Chapter 40: Unexpected Date: Part II

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I looked around as I wait for Nicholas, typing a bit on my phone. Miss Casvielle told me that Nicholas wanted to talk to me with something ASAP here at Bluegarden Falls. I'm not really a fan for conversations but I guess I'll let this one slip. After all, this is Nicholas whom I'm talking to.

I can't really imagine Nicholas asking me to talk to him about something urgent. He wasn't really like that at all. He would always be shy about it and would change the topic just to avoid any fight or the conversation given. I don't blame him though. He wanted peace in the first place anyway.

"Where is he anyway? He did told me to meet him here. Well, not literally told me, he told Miss Casvielle," I said as I got a bit aggravated. I don't really know why I'm quite mad at him right now but I am. Well, maybe it's the fact that he's late.

First, he told me to meet him here. Even though he isn't yet here. Second, he told me the time. Exactly 4 pm. Right now, it's 4:30. I've been waiting for a long time now and I couldn't find him anywhere.

I was about to stand up but quickly saw someone walking towards the entrance, looking around as his gaze quickly glanced at me. Nicholas.

I sat back down as he approaches me with a smile plastered on his face. I averted his gaze as he sat down next to me.

"It's nice to see you milady." I nodded a bit before answering him. "You too Nich," I said before coughing as he sat there quietly beside me. Silence followed as we both sat there, not looking at each other.

"So, what was it that you want to talk to me about?" He quickly gave me a confused look.

"I thought you were the one who wants to talk to me milady." I looked at him and shook my head no.

"Miss Casvielle told me-" We said simultaneously before stopping. We quickly knew that Casvielle was the one behind all of this. I just looked away as Nicholas look down.

"So, Casvielle told you that I was the one who wants to talk to you, am I correct?" I asked as he nods at me. I knew it. Nicholas wasn't really the type to start the conversation. Unless it was really appropriate.

"Then Casvielle told me that you were the one who wants to talk to me. What is she trying to do?" I asked as I put a hand on my forehead, looking a bit stressed. Nicholas gave me a pat on the shoulder and said that it was alright.

I looked around, trying to avoid eye contact with Nicholas. Sure, I kind of liked him but it was against the royal rules. It was that complicated right now.

"Milady, do you hate me right now? For meeting up with you?" he blurted out, staring at me with those ruby eyes. I stared at him for a few minutes before looking down.

"No," I answered before smiling. "I'm just a bit confused why she would lie to us about meeting up."

"I guess she wanted to play matchmaker," Nicholas said before coughing a bit.

Matchmaker, huh?

I looked at Nicholas as he fidget for a bit, looking around the park as his gaze quickly went to mine. I then held his hand and smiled warmly.

"So, want to have a little walk around or just sit here?" I asked him, waiting for an answer. He looked at me before looking around.

"Sure milady," he answered before standing back up and giving me a hand. I quickly accepted it and stood up. We then both went to the swings where we saw a little girl looking at us with a smile.

"You two look so cute together. Are you like my mommy and daddy?" the girl said, smiling at us as Nicholas looks away with a flustered face. I shook my head no as she looks at me and frowns. "Sorry, we're not a couple, dear. Anyways, where are your parents?" I said as I approached the girl with Nicholas by my side.

She quickly pointed at the sky with no hesitation whatsoever saying, "Up there."

I felt Nicholas stiffened as he heard the little girl's reply. I just sadly smiled at the girl, hugging her close to me.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"That's okay. Mommy told me not to cry because she doesn't like to see that," she said, smiling at me. I just looked at her, giving her another genuine smile as I let her play at last — pulling away from the hug.

The girl quickly left, leaving me and Nicholas to ponder on our own. We both stood there in utter silence until he decided to break the tension.

"So, m'lady, do you want to talk about our day with some coffee and bread?" Nicholas asked, smiling as he gaze upon me. I just nodded, feeling his hands intertwining with mine.

"Shall we?" I asked him as I took his hands and smiled. We both quickly walked out of the park, not knowing there was somebody smiling at the sight of us in a distance.

Though, I disregarded that thought.

We quickly went back to the café where we both accidentally bumped into each other. I quickly smiled at the thought, knowing it brings back some good memories when I first bumped into him.

"I remembered the time when you tried to avoid me at this café," Nicholas said, chuckling at the memory. I quickly laughed, nodding at him.

"Yes, it appears so." I smiled back, knowing that I won't lose him anymore nor would I avoid seeing him again. Though, I fear that something might kept us apart.

I fear that everytime that I was near him, something would pounce at any moment possible, making it hard for me to reach him back the way we were before.

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