Chapter 36: Love Letter For The Tutor

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Nicholas' Pov

I looked around as I walked back to my home. The cabin or my new home was quite different than my home when I was a kid. It was quiet and quite comfortable than the last. It was like I lived at Prince Brice's castle. Just smaller.

As I approached it, I could clearly see Miss Casvielle sweeping the dusty floor. Sweat drops were on her forehead as she sighed in content. It was inaudible but I clearly know that she was happy, judging by her reaction.

I opened the door, quickly grabbing Miss Casvielle's attention. "Oh hey! Welcome back mate. How'd your walk go?" She asked me, wiping the remaining sweat on her forehead.

I smiled and hummed in response. "I'll take that as a yes then," she said as she sat on one of the chairs. I then saw a letter on the table.

"Miss Casvielle, who sent that letter?" I asked as she quickly stood and smiled. "It's just from the ambassador. Nothing important is written there,"

"May I read it?" I asked as I grab the letter. She quickly ran to me, grasping the letter out of my hands and hid it behind her.

"It's not that important, I swear! Just some personal reasons." I looked at her weirdly with suspicion. She kept tapping the wooden floor with her boots and kept smiling awkwardly, hiding something from me.

What was in that letter?

Casvielle's Pov

I ran towards Nicholas at full speed, grabbing the letter from his hands. He look a little bit startled when I did.

I didn't really tell him what the letter was about. I was too embarrassed to tell the lad that I got asked out by the ambassador.

I know that he was quite a match maker, making me doubt if I should tell him. Even though he doesn't know anything about love, he looks like he was experienced. Well, maybe just a little bit.

When he asked me if he could read it, I quickly put the letter behind me and smiled goofily.

I cannot even imagine what his reaction would be if he read that letter. So, I just walked back slowly and tried not to make any suspicious move.

But alas, he still noticed it. He quickly walked up to me, trying to get the letter from behind. I swiftly dodged him and put the letter up in the air.

Unfortunately, he was taller than me.

Why didn't I notice that he was taller than me? Too much preoccupied?

He looked at me with his signature smirk and held the letter on his hand. He was looking at it like it was something worthy to be read for.

"Nicholas, don't-"

He opened the letter slowly and read it. He looks really focused on reading it like it was some sort of credentials.

Too late to go back, huh?

Nicholas' Pov

I read the message written on the letter. It wasn't really written in a formal way but it was readable. That's a good thing.


This is the ambassador. I'm sure you're probably thinking why I'm writing something like this. All I have to say is that you are such a wonderful assistant and I think that you're a pretty lady yourself.

I know that you're quite smart about guessing what I'm trying to tell you, aye?

Meet me later at Rosevalley Park. 6:00 pm. Wear something nice. Not too fancy, alright?

Ambassador Gunther

I look back up and saw Miss Casvielle blushing and a little bit flustered. I smiled a little bit and gave her a bit privacy about her "date"

Was that the right term? Is that what it's called? A date?

I shrugged off my thoughts and gave her the letter. She grabbed it from my hands, mumbling a thank you before going outside.

I saw her figure disappearing slowly until I just see trees around my new home. I sighed and looked around. Miss Casvielle really did her job quite exquisite.

The floor was actually clean and the books on the shelves were already organized. Some of the furnitures were moved and made it much more easier to roam around without bumping to them.

I then saw something vibrating on the kitchen table. It was a little metal thing with a shiny surface and was glowing.

What is this?

I quickly grabbed it, opened it and pressed my finger on the call button.

"Nicholas? This is Casvielle," she said through it as I put the thing beside my ears. "What is this thing I'm holding milady? Can you hear me?" I could hear a little laugh as she then spoke.

"That's a phone Nicholas. It can help you communicate others without going outside to meet them," she said as I nodded. "Also, I have some of the citizens' number that you may see next time at school."

I once again nodded. I know that she could imagine me agreeing to her. "Also, Anne's number is there." I widen my eyes and then spoke to her.


"Yup! Well, see you. Try to talk to her. I can guarantee that she'll answer back. Have fun!" I then heard something beeped and she hung up the call.

I then looked at the phone weirdly as I pressed some random buttons. It showed different sections. Call, messages, calendar, clock and some other more.

I rub the back of my neck as I tried to figure out how I'd do this. I then guided my way back to Call. I don't know how I accidentally went back but I did it.

I then looked at a list of citizens. There were actually a lot and it was quite too long to go down.

Luckily, Anne was on the first. I selected her name and called.




"Hello? Who is this?" I could clearly hear her voice sweetly asking through the line. I smiled, knowing that I could finally talk to her without trying to make her leave so suddenly.

Unless she hungs up.

"Milady? It's me, Nicholas," I said as I heard her giggle a bit. I know that it would be a long call.

But it would be worth it.

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