Chapter 31: Anne?

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Nicholas' Pov

"Alright Nich, whatever you say. Though, we'll put it into the school's database that you're 15. Is that alright? After all, you do look like one," Casvielle said as I nodded. Since I already lied from the beginning, why not lie to the school? Casvielle smiled at me and then pat the ambassador's shoulder, whispering something.

The ambassador quickly looks at me and then walk towards me. "I'm pretty sure that Brice told us that you were 17. Is that information wrong?" I heard him ask as I nodded.

"I lied to the prince for some certain and confidential reasons," I told them as they nodded. The ambassador quickly faced Harvor and quickly said, "Harvor, that's the information you'll need for Nicholas' education progress," Harvor nods and then leaves, probably preparing the database.

"Anyways, Nicholas, Casvielle here would be the one to guide you to your own home. We already got you a house to stay in for the meantime," he said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Meantime? You have already done so much for me," I said as he shook his head.

"So did the king and his son. Just relax for a bit and explore if you want to. Also, take Casvielle with you if you're going to." Casvielle approaches me, waiting for my response. I quickly nodded as Casvielle saluted to the ambassador and followed me.

We walked a bit far from the base camp and I saw some of the ambassador's subordinate smiling at me as they gave Casvielle a thumbs up. She quickly saluted and walks beside me. "So, where do you want to go first?" She barges in with a question, looking up to me. I didn't look at her as I spot a near cafe across the base camp. It wasn't a bit crowded and it looks really comfortable to go. "How about that cafe milady?" She looks where I pointed and nods.

"That's Hieno kahvi, the greatest cafe ever known to Finland," she said as I gaze upon her and smiled. "Do they have some coffee? Wait, did I say that right? Is that what you call it milady? Or was it tea?" I asked as she chuckled at my response, probably laughing at my adorableness or awkwardness.

"You really have to learn more about proper words mate. Also, no. We call it Kahvi." She quickly pulled me outside the base camp and grasped my hand tightly as we cross the lane.

We stood there, looking inside as we suddenly saw some people chatting and some using phones. I rubbed the back of my neck, shyly as Casvielle nudged me as she went inside. 

I just followed her as she took out some money. "Milady, you do not have to pay for me. I can get my own. After all, I'm-" She quickly shushed me by putting a hand on my mouth. I mumbled out to her some words as she leans to me.

"Do you really want to cause attention Nich? You don't want them to know you're a part of royalty, do you?" She said as she quickly looks back to the woman and ordered some coffee. I looked around as she smiled at the cashier woman. 

I'm not quite sure if that is what they were called. All I knew was that I should treat them equally. Were they really appreciate being called "Milady?" I was quite confused since I'm a butler and all.

I never really called anyone as Milady but Anne, Miss Winston and Miss Casvielle. I still think that it was really exquisite calling Miss Azaila as the future wife of Prince Brice.  She was a bit flustered about it but lets it be afterwards, making it a cute scene among them.

"Um...excuse me sir. Are you going to order something? The little miss is waiting," I heard the woman asking me, making snap out of my thoughts. I looked at her then turned around. I saw a girl with a blonde hair, looking up at me as she holds her hand on her chest.

"Oh sorry milady, I didn't see you there." She nods and I let her go in front of me. She quickly puts her hands on the side, making her necklace visible. I got a clear look of it and widen my eyes. It looks a little bit like I gave Anne.

I got a quick look of her once again. It looks a bit like her too, except the hair. Anne has pinkish hair, not blonde. 

She quickly ordered some iced coffee and gave the woman a tip. The woman thanked her as she looks back at me and smiled. That smile. Was it really her? Anne, milady?

She turns her back, walking to the door. "Wait!" I said as she looks back at me. At this point, I knew that some people were looking at me, even Casvielle. Though, I do not care. I need to know if it was her. "Nich!" I heard Casvielle ask me as I just ignored her.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" She asked me as I quickly approaches her. "Is your name Anne, by any chance?" She quickly shook her head as I stared at her, confused by her sudden action.

"No. Not really. No, I-I'm sorry, but I don't. Have a good day." By the time that she said that, I quickly took a hold of her hand. Casvielle quickly stood up, grabbing my arm. I shook it off as the girl looks at me, nervously.

"Where did you get this milady?" I grab her necklace and she looks down at it. "I-I saw it in a shop nearby," She said as she smiled, still a bit fidgety. I knew she was lying. I didn't really bought it at the town. No. It was my mother's. The one that I got when I was still a kid. I made a friend of mine craft the letter "Forever " in it.

I knew it was a great gift since that necklace was special to me. So was she. I then turned the necklace around and I saw the words carved in it. I raise one brow at her as she sighed. She tries to pull her arm away but I grasped it tighter. She looked up to me, scared a little bit.

"Milady, please tell me," I said as I quickly looked into her eyes.

"Why are you lying to me? "

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