Chapter 44: Friend or Foe?

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We were now at the rooftop with a tray of food on our hands. Anne's eyes went to back to glance at me as I tried not be nervous at all. There were no students here so having a private chat with my lady wasn't going to be a problem at all.

The royalties had been having problems and even if we were in Finland, we were scared that something bad might happen to any one of them.

She had mentioned earlier that she had been receiving letters from Brice. And the thought of that made me anxious.

First, Brice had gave me his clothes and a royal letter.

That rarely happens since the ones he had been sending me were just tied in a ribbon and was not stamped.

Then, Anne told me that it was urgent - probably even important than the tour of the school since she did not even mentioned any rooms to me.

Second, Anne had told me that these letters were rare for her. Brice never sent her letters once she went to Finland.

So, receiving these now had surprised her. Even then, Brice wasn't fond of sending letters unless he wants to - or needs to.

As we both looked at the horizon and leaned on the railings of the rooftop, Anne was the first one to start the conversation.

I just looked at her direction, not even hesitating to listen to what she has to say.

"Brice first gave me a letter about Augustus calling somebody," she started before she continued the story.

"He told me that Augustus was being suspicious since he heard 'Finland' and 'watch Nicholas' in the same sentence."

"It didn't took him a while to guess that he probably hired someone to watch you."

My eyebrows furrowed after that. It was weird that my own master wanted to keep an eye on me.

But, I already knew that he was probably jealous over us so he wanted to make sure that Anne and I wouldn't be too close to each other.

"Brice even mentioned that Augustus had been eyeing Azaila for a few times. And it wasn't really a friendly look," she explained before she sighed.

"He even said that Augustus was probably trying to kill Azaila since she disobeyed his orders and he won't let it be for too long."

I noticed how tense she was so I tried soothing her by rubbing her back.

"Brice even wrote something about giving his clothes to you in case something happens back in London," she muttered before looking at me. "Did you receive anything?"

"Harvor gave me the clothes and a letter with a royal stamp on it," I finally had mustered up the courage to answer.

"Royal stamp? That's...probably urgent then," she told me as I nodded.

But from the tone of her voice, I already knew what was on her mind. It was not that hard to get the hint - and yet I couldn't do what she wanted me to do. So, I did the best thing I could do.

"He told me not to read it," I replied back as she shrugged - trying to tell that she wasn't even suggesting that. My lips curled into a smile as she tried to hide it by crossing her arms at me.

"Well, I wasn't saying anything." My hand then points at her before replying back.

"Your tone implied it."

She then raised both of her eyebrows in surprise before finally shrugging at me - accepting that she got caught red-handed. Her hands instantly covered her face as she turned away to avoid my gaze. "Okay, you caught me."

"Brice just...never uses that royal stamp unless it's urgent," she concluded, noting what she told me. As a few minutes passed, I widened my eyes as she turns to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"What if Brice wants you to open it but not Harvor?" I blinked. No, that can't be right. If he had wanted me to open it, he would've told me already through Harvor.

"I respect the majesty's decision," I didn't hesitate to contradict her idea. Brice had trusted me for too long, I cannot break our bond just like that. He needs us right now. It was my master's plan to eliminate him and I'm planning to stop him.

"I know that, Nich," she told me before wondering as she puts her hand under her chin.

"But, did he mention anyone for you to give it to? I'm sure that a royal stamp must need someone from a high position who'll receive it."

That was true. A royal stamp means that someone must receive it and even read the content that Brice wrote in that letter. Whoever it may be, he should've mentioned at least a name.

"He didn't mention anyone. Just the warning not to open it," I honestly told Anne as she just sighed.

"Well...that can't help us." She then shook her head and couldn't prevent herself but walk around the rooftop and sat down on the bench on the corner.

I just followed her. "Actually, I'm just a bit shocked that the majesty had noticed those in days."

"He's going to be a king soon, Nich. Having suspicions is normal for royalty." Even if we were far away from each other, she had still managed to make her voice louder so I could hear her.

As she sat on the bench, I just stood by her side, looking around if there were any students. When i had wandered off my thoughts, I remembered the time when I got shot.

If that happened to me - a butler - then there's a possibility that my master could do that to Azaila or Brice for that matter.

"I do wish that Prince Brice and Princess Azaila is fine back in London. Whatever troubles they may have back there," I muttered - letting Anne hear it.

She then sighed before she agreed at my statement. "I wish for that too. If only wish we could go back to the way it was before."

"I wish that I hadn't left London at all."

"Me too, my lady," I agreed as we both fell silent afterwards. The time seemed to be too fast since Anne looked at her watched and almost jumped from her seat.

"Oh, before I forgot. You have to meet Riveo." My eyebrows furrowed as soon as she mentioned a guy's name. What does this 'Riveo' have that made her smile like this as soon as she mentioned him?

"Riveo? Who is that, my lady?" I asked her - making sure that my tone was serious. My hands began to close by itself as she cheekily looked at me and dragged me back inside the university.

As we both descended from the stairs, she gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Riveo's the one who gave me the tour here in Finland."

"He's a friend of mine in this university."

I couldn't really shake the feeling out my chest so I had no choice but to blurt my thoughts out. "I have a bad feeling about this, Riveo."

"Nonsense. You two will bond as soon as you two meet!"

Well, I do hope that he'd be an ally and not a foe.



Sorry if the chapters are a bit quick. This will be proofread soon and I tend to finish this book first before doing that.

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