Chapter 39: Unexpected Date: Part I

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"Love doesn't come from words, milady. It comes from the heart, the experience and from the actions."

Nicholas' Pov

"What are you doing milady? What is that? What are you looking for?" I asked her many questions as she kept rummaging the closet, looking for something. "You need to prepare! Anne doesn't like waiting." I quickly raised an eyebrow as she smiled widely at me.

"Pardon? Why is Anne in this? Not to mention, she hates me," I said as she shook her head. "No. No. She doesn't hate you Nicholas! She wants to talk with you," she said as she gave me a red coat.

"Red isn't my color milady. If you must-"

"Enough butler talk. I'm picking what you're going to wear." She quickly went outside and went in another room. I sighed as I know what was going to happen.

Another wreck came afterwards. The closet fell down, creating a ruckus in the room. I quickly went where Miss Casvielle went and then widen my eyes.

I shook my head in disapproval as Casvielle nods, showing a pink long coat and red tie. "Milady, I prefer to pick my own attire. I'm not wearing that. I don't even know what that is. It looks like something that a demom created, literally," I said as I turned my back to her.

It was like a girl attire. No offense but, it's preposterous looking. Not to mention, I hate pink. I am a butler with style, not a butler for dress-up. Also, I'm a male human being, not female.

I sighed as I left the room, leaving Casvielle behind as she looks for another attire. I was about to go to my room but a knock came downstairs. Who would visit me at this time?

I then went downstairs as I fixed my suit. I then opened the door, revealing Ambassador Gunter.

"What a nice surprise Nicholas,"

"Ambassador," I greeted as I nod, letting him in. I then heard Casvielle's footsteps going down, greeting the Ambassador with a handshake.

"Ambassador, sir, I don't have any attire for Nicholas. He seems to disagree when I show him some portions," Casvielle said as she pants a little bit. The ambassador looks at me to ensure that I did. So, I nodded.

"Is there a problem with the portions Nicholas?"

"They seem to be quite...informal to me," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He nods then mentions me to follow. "I have some attire at the office. I'm sure that you'll choose one of them." I followed him as Casvielle walks beside him, staring at him with loving eyes.

Now, I'm not a fan of reading or watching cheesy romantic scenes but I'm really sure that staring with loving eyes isn't one of them. Miss Casvielle seems to wander off in her own thoughts when the Ambassador is here.

Well, sort of.

The ambassador looked at me as he mentions me to go inside the building. I pushed the glass door and went inside, Ambassador Gunter and Miss Casvielle behind me.

We then took the elevator up to Gunter's office. I hope he doesn't mind if I call him that personally. He opened the door and then grabbed one of his tux from his locker.

"Is this alright with you?" I quickly shook my head no. "I don't wear tux. Also, Red is not my color," I said as Gunter looks for another one. This time, he showed me a coat.

"Sir, that isn't really male type. That's my coat. I forgot it yesterday here at your office," Miss Casvielle said, grabbing ther coat from Gunter's hand. I raised my eyebrow as Casvielle looks away, blushing.

"Did you both-"

"Ahem. Carry on! Let me just pick your attire one second," Gunter coughs while rummaging his own locker. I could still see Miss Casvielle hugging her coat, embarrassed.

I didn't really question it much due to the state she was in. "Here, how about this one?" Gunter asked me, showing a black coat and white shirt.

I nodded and smiled. "This will do, I guess," I said as I put the coat on without removing my shirt. "It's a bit loose but it's alright for me," I added as I fixed the collar.

"Looks good Nich-"

"Do I look like a vampire to you?" I asked Miss Casvielle, snapping her out of her thoughts. She nods a little bit as I sighed. Well, I have no choice. After all, some of these coats aren't really made for me.

I quickly thanked Ambassador Gunter and asked where Anne was. "She's at Bluegarden Falls. I'll take you there if you want me to." I nodded and let him first.

I looked at Miss Casvielle as she sat on a chair. "Are you coming with us?" I asked her as she shook her head and waved me off. "No, I'll stay here for now." I nodded quickly and followed Gunter.

We then went to the elevator and pressed the button. As the elevator begins to go down, Ambassador Gunter faced me with a smirk. "What is it ambassador? Is there something on my face?" I asked him as he didn't answer.

"Have you asked her yet?" I knew what he meant and looked down. "Not yet. Well, I was about to but-" he then interrupted me with a cough. I looked up to him and frowned.

"But what? Is there something bothering you? Do you not like her the way she does?"

"It's quite the opposite ambassador. She may not like me the way I like her," I said as I sighed. He gave me a pat on the shoulder as he gave me a determined look.

"Like is a strong word. It shows appreciation, not passion. Love is the right term you should use," he said as the elevator opens and made a sound.

We both went out and walk towards his car. Before opening it, he gave me another pat and said,

"Go get her Nicholas Marshall,"

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