Chapter 15: Meeting Her

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Brice's Pov

I carried the unconscious girl bridal style as I made my way upstairs. I looked around to see if anyone was here that could be a witness. I don't really want to think that I had murdered this girl.

Since no one was around, I quickly kicked open the door to my room and closed it with my foot. I lay down the unconscious girl on my bed, brushing her crimson locks away from her face and tuck it behind her ear.

I saw the flesh wound on her shoulder and I went to the cabinet where I put the medkit. As I quickly went back, she was awake and she pointed her revolver at me.

"Don't move," she said as I quickly put my hands up. I tried to slowly approach her but then I heard the gun click. "Look, I'm trying to help you," I said as I show her the medkit.

She just glares at me as she was still pointing the gun at me. I sighed and sat down on a chair beside me. She jumps a little and then went back at pointing the gun at me.

"Pourquoi êtes-vous si gentil avec moi?" I quickly snapped my gaze at her as she speaks french. She looked at me then looks back down.

"Why am I so kind to you? Why? Have you done something wrong to me? No, right?" I said as she quickly looks at me and looks back down, tears leaving her eyes. I quickly approached her as she quickly throws the gun to the ground.

I pat her head and hugged her. "I-I'm sorry," she apologizes as she hugs me back. We stayed silent for a minute, trying to let it overwhelm the air. I suddenly realized that she still has a wound on her shoulder.

I pulled away slowly, grabbing the medkit and opened it. I grabbed some antiseptics, cotton, alcohol and some elastic wrap bandages.

I quickly poured some alcohol on the cotton and went to clean her wound. She flinched as looks at me. I quickly pat her head and reassured her.

"Just try to hug anything if you feel pain, alright?" I said as I quickly felt her hugging me. I sighed and chuckled. "I guess hugging me would do," I said as I clean her wound.

She hissed and hugged me tighter as I try to clean off the blood and the injury. It was quite deep than I had actually thought. An antiseptic won't actually do anything.

I grab the elastic bandage beside me and quickly wrapped it on the wound. She stared at me, still trying to get over the pain. I looked at her and got some pain relievers on the medkit.

"Here. Some pain relievers. I'll just go grab some water," I said as I quickly stood up. I was about to walk away but someone grabbed my hands. I looked back at her as she stares at me, begging me to stay.

"I'll be right back...?"

"Azaila," she said as I quickly nodded. I opened the door and gave her a glance before closing the door. Suddenly, Nicholas approaches me from behind.

"My lord-"

"Brice," I interrupted, trying not to look suspicious. One wrong move and Azaila could be dead. I know that she was the assassin but I could never hurt a girl. I'm not a sadistic prince.

Nicholas looked at me and quickly asked me, "Do you want anything my lord?" I quickly looked at him and nodded.

"Can I get a glass of water? Not a cold one. Just warm," I said as he nodded, walking off. He suddenly stops and turned around.

"I know about your assassin, my lord. No need to lie to me," he said as he went off. I blinked for a split second then looked at him. He knew? He must've heard me.

I quickly sighed and went back to the room. I saw Azaila looking at some photo albums then shut them close as she saw me. "I-I'm sorry. I do not mean to get any of your stuff. I-" I quickly interrupted her with a nod.

"It's alright. I do not mind at all," I said as I quickly sat down beside her. She stared at me for a minute and then went back staring at my old photos.

Silence took place and all I heard were birds chirping outside and Augustus swinging his sword, training.

I quickly got an idea and went to play with Azaila's hair. She quickly jumped in shock and looked at me.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," I said as I pat her back. She quickly nodded and I asked her for her permission.

"May I?" I asked her as she looks at me. She looks away, nodding in approval. I quickly got a comb and brushed her hair.

Her hair was soft as silk. Royal like. I quickly realized that I had the hairpin that Nicholas gave me earlier. I played her hair a little bit and then tried to do something that Navii had taught me.

Azaila quickly looked back at me and laughed as I tried to braid her hair. "You're doing it wrong my lord," she said as she tries to hold her laugh but failed.

"Brice," I told her as I tried again. She looked at me and said, "I know." I can't really do the things Navii taught me since I'm not really fond of doing this. Maybe I could ask her for a little bit of help.

I quickly went to the edge of the bed and stood up. Azaila looked at me as I held her hand. I quickly told her to stand up and mentioned her to follow me.

Suddenly, Nicholas opened the door, making me jump back. He quickly apologizes and hands me the glass of water. Azaila looked at Nicholas and waved.

Nicholas nodded and went off. I quickly handed Azaila the water. She quickly grab her pain relievers and puts it in her mouth, then drinks the water whole. "Who was that?" She asked me randomly as I smiled.

"That's Nicholas, the earl's butler," I said as I quickly grab her hand as we walk down the hallway. I didn't even notice the red tint on Azaila's cheeks.

I knocked on Navii's door and heard her asking. "Who's there?" She asked me as I quickly told my name. I heard her huff and scoffed.

"Go away Brice!"

"I need a little bit of assistance," I said as I looked at Azaila. She was a bit scared but I told her that it will be alright.

I quickly saw Navii's door opened and saw her looking at me and Azaila. "Who's she?" She asked me as Azaila smiled genuinely. "That's Azaila. I need you-" I suddenly saw Azaila being dragged by Navii inside and quickly shoo me away.

"I got this! Darling, you will be so pretty! Scratch that, gorgeous!" I quickly sighed as I heard Navii rambling and Azaila just laughing. I guess I'll just come back later.

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