Chapter 27: Master of Seduction

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Brice's Pov

I woke up with Azaila on my arms, still cuddling to me. Same day as always. "Azi," I softly called to her as she stirs in her sleep, facing the other way. "Azi, wake up," I said as she mumbles.

"Five more minutes please," she said as she groans a little bit, trying to get comfortable on my bed. I looked at her sleeping figure and then looked away. "Damn it," I said as I sat up.

I sighed, knowing that she would wake up on her own. Forcing her to wake up would be a disaster. She would always make a frown if I did. Pouting and some stuff like that. Nonetheless, it was cute.

I quickly stood up and got some clothes and went to the bathroom. I quickly turned the shower on, droplets of water pouring down my body.

I grab the soap and allowed the hot water to sooth my aching muscles. It's been a long week. Augustus being a prick was one of my problems this time.

The steam from the shower was thick and filled the air as I washed away the dirt off my shoulders. The hot water stream collides into my skin, releasing some of the tention. I closed my eyes as the hot steam envelops my body. As I wash the shampoo suds off me, the water sending them in little streams down my back.

I quickly washed my hair with a shampoo. It's fragrance looms around my hair as I rub it soothingly, trying to ease and remove the tangles on my hair.

I could hear someone twisting the door as I quickly set my gaze on it. "Brice, are you-EEK!" Azaila quickly looked at me and then gasped, closing the door shut in panic.

Then, silence. I couldn't hear anyone outside anymore. Not even Azaila. Though, I heard the room door closed and the water running down from the shower head. I quickly sighed and continued to wash my body.

Well, can't this day get any worse?

Azaila's Pov

I woke up, rubbing my eyes as I sat up. Wait, where's Brice? I swear he was just here. He slept with me, right? I was too busy from my thoughts and didn't hear the water running from the shower.

I quickly stood up and looked outside. No, no Brice here. I just saw Nicholas walking through the hallways, greeting me as he went off downstairs.

So, I went back and quickly opened the shower. "Brice, are you-EEK!" I then saw Brice naked as he looks at me, shocked. I could still see his 6 pack as he turns his head to me. I quickly closed the door and ran outside, slamming the room door behind me.

"I'm really traumatized right now," I said as I kneel down, my hands covering my face. It was like I'm having a break down.

I could hear the bathroom door inside as I breathe deeply. I quickly stood up and opened the door. Brice was wearing a thick robe as he grab his clothes from his closet then saw me. I quickly blushed as the scene repeated on my head.

"Azi, why did you open the bathroom so suddenly?" He asked me as I quickly looked at him, my mind going back to reality. "Hmm? Oh! I-I didn't really know you were there," I said as I looked down. He nods and went back inside the bathroom, probably changing.

I then looked at the closet and opened it, looking for some clothes to wear. All it had was a white dress, probably Anne's. The only problem is, it was too short. I quickly got it and waited for Brice to finish.

After a few minutes, he quickly opened the door and then mentioned me to go ahead, not noticing the dress. I quickly took a bath and wore the dress.

I came out a few minutes later and saw Brice putting his shoes on. He quickly looked at me and then looked away, his face getting red. "Why did you pick that dress?" He said as he looks away as I would make him look at it.

I quickly crossed my arms, "Why? Is it ugly?" I asked as I twirled. He shook his head as a no. "I-It's just too revealing. Just pick another dress," he said as he waves me off. I scoffed at him.

"There weren't any dress on your closet Brice!" I said as he quickly waves me off again. "Ask Navii," he said as I glared. "Why are you avoiding me Brice? I like this dress," I said as I approached him.

He quickly stood up, pushing me against the wall. His breath hitches a bit as he looks at my eyes. "Are you trying to seduce me Azi?" He said as I gasped. "W-What do you mean?" I asked him as he bits his lip and looks at my own. I could tell that he was serious about the dress thing.

I looked down, scared but he quickly grabs my chin and made me look at him. "Answer me. Are you trying to seduce me?" he said as I quickly gulped. "N-No, I wasn't. I swear Brice! I wouldn't," I said, still shocked at his reactions.

He quickly soften his gaze, trying to gain his composure. He walks towards his desk with his hands on his face. "B-Brice?" I asked, trying to walk towards to him. He quickly waves me off again. "Just go change. Please," he said as he tries not to look at me. I nodded and went off to Navii's room.

I walked outside, knocking softly to Navii's room. "Who is it?" She asked as she opens the door. "Just me," I said as she nods and mentions me to go inside. "Um, do you have any dress that would fit me?" I asked as she furrows her eyebrows, confused.

"Why? That dress is already gorgeous," she said as I shook my head. "Brice is kinda-" I said as she quickly gasped and nodded. "Oh! I totally forgot about that. He's quickly, um, you know when someone wears revealing dresses," she said as I raised my brows at her.

"Does Brice had a girlfriend before?" She quickly stop rummaging her closet. "Oh, not really. Why? Did something happen?" I quickly rub my arm and told her what happened. "Oh dear, I didn't mean it that way. This never happened before really. You're probably a lucky girl too," she said as she continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as she giggled. "Many had tried to seduce Brice but he just ignores them and telling them they were immature,"

"Did someone succeed?" I asked as she gave me a smirk.

"You just did,"

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