pointed hair with another glare.

"I'm deeply sorry my lord," I said as I fix his hair. For real this time. I don't even know how I'll survive his childish rants for a year or so.

"You better be," he said as he crossed his arms. I sighed before bowing down. He just quickly walks by me with his cane. The clicking sounds made me look up back again to see him on his bed again, getting the plate of French toast from the tray.

"Come, let us eat," he said as he mentions me to follow him. I then shook my head as I stood still from my position.

"I'm sorry my lord but I have some business to attend to. I would like to ask — " I then got interrupted.

"Go. Do whatever it is that you are going to do," he said as he waved his hands and left me speechless infront of him. I then nodded and quickly went to the garden to meet with my friend.

I went to feed the stray cat I have been hiding from the lord. I knew that when he finds out about this, he'll order me to throw this 'hideous beast' away from his castle. His words, not mine.

I then saw it scurried off to pick something and went back with a red rose.

I thanked it and grabbed the rose, looking at the color and details of it. Then, I looked back inside to see the earl ordering Rin to fetch him something. Rin, being the most kindest maid from the castle, scurried off to get whatever the master needed.

God, this is going to be the death of me, I swear.

A death ride for a butler.

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