Chapter 42: That Guy

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The alarm, for the first time, became silent. I didn't wake up to a loud ringing sensation.

Instead, a loud voice was the one who urged me to stand up from my bed - almost pushing me to stop me from trying to go back to my deep slumber.

My hands tried to pry the person away from me but they just pushed me and even pulled until I fell off the bed. Whoever this was, they truly want me to be awake.

"Nich, it's your first day in Finns University," Casvielle's voice echoed as I groaned, stood up afterwards, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

She had her hands on her waist, her furrowed eyebrows and puffed cheeks were evident on her face. Her long brown coat hid the shirt she was wearing inside.

Turning my head to look at her, I asked, "Is this really necessary, milady?"

"Yes, if you want to see Anne," she chimed as I blinked for a few times before wiping my eyes.

Now, I remember.

I was about to go to the same university of my lady. However, Brice told me that this was for educational purposes.

Still, I felt like this wasn't a coincidence or for learning purposes as Brice had told me.

He knew that I was reading dictionaries and books. So, why bother enrolling me to a university?

"Anne?" My head still couldn't grasp the fact that I was going to be with her again. It was days before we had that date.

Still, I hoped that everything remained like that, where our feelings will not change.

Casvielle then clapped and smiled at me, her eyes shining bright from excitement. "Yes, Anne!"

"Now come on, Nich. Let's go!" She jumped up and cheered as I stood up and took the towel from the rack and put it around my shoulder.

Her retreating figure then lets me be to take a shower.

Once I went inside the bathroom, I could still hear Casvielle outside.

She was telling something gibberish, probably because I was too far and the door blocked the sounds - making it hard for me to understand her.

Turning the shower head on, I washed off the dirt out of my body - rubbing my wash towel gently on my muscles.

The hot water eased the cold temperature of the room, making it warm for me as I bathe. It took me minutes to finish and I then wrapped the towel around my waist.

"Do you think she'll like the idea that I'm there?" I asked Casvielle as I finally went back outside.

Her eyes looked at me before she almost jumped and covered her face with her hands.

"I-Im pretty sure." She then walked to the living room, letting me walk back to my bedroom and pick out some clothes.

Taking a white long sleeve, undergarment, and even a black slack pants to prepare for my first day.

This was probably a head start for me. I've never initiate any talk towards other people so going to university was something else.

It took me a long time since I was homeschooled while serving the Earl himself.

"You did get a kiss from her, right?"

I turned my head to see Casvielle opening the door as I was currently buttoning my shirt. I already had everything on except the shoes.

My eyes then casted away, remembering the scenario that happened between Anne and I.

Her eyes had stared at me when I had kissed her. I knew that there was still a strong connection between us.

My heart beats so fast that day. I was nervous, sure. But I was also aware that it was real.

"I did---" Softly I spoke but Casvielle cuts me off from talking.

"Then, that means you guys are alright." When she had approached me, she shrugged - almost saying that I had nothing to worry about my relationship with Anne.

Should I really be at ease, though? My lady had not yet told me those three words I wanted to hear.

"You don't have to panic on this one, Nich," she reassured me, even dusting off my shoulders and gave me a thumbs up. I then walked up to the large mirror, looking at myself for assurance.

I didn't even know if I should tell Miss Casvielle about my dream. My hands fidgeted as I saw the reflection of Casvielle on the mirror.

Her blue eyes gazed at me, smiling as if she had no problem at pairing us up.

"Nothing could go wrong. I promise you on that one," she told me as I inhaled deeply before explaining my dream.

She has the right to know, in case there is a guy trying to make his way for Anne.

"I dreamt of a guy."

The look on her face was already expected. She gave me a confused look before knitting her eyebrows at me.

Crossing her arms, she then wandered away before raising an eyebrow back at me.

Judging at the gaze she gave me, she was shocked and somehow asking me if I was alright.

Her hands then went upwards along with a shrug.

"Well, that's weird. Why are you telling me---" I cut her off. She won't understand if I won't explain it to her.

"He's being too close to...Anne." Her lips then turned into an 'O' as she then nods at my statement.

She then tries to soothe my doubts by touching my back and patting it.

Yet, I couldn't stop it from lingering my mind. What if Anne terribly wants to stop meeting me because of that guy?

Will it be the end for us two?

"Those are dreams, Nich." I heard Casvielle's voice from behind as she looked at me at the mirror.

Her eyes stared at me from up and down - studying me carefully as she pointed at my attire.

"You're loved. You're unique." Shaking my head, I disagreed. I'm not like him. He is probably full of riches and I am nothing but a butler of an earl.

Nothing can be compared to him who probably has everything.

What can I offer? A love without nothing to give but a beating heart full of sincerity?

"This..." she then trailed off before showing me the room I had. "Is the actual reality."

"No girl should look at the external appearance of a guy," she spoke in a gentle manner before putting her finger where my heart is.

She then smiled at me, her lips curling up as my gaze went straight into looking at her eyes.

"The only girl who only look at the external features of a guy will regret everything in the future." As she explained that, I took another glance at myself.

"Unless she is lucky to have a guy who's handsome and nice at the same time," she concluded as I chuckled.

"That doesn't sound anything like Anne," I told her as she nods.

