Chapter 12: Forever in Heart

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Nicholas' Pov

I just found out that last month was Anne's birthday. No one had actually greeted her. Not even Brice. I couldn't really blame them since the ruckus had happened not too long since her birthday.

I wasn't really sure if she purposedly didn't tell me it was her birthday. I could've gotten her something.

So, I went to Prince Brice's study to ask for permission. I suddenly knock on his door and I heard him silently saying "Come in"

I opened the door and saw him reading a book. He was sipping his tea while he look towards me.

"My lord," I said as I bow.

"Brice," he corrected.

"Sorry Brice. I'm not really used to calling your name my lord," I said as I rub my neck awkwardly.

He nodded and quickly stood up. He approached one of the shelves and got another book. He returns the one he was reading earlier and went back to his desk.

"So, what brings you here?" He asks me as he flip some of the pages. I quickly bowed and told him.

"I want to ask for a permission, my lord," I said as he quickly raises his brows.

"What kind of permission Nicholas?" He asks me as he mentions me to continue.

"To go to town my lord,"

"Why?" He asks me as I stared at him at shock.

How am I suppose to tell this to him?

"Is this about Anne's birthday?" He asked me without giving a glance to me.

I nodded and said yes. He glanced at me then continued reading his book. Silence fell upon the study and all I could hear was the pages flipping and him sipping his tea.

"Alright. Please be quick Nicholas. Anne might worry," he said as he nodded.

I thanked him and quickly walked out of the study. I walked downstairs and quickly went out.

Anne's Pov

I walked upstairs and quickly went to Nicholas' room. I wasn't really sure of he's awake or not. He might be sleeping at this sort of time.

"Nicholas?" I called out for him as I knock.

There was no response whatsoever. I can't even hear anything except someone shuffling some stuff. So, I called out again.

"Nicholas? Are you there?" I said as I tried to peek in.

Suddenly, the door opened and reveal Augustus, looking down at my form. I quickly stood straight and smiled at him.

"Is Nicholas there?" I asked him as he looked a little bit frustrated.

"He's sleeping," he answered as he fixes his gloves. I tried to peek in but he just blocks my view.

I pouted and he quickly scoffed. I tried again but he just does it again.

"Augustus, can I see Nicholas. Just a-"

"He's sleeping. Don't worry about him too much," he said as he glares at me.

I can't actually see anyone in the room so I tried to reassure myself that he was there. I wasn't really satisfied at the thought so I pushed Augustus a little bit but he just won't budge.

"I need to see him!"

"You want to see him?"

"Yes!" I said as he quickly scoffed and grabbed me by my shoulders. I felt him pushing me into Nicholas' room.

"Augustus? Augustus!"

"Sorry dear. I don't want you to interfere. You wanted to see him? Sorry to tell you this, he won't be here soon," I heard him saying as he closes the door and locks it from the outside.

Seriously?! Who does that? Putting a lock from the outside is just preposterous. Well, not if it has a better purpose though. Darnit Brice!

I quickly searched around the room that could help me get out.

I just saw a bed, a mirror, some clothes and other things that were very expensive. Why isn't there any crowbar here? I sighed, knowing that I can't escape this room.

I sat on the bed and look at the window. I miss Nicholas so much. Where was he?

Suddenly, I just realized I could do the same thing I did last month. The one that scared Nicholas so much, thinking that I tried to kill myself. I quickly open the window and look down.

I saw a bunch of hay on the ground and Quincy walking on the garden. Well, I need to risk this jump or either wait for Nicholas to come here.

Or just Augustus, waiting to torture me.

I quickly shuddered at the thought and try to do a comfortable position to do it. Sitting won't help me. I might do a backflip and land on my neck, resulting in an injury. The one I did last month was just a miracle.

Jumping would do but I'm too scared. I'm not as skilled like Alice in Wonderland.

I then heard something clicked from the outside. Knowing it was Augustus, I jumped. I quickly fell down and landed on some of the hay, making a crunching noise.

Even Quincy heard that. She quickly turned around, seeing me and suddenly approaches me.

"My lady, what happened?"

"Just jumped down the castle. Nothing much,"

"You could've been injured!" She said as she take a look on my arms. There was a little scratch but it doesn't really stand out much so it was fine.

She quickly helped me up and guided me inside. I saw Nicholas' cat wandering on the garden so I quickly ran for it and picked it up then went back to follow Quincy.

Nicholas' Pov

I saw Anne walking with my cat and Quincy on her left side. I quickly approached Quincy and asked how Anne had been. She quickly chuckled, mamig me confused.

"Nicholas, you should talk to Anne. She'll clearly tell you what happened,"

"What did she do now?" I sighed, knowing that she probably did some tricks on her own.

She just shook her head, laughing and left me with Anne. I saw her hair in a messy braid as she quickly stares up at me and smiled.

"Nicholas, I didn't know your cat was really cute," She greeted me as she pets my cat. It purred on her grasp and I quickly chuckled.

"Alright my lady, what did you do this time?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing," she said as she looked very nervous and looks away. I sighed, knowing that I can't spill any info whatsoever of what happened unless she accidentally or purposedly tell it to me.

I nodded in approval and quickly got a wrapped gift on my coat. It was a bit small but it was worth it.

"What's that Nicholas?" She asked me as she pointed at the gift.

"This is for you my lady," I answered as I handed it to her. She quickly smile at me and she open it with ease.

She quickly gasped and hugged me. I hugged back as I smile to myself.

Inside the gift was a little luxurious box that held a little gold necklace shaped as a heart. On the back side, "Forever" was carved on it in a cute cursive writing.

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