"True. And, she's lucky to have you," she answered back as I looked down. Is she?

As soon as I came to her life, the earl wanted to kill her so badly.

She's too young for that. Troubles within royalty should stay royalty. But, she was involved in this mess.

I want to doubt myself so badly once again but Casvielle stopped me through her words.

"Don't waste an opportunity, Nicholas. It only comes once in our life, you know." Her words had been stuck in my mind once she had told me that.

It was true. If I hadn't kissed Anne then nothing would happen between our bond.

My hands shortly touched my lips, where my lady had kissed me. "Then, I'm probably nervous."

Casvielle shook her head at me, taking my hands and even gripped it tight. "If you love someone, you'd do anything to be with them."

Taking one pat once more at the back, she walked away and opened the door for me. "Harvor will be the one picking you up. It's still an orientation. So, I'm sure that you'll be fine."

"Milady---" I struggled to speak as she waved me off.

"Just try to get along." I took her advice into my mind as I urged myself to leave my home. I guess it was time to face my lady again. There was no way that I should back out on this one.


I took a visit at Hieno Khavi, the coffee shop where Anne and I met for the first time after a week being seperated from each other.

As I pushed the door of the shop, the memories kept on flooding my mind. My eyes suddenly wandered the small space - stopping at the table where I had seen Anne.

Though at this time, she wasn't here. It was just an empty space near the window. Scanning back around, I saw at least two to three people inside.

The two were couples and the other one was pushing buttons on his laptop - probably a writer who was finishing his manuscript.

Before I could even take another look at the menu, a girl around my age suddenly walked out and smiled at me.

She was a brunnete and her eyes were like dark chocolate. Her fingers fidgeted as I walked towards the counter and smiled.

"What would be your order, sir?" she asked me before I took a quick look at the choices I had.

When I remembered that I still have classes, I just randomly picked an order.

I couldn't risk the time since I still have to meet my lady and surprise her. "Just a cappuchino would do."

I waited for a few minutes and occupied the chair where Anne sat. I'd think of this as our spot from now on - well, except if it's occupied by other people then I have no choice but to sit to another.

As soon as the girl called out my name and gave me my order, I smiled. "Thank you. Keep doing a great job on your first time here."

Her eyes widened yet still gave me a nod. I guess she wasn't expecting me to guess that it was her first time in this coffee shop.

Took a hunch earlier though since I saw her being nervous. All the crew were experienced when I first visited. So, I took it that she was a newbie.

"Are you ready for your first day, Nicholas?" I almost jumped when I had pulled the door open and saw Harvor sitting on the bench outside Hieno Khavi.

This time, he had a pipe on his mouth.

"Mr. Harvor---" He then stood up and waved his hand to stop me from going any further.

"Harvor is just fine." As he pats me on the shoulder, he then said something that was about the others on London.

"Prince Brice told me a lot about you," he told me as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"He did? You had a communication with him?" I asked since I had sent the letter to Casvielle to deliver it to Brice but he hasn't responded yet.

Harvor took a glance back at me and went to give me something from his bag.

"Told me to give you this."

Once I had it on my hands, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows back at him. "His...clothes? Why?"

"It appears that he had been having troubles with the earl lately," he answered as he sighed.

"He did not mention anything to me after that call."

"But, he did told me that he'd need it soon and you should keep it for the time being," he added as I gave a nod back.

If this was Brice telling me that he was coming here, then I'd gladly wait.

"There's a letter in here as well." My eyes looked at the letter with a royal stamp on it. That was weird, he never stamps a royal one if it was for me.

"A letter for me?" I asked for assurance but Harvor just shook his head.

"No. Sadly, he told me that you should just keep it."

"He even said something like..." He then stops to think for a second before facing me again.

"For emergency situations?" I couldn't help but become nervous at this one. Brice never mentioned any 'emergency' once we were in contact.

And if there were troubles, I'm hoping that there is nothing going badly back in London - only a few arguments here and there.

"I don't know what it means. But, I'm sure it's not urgent or anything," Harvor told me as we both walked for a few minutes, passing by some shops and bookstores.

"Oh right. You're going to the Finns University. I'll just drop this off to your house then," he told me before taking back the clothes and the letter. I let him, though.

"But right now, I'll take you there. It's not a good impression if you're late."

As soon as I gave a nod, I looked to my right and saw a boy walking inside a bookstore. My eyes couldn't grasp the fact that he had the same features like the guy who was kissing Anne.

"Wait." I stopped walking as Harvor waits for me. He then looked at the direction I was looking and asked me.

"What's wrong?"

"That guy..." I trailed off as I saw him walking back outside, now carrying a pocketbook in his hand. "I've seen him before."

"You've probably met a lot of people at a young age." My head then turned back to look at Harvor as he just shrugged at my comment.

"It's no wonder that you'd probably seen him when you two were kids."

"No. My gut feelings tell me that he was not from my past." The guy was now long gone and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going to see him again.

"And he won't be any good unlike those people I already met."


Sorry for the hiatus. I've been updating my Filipino books and forgot this one. But, I'm back!

Hello to my readers in MBIAB! I'm back! There is only eight chapters left until the end of this book so I came back to finish it. 💕

